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Run the Tune Table Utility on the ATNA Audit Database Tables

Optimize SQL querying of the audit tables for management reports and custom queries


In order to minimize the time that it takes to run management reports based on audit data, or to query the audit tables using a custom query, your audit tables should be optimized with the Tune Table utility.


Tune Table requires a representative set of data in your audit tables in order to effectively analyze and optimize querying. After one month of receiving data and having users log in and look up data in your system, run tune table on the following ATNA schemas:

  • HS_IHE_ATNA_Repository

  • HS_IHE_ATNA_Repository_Data

If you receive DICOM data, also run tune table on the following schema:

  • HS_IHE_ATNA_Repository_DICOMData

If you make a change to your system’s data ingestion, for example adding IHE documents or DICOM data. You should run tune table again after one month of collecting the new data.


As tune table uses system resources, it should be run in off hours. Running tune table on a very large audit database with terabytes of data in a live system is not recommended. If a test system has a representative set of data, then one option is to run tune table on the test system and export the result to the live system.

For details on running the tune table utility, see Tune Table.

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