Auditing (Tools/APIs)
Background Information
Auditing is the process of automatically recording selected actions, including actions of the authentication and authorization systems. In InterSystems IRIS® data platform, auditing is considered a security function. The Management Portal provides pages you can use to enable auditing, configure custom audit events, and view the audit log.
See Auditing Guide.
Available Tools
Provides the Audit() method, which enables you to add your own entries to the audit log.
Availability: All namespaces.
Persistent class that contains the audit log. This class provides class queries like the following:
And others.
Availability: All namespaces.
Allows the reporting of data from the logs, and the manipulation of entries in the audit logs as well as the logs themselves. See Command-Line Security Management Utilities.
Availability: All namespaces.
Enable you to set up structured logging, which will write the same messages seen in the audit database to a machine-readable file that can be ingested by your choice of monitoring tool. See Setting Up Structured Logging.
Availability: %SYS namespace.
The special variable $SYSTEM is bound to the %SYSTEM package. This means that instead of ##class(%SYSTEM.class).method(), you can use $SYSTEM.class.method().