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Settings for X12 Business Operations

Provides reference information for settings of an X12 business operation.


X12 business operations have the following settings:

Group Settings See
Basic Settings File Name section in this topic
Additional Settings Search Table Class, Default Char Encoding Settings for Business Operations
Auto Batch Parent Segs, Auto Batch Completion Timeout, No Fail While Disconnected, Separators, Validation, Reply Code Actions, Failure Timeout sections in this topic

The remaining settings are either common to all business operations or are determined by the type of adapter. For information, see:

Auto Batch Parent Segs

(File and FTP only) If True, when writing a document that has a batch parent, output the batch header segments first, then child documents, then follow up with the batch trailer segments when triggered by the final batch header document object or by a file name change. If False, omit headers and trailers and output child documents only. The default for X12 is True.

Auto Batch Completion Timeout

(File and FTP only) Providing a value for this setting enables InterSystems IRIS to add trailing segments to batch output which does not yet have the trailing segments necessary to make a complete batch document. The value specifies in seconds the period of time the document must remain unmodified before adding the trailing segments. This setting also ensures that trailing segments are always added between batches which are being written out to the same file. It impacts mainly productions in which the Service used Batch Handling = Individual, although routing a Transaction Set to a different business operation than its parent Group and Interchange would have prevented trailers from being added when Batch Handling = Multi-Session Batch or Batch Handling = Single-Session Batch. This setting has no impact on Batch Handling = Whole Batch.

0 means never timeout. This setting is only relevant if Auto Batch Parent Segs is True.

Default Char Encoding

Specifies the desired character set of output data. InterSystems IRIS® automatically translates the characters to this character encoding. For X12 output, the default is Latin1. See Default Char Encoding in Settings for X12 Business Services.

Failure Timeout

The number of seconds during which to continue retry attempts. After this number of seconds has elapsed, the business operation gives up and returns an error code. X12 business operations automatically set this value to –1 for never time out to ensure that no X12 document is skipped.

File Name

(File and FTP only) Output file name. This setting can include time stamp specifiers. If you leave File Name blank, the default value is %f_%Q where:

  • %f is the name of the data source, in this case the input filename

  • _ is the literal underscore character, which appears in the output filename

  • %Q indicates ODBC format date and time

In substituting a value for the format code %f, InterSystems IRIS strips out any of the characters |,?,\,/,:,[,],<,>,&,,,;,NUL,BEL,TAB,CR,LF, replacing spaces with underscores (_), slashes (/) with hyphens (-), and colons (:) with dots (.).

For full details about time stamp conventions, including a variety of codes you can use instead of the default %f_%Q, see Time Stamp Specifications for Filenames.

No Fail While Disconnected

(TCP only) If True, suspend counting seconds toward the Failure Timeout while disconnected from the TCP server. This setting does not apply if Failure Timeout is –1 or if Stay Connected is 0.

Reply Code Actions

(TCP only) When the adapter setting Get Reply is True, this setting allows you to supply a comma-separated list of code-action pairs, specifying which action the business operation takes on receipt of various types of acknowledgment documents. The format of the list is:

code=action,code=action, ... code=action

Where code represents a literal value found in field TA1:4, AK5:1, or AK9:1 of the acknowledgment document. The following table lists the expected values for code.

Code Meaning
A Accepted
E Accepted, But Errors Were Noted
R Rejected
M Rejected; Message Authentication Code (MAC) Failed
W Rejected; Failed Validity Tests
X Rejected; Content Decryption Failed
~ The tilde character matches replies that do not contain a TA1, AK5 or AK9 segment
_ The underscore character matches replies with an empty value in the field. An empty or whitespace code value is the same as _
* The asterisk character matches any value not matched otherwise (default=S)
I? Matches the case in which the reply ControlId does not match the ControlId of the original document

The following values for action may be used alone or combined to form strings. S is the default action if no other is given, except for A whose default action is C:

Action Meaning
C Treat the document as Completed OK. Code A has a default action of C.
W Log a warning but treat the document as Completed OK.
R Retry the document according to the configured RetryInterval and FailureTimeout; finally Fail unless a different action is also specified
S Suspend the document, log an error, and move on to try the next document. S is the default action for all codes except for code A, which has a default action of C.
D Disable the business operation, log an error and restore the outbound document to the front of the business operation’s queue
F Fail with an error and move on to try the next document

The default value for this setting string is:


This means:

  • A=C—When the action is accepted, treat the document as Completed OK.

  • I?=W—When the reply ControlId does not match the ControlId of the original document, log a warning but treat the document as Completed OK.

  • *=S,~=S—In all other cases, including when replies that do not contain a TA1, AK5 or AK9 segment, suspend the document, log an error, and move on to try the next document.


A string of separator characters which InterSystems IRIS assigns to X12 separators in left to right order as described below.

An X12 document uses special characters to organize its raw contents. These characters may vary from one clinical application to another. For non-empty values of Separators, positions 1 through 3 (left to right) are interpreted as follows:

  1. Data Element Separator (ES)

  2. Component Separator (CS)

  3. Data Element Repeat Separator (RS)

The default values for positions 1 through 3 are:

  1. * (asterisk)

  2. : (colon)

  3. ^ (caret) for SOAP-based operations and \a (record separator) for all other operations

For Separators, you must supply a string of three characters which InterSystems IRIS assigns to X12 separators in left to right order: ES, CS, RS, as described in the previous list.

Any characters in positions 4 through 6 override the default segment terminator character, which is ~ (tilde). You may specify from 0 to 3 characters in positions 4 through 6 using the following:

  • \r for the carriage return (ASCII 13)

  • \n for the line feed (ASCII 10)

  • \a for the array record separator (ASCII 30)

You can use \x in positions 1 through 3 if you need to specify segment terminators in positions 4 and higher but want your output documents to use fewer than 3 separators. Separators designated by \x in positions 1 through 3 are not used. The purpose of \x is simply to extend the length of the list of separators so that position 4 is interpreted correctly as the first segment terminator.

If the Separators string is empty, the default is to use the current default separators and segment terminators for X12, plus a carriage return (ASCII 13) and line feed (ASCII 10), for example:



Any non-empty string triggers basic validation of the outgoing document. If the Validation field is left empty, no validation of the outgoing document is performed.

See Also

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