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File and Directory Names

The %Library.FileOpens in a new tab class provides several class methods that you can use to work with file and directory names. In most cases, the files and directories do not need to exist in order to use these methods.


If you specify a partial filename or directory name, most of these methods assume that you are referring to an item relative to the directory that contains the default globals database for the namespace you are working in. This directory is referred here as the “default directory.” Any exceptions to this rule are noted.

Also, these methods treat the file or directory name as case-sensitive only if the underlying operating system treats file and directory names as case-sensitive. That is, file or directory names are case-sensitive on UNIX® but not case-sensitive on Windows.

Get File and Directory Names

The %Library.FileOpens in a new tab class provides class methods that you can use to obtain parts of file and directory names.

Given a full pathname, use GetDirectory() and GetFilename() to get the directory and the short filename respectively. For this method, partial directory names are not permitted.

USER>set filename = "C:\temp\samples\sample.html"
USER>write ##class(%File).GetDirectory(filename)
USER>write ##class(%File).GetFilename(filename)

Given a filename, use CanonicalFilename() to get the full path from the root:

USER>set filename = "iris.dat"
USER>write ##class(%File).CanonicalFilename(filename)
USER>write ##class(%File).CanonicalFilename("foo.dat")

If the file cannot be opened, the CanonicalFilename() method returns an empty string.

Given a directory name, use ComputeFullDBDir() to construct the canonical form of the directory name.

USER>write ##class(%File).ComputeFullDBDir("foodirectory")

Given a directory name, use GetDirectoryLength() and GetDirectoryPiece() to get the number of pieces in the directory and a specific piece, respectively. Pieces can be delimited by slash (/) or backslash (\), depending on the operating system.

USER>set dir = "C:\temp\samples"
USER>write ##class(%File).GetDirectoryLength(dir)
USER>write ##class(%File).GetDirectoryPiece(dir,1)

Given a filename or directory name, use ParentDirectoryName() to get the parent directory.

USER>set dir = "stream"
USER>write ##class(%File).ParentDirectoryName(dir)

Normalize File and Directory Names

The %Library.FileOpens in a new tab class provides class methods that return normalized file and directory names (following the naming rules of the operating system on which the server is running). These are useful when you are creating new file and directory names by appending name pieces to existing names.

Given a filename, NormalizeFilename() returns the normalized filename.

Given a directory name, NormalizeDirectory() returns the normalized directory name.

The methods return normalized names that are appropriate for use on the underlying operating system and will attempt to normalize slash (/) or backslash (\) path delimiters.

Windows examples:

USER>set filename = "C:\temp//samples\myfile.txt"
USER>write ##class(%File).NormalizeFilename(filename)
USER>write ##class(%File).NormalizeDirectory("stream")

Unix examples:

USER>set filename = "/tmp//samples/myfile.txt"
USER>write ##class(%File).NormalizeFilename(filename)
USER>write ##class(%File).NormalizeDirectory("stream")

Add a second argument when calling one of these methods to normalize the directory name or filename relative to a specified directory. The directory must exist.

Windows examples:

USER>write ##class(%File).NormalizeFilename("myfile.txt", "C:\temp\samples")
USER>write ##class(%File).NormalizeDirectory("stream", "")

Unix examples:

USER>write ##class(%File).NormalizeFilename("myfile.txt", "/tmp/samples")
USER>write ##class(%File).NormalizeDirectory("stream", "")

The SubDirectoryName() method is similar to the two-argument form of NormalizeDirectory(), except the order of the arguments is reversed. Also the directory does not need to exist. Pass a 1 in the third argument to add a trailing delimiter, or a 0 to omit it (the default).

Windows examples:

USER>write ##class(%File).SubDirectoryName("C:\foobar", "samples")
USER>write ##class(%File).SubDirectoryName("", "stream", 1)

Unix examples:

USER>write ##class(%File).SubDirectoryName("/foobar", "samples")
USER>write ##class(%File).SubDirectoryName("", "stream", 1)

Handle File and Directory Names with Spaces

For file names and directory names that include spaces, use NormalizeFilenameWithSpaces(), which handles spaces in pathnames as appropriate to the host platform. Unlike NormalizeFilename() and NormalizeDirectory(), this method takes only one argument and cannot normalize a file or directory name relative to another directory, nor does it normalize partial file or directory names relative to the default directory.

On Windows systems, if the pathname contains spaces, and the file or directory does not exist, the method returns the pathname enclosed in double quotes. If the pathname contains spaces, and the file or directory does exist, the method returns the short form of the pathname. If the pathname does not contain spaces, the method returns the pathname unaltered.

USER>write ##class(%File).NormalizeFilenameWithSpaces("C:\temp\nonexistant folder")
"C:\temp\nonexistant folder"
USER>write ##class(%File).NormalizeFilenameWithSpaces("C:\temp\existant folder")
USER>write ##class(%File).NormalizeFilenameWithSpaces("iris.dat")

For further details, see %Library.File.NormalizeFilenameWithSpaces()Opens in a new tab in the class reference.

On Unix systems, if the pathname contains spaces, the method returns the pathname enclosed in double quotes. If the pathname does not contain spaces, the method returns the pathname unaltered.

USER>write ##class(%File).NormalizeFilenameWithSpaces("/InterSystems/my directory")
"/InterSystems/my directory"
USER>write ##class(%File).NormalizeFilenameWithSpaces("iris.dat")

Construct and Deconstruct File and Directory Names

The %Library.FileOpens in a new tab class provides class methods that let you construct a filename from an array of paths or deconstruct a filename into an array of paths.

Given an array of paths, Construct() assembles the paths and returns the filename. The filename constructed is appropriate to the server platform. Calling this method without arguments returns the default directory.

Given a filename, Deconstruct() disassembles the filename and returns an array of paths. The contents of the array is appropriate to the server platform.

The following Windows example passes an array dirs to Construct(). The empty string in the last array location indicates that the filename returned should terminate in a \.

USER>zwrite dirs
USER>write ##class(%File).Construct(dirs...)

The following Unix example calls Construct() without arguments. The method returns the default directory.

USER>set default = ##class(%File).Construct()

USER>write default

The following Unix example calls Deconstruct(), which takes the paths in the variable default and stores them in array defaultdir.

USER>do ##class(%File).Deconstruct(default, .defaultdir)

USER>zwrite defaultdir

Get the System Manager Directory

Use the ManagerDirectory() method to get the fully qualified name of the installdir/mgr directory. For example:

USER>write ##class(%File).ManagerDirectory()
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