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Set the default SQL schema name.


[SQL]    DefaultSchema=n

n is a string with a maximum length of 128 characters. The default string is SQLUser.


DefaultSchema defines the default SQL schema name. The default schema name comes into play when an unqualified table name is encountered in an SQL statement and there is no #import statement specified. This setting has nothing to do with the mappings between SQL schema names and the class package name; it only specifies the default schema name.

If you specify _CURRENT_USER as the default schema name, the default schema name becomes the username of the currently logged-in process or, if the process has not logged in, SQLUser becomes the default schema name.

If you specify _CURRENT_USER/name as the default schema name, where name is any string of your choice, then the default schema name becomes the username of the currently logged-in process or, if the process has not logged in, name is used as the default schema name. For example, _CURRENT_USER/HMO uses HMO as the default schema name if the process has not logged in.

For further details, refer to the CREATE TABLE and CREATE VIEW commands.

Changing This Parameter

On the SQL page of the Management Portal (System Administration > Configuration > SQL and Object Settings > SQL), for the Default Schema setting, enter a string of characters.

You can also change DefaultSchema with the Config.SQLOpens in a new tab class (as described in the class reference) or by editing the CPF in a text editor (as described in Editing the Active CPF).

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