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Language (Class Keyword)

Specifies the default language used to implement methods for this class.


To specify the default language used to implement methods in this class, use the following syntax:

Class MyApp.MyClass [ Language = language ] 
{ //class members}

Where language is one of the following:

  • objectscript — ObjectScript (the default)

  • tsql — Transact-SQL

Or omit this keyword. In this case, InterSystems IRIS uses the default language (ObjectScript).


This keyword specifies the default language used to implement methods for this class. Individual methods can override this value using the method’s Language keyword.

Effect on Subclasses

This keyword is not inherited.


If you omit this keyword, the language is ObjectScript.


You cannot specify Language = ispl or Language = python at the class level; you can only use these values for methods.


The default language for methods of a sharded class cannot be any language other than ObjectScript.

See Also

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