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$SORTEND (ObjectScript)

Concludes the sorting mode initiated by $SORTBEGIN.




Argument Description
set_global Optional — A global variable that was specified in a corresponding $SORTBEGIN. If omitted, $SORTEND concludes all $SORTBEGIN operations for the current process.
dosort Optional — A flag argument. If 1, InterSystems IRIS performs the sort operation initiated by $SORTBEGIN and copies the sorted data into set_global. If 0, InterSystems IRIS terminates the sort operation without copying any data. The default is 1.


$SORTEND specifies the end of a special sorting mode initiated by $SORTBEGIN on a specific target global. The value of the $SORTEND set_global must match the corresponding $SORTBEGIN set_global.

If you omit set_global, $SORTEND ends all current sorting modes initiated by all active $SORTBEGIN functions for the current process. Therefore, $SORTEND() or $SORTEND(,1) end and commit all current sorting modes for the process; $SORTEND(,0) aborts all current sorting modes for the process.

  • If successful, $SORTEND returns a positive integer count of the total number of global nodes set. When set_global is specified, this is the number of sets applied to the specified set_global variable. When set_global is omitted, this is the number of sets applied to all current $SORTBEGIN set_global variables. This integer count is returned regardless of the dosort flag setting.

  • If unsuccessful, $SORTEND returns -1. For example, if $SORTEND specifies a set_global that does not have a corresponding active $SORTBEGIN.

  • If no-op, $SORTEND returns 0. This can occur if you there are no sets applied to the specified set_global variable, or if there is no active $SORTBEGIN when you issue a $SORTEND that does not specify a set_global.

If the mapping of the namespace of set_global is changed between $SORTBEGIN and $SORTEND, a <NAMESPACE> error occurs when you invoke $SORTEND. However, if $SORTBEGIN specifies set_global with an implied namespaces, subsequent namespace mapping changes have no effect on $SORTEND. Global references with implied namespace and global references with explicit namespaces should not be mixed in the same sort operation. For information on modifying namespaces, see Configuring Namespaces.


The following example applies three sets to the global ^myyestest. $SORTEND returns 3. Because dosort is 1, these sets are applied, as shown by the $DATA function return values:

  WRITE $SORTBEGIN(^myyestest),!
    SET ^myyestest(1)="apple"
    SET ^myyestest(2)="orange"
    SET ^myyestest(3)="banana"
  WRITE $SORTEND(^myyestest,1),!
  WRITE $DATA(^myyestest(1)),!
  WRITE $DATA(^myyestest(2)),!
  WRITE $DATA(^myyestest(3))
  KILL ^myyestest

The following example applies three sets to the global ^mynotest. $SORTEND returns 3. Because dosort is 0, these sets are not applied, as shown by the $DATA function return values:

  WRITE $SORTBEGIN(^mynotest),!
    SET ^mynotest(1)="apple"
    SET ^mynotest(2)="orange"
    SET ^mynotest(3)="banana"
  WRITE $SORTEND(^mynotest,0),!
  WRITE $DATA(^mynotest(1)),!
  WRITE $DATA(^mynotest(2)),!
  WRITE $DATA(^mynotest(3))
  KILL ^mynotest

The following two examples specify two $SORTBEGIN operations, and within them apply three sets to the global ^mytesta and two sets to the global ^mytestb. $SORTEND does not specify a set_global, and therefore ends all current $SORTBEGIN operations and returns 5. Note that in both examples $SORTEND returns 5, though the first example commits these sets and the second example aborts these sets.

  WRITE $SORTBEGIN(^mytesta),!
    SET ^mytesta(1)="apple"
    SET ^mytesta(2)="orange"
    SET ^mytesta(3)="banana"
  WRITE $SORTBEGIN(^mytestb),!
    SET ^mytestb(1)="corn"
    SET ^mytestb(2)="carrot"
  WRITE "$SORTEND returns: ",$SORTEND(,1),!
    WRITE "global sets committed?: ",$DATA(^mytesta(2))
  KILL ^mytesta,^mytestb
  WRITE $SORTBEGIN(^mytesta),!
    SET ^mytesta(1)="apple"
    SET ^mytesta(2)="orange"
    SET ^mytesta(3)="banana"
  WRITE $SORTBEGIN(^mytestb),!
    SET ^mytestb(1)="corn"
    SET ^mytestb(2)="carrot"
  WRITE "$SORTEND returns: ",$SORTEND(,0),!
    WRITE "global sets committed?: ",$DATA(^mytesta(2))
  KILL ^mytesta,^mytestb

See Also

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