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$NCONVERT (ObjectScript)

Converts a number to a binary value encoded in a string of 8-bit characters.




Argument Description
n Any number, which can be specified as a value, a variable, or an expression. Additional limitations on valid values are imposed by the format selected.
format One of the following format codes, specified as a quoted string: S1, S2, S4, S8, U1, U2, U4, F4, or F8.
endian Optional — A boolean value, where 0 = little-endian and 1 = big-endian. The default is 0.


$NCONVERT uses the specified format to convert the number n to an encoded string of 8-bit characters. The values of these characters are in the range $CHAR(0) through $CHAR(255).

The following are the supported format codes:

Code Description
S1 Signed integer encoded into a string of one 8-bit byte. The value must be in the range -128 through 127, inclusive.
S2 Signed integer encoded into a string of two 8-bit bytes. The value must be in the range -32768 through 32767, inclusive.
S4 Signed integer encoded into a string of four 8-bit bytes. The value must be in the range -2147483648 through 2147483647, inclusive.
S8 Signed integer encoded into a string of eight 8-bit bytes. The value must be in the range -9223372036854775808 through 9223372036854775807, inclusive.
U1 Unsigned integer encoded into a string of one 8-bit byte. The maximum value is 255.
U2 Unsigned integer encoded into a string of two 8-bit bytes. The maximum value is 65535.
U4 Unsigned integer encoded into a string of four 8-bit bytes. The maximum value is 4294967295.
F4 IEEE floating point number encoded into a string of four 8-bit bytes.
F8 IEEE floating point number encoded into a string of eight 8-bit bytes.

Values beyond the range of format limits result in a <VALUE OUT OF RANGE> error. Specifying a negative number for an Unsigned format results in a <VALUE OUT OF RANGE> error. If n is a non-numeric value (contains any non-numeric characters) InterSystems IRIS performs conversion of a string to a numeric value. A string beginning with a non-numeric character is converted to 0.

InterSystems IRIS rounds a fractional number to an integer value for all formats except F4 and F8.

You can use the IsBigEndian()Opens in a new tab class method to determine which bit ordering is used on your operating system platform: 1=big-endian bit order; 0=little-endian bit order.

  WRITE $SYSTEM.Version.IsBigEndian()

$SCONVERT provides the inverse of the $NCONVERT operation.


The following example converts a series of unsigned numbers to two-byte encoded values:

  FOR x=250:1:260 {
    ZZDUMP $NCONVERT(x,"U2") }

The following example performs the same operation in big-endian order:

  FOR x=250:1:260 {
    ZZDUMP $NCONVERT(x,"U2",1) }

See Also

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