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$SELECT (ObjectScript)

Returns the value associated with the first true expression.




Argument Description
expression The select test for the associated value argument.
value The value to be returned if the associated expression evaluates to true.


The $SELECT function returns the value associated with the first expression that evaluates to true (1). Each $SELECT argument is a pair of expressions separated by a colon. The left half is a boolean expression that evaluates to 1 (true) or 0 (false). The right half is a value to be returned; value can be any expression. Any number of comma-separated expression:value pairs can be specified.

In the following example, the truth values of the first three expressions are tested; if none of them evaluate to true, the final expression (which always evaluates to true) returns its value:

  WRITE $SELECT(x=1:"1st is True",x=2:"2nd is True",x=3:"3rd is True",1:"The Default")

$SELECT evaluates the expressions from left to right. When $SELECT discovers a truth-valued expression with the value of true (1), it returns the matching expression to the right of the colon. $SELECT stops evaluation after it discovers the left-most true truth-valued expression. It never evaluates later pairs on the argument list.

You can construct complex logic by nesting $SELECT functions. Like all evaluated truth conditions, a NOT logical operator (') can be applied to a nested $SELECT.



The select test for the associated value argument. It can be any valid InterSystems IRIS relational or logical expression. If no expression evaluates to true, the system generates a <SELECT> error. To prevent an error from disrupting an executing routine, the final expression can be the value 1, which always evaluates to true.

When expression is a string or numeric, any non-zero numeric value evaluates to true. A zero numeric value or a non-numeric string evaluates to false.


The value to be returned if the associated expression evaluates to true. It can be a numeric value, a string literal, a variable name, or any valid ObjectScript expression. If you specify an expression for value, it is evaluated only after the associated expression evaluates to true. If value contains a subscripted global reference, it changes the naked indicator when it is evaluated. For this reason, be careful when using naked global references either within or immediately after a $SELECT function. For more details on the naked indicator, see Naked Global Reference.


To ensure that a <SELECT> error never results, you should always include the value 1 as the last expression with an appropriate default value. This is shown in the following example:

   READ !,"Which level?: ",a 
   SET x=$SELECT(a=1:"Level1",a=2:"Level2",a=3:"Level3",1:"Start")
   DO @x
   WRITE !,"This is Level 1"
   WRITE !,"This is Level 2"
   WRITE !,"This is Level 3"

If the user enters a value other then 1, 2, 3, or the null string, control is passed back to the top of the routine.

You can use $SELECT to replace multiple IF clauses. The following example uses IF, ELSEIF, and ELSE clauses to determine whether a number is odd or even:

   READ !,"Enter an Integer: ",x
   WRITE !,"The input value is "
   IF 0=$ISVALIDNUM(x) { WRITE "not a number" }
   ELSEIF x=0 { WRITE "zero" }
   ELSEIF ""=$NUMBER(x,"I") { WRITE "not an integer" }
   ELSEIF x#2=1 { WRITE "odd" }
   ELSE  { WRITE "even" }
   DO OddEven

The following example also accepts a number and determines if the number is odd or even. It uses $SELECT to replace the IF command in the previous example:

   READ !,"Enter an Integer: ",x
   WRITE !,"The input value is "
   WRITE $SELECT(0=$ISVALIDNUM(x):"not a number",x=0:"zero",
                 ""=$NUMBER(x,"I"):"not an integer",x#2=1:"odd",1:"even")
   DO OddEven


Both $SELECT and $CASE perform a left-to-right matching operation on a series of expressions and return the value associated with the first match. $SELECT tests a series of boolean expressions and returns the value associated with the first expression that evaluates true. $CASE matches a target value to a series of expressions and returns the value associated with the first match.

See Also

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