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UNIX®, Linux, and macOS Unattended Installation

This page details the steps for unattended installations on UNIX®, Linux, and macOS.

Make sure you have completed the following before performing the steps on this page:

Unattended Installation Overview


  • You can perform unattended installation of InterSystems IRIS instances on your systems using the irisinstall_silent script.

  • An unattended installation gets configuration specifications from the configuration parameters and the packages specified on the irisinstall_silent command line.

  • Each specified package represents an InterSystems IRIS component; the installation scripts for each component are contained in the packages directory below the directory containing the irisinstall_silent script.

  • The general format for the irisinstall_silent command line is to precede the command itself by setting environment variables to define the installation parameters. See the example for details.


sudo ISC_PACKAGE_INSTANCENAME="<instancename>"
 ISC_PACKAGE_INITIAL_SECURITY="Minimal"|"Normal"|"Locked Down"
 ISC_PACKAGE_CLIENT_COMPONENTS="<component1> <component2> ..."
 ./irisinstall_silent [<pkg> ...]

Step 1: Before Beginning


  • Before beginning your installation, perform the necessary pre-installation steps.

  • Determine your strategy for installing an external web server:

    • The easiest option is to install the Apache httpd web server before beginning the installation. The installer can auto-configure this web server.

    • If you intend on using a different web server or manually configuring the IIS web server, review Installing a Web Server for necessary steps that must be performed prior to the installation.

Step 2: Log in as root


  • Log in as user ID root.

  • It is acceptable to su (superuser) to root while logged in from another account.


Step 3: Determine Parameters to Specify


  • Include the required unattended installation parameters:

    • ISC_PACKAGE_INSTANCENAME=“<instancename>

    • ISC_PACKAGE_INSTALLDIR=“<install-dir>” (New instances only)

    • ISC_PACKAGE_USER_PASSWORD=“<password>” (Required for installations with Normal or Locked Down security levels)

  • For details on these required parameters see Unattended Installation Parameters.

  • The installation uses the default for any parameter that is not included. The installation fails if a required parameter is not included.


Step 4: Unattended Installation Packages


  • Do not include a package name or include the standard_install package.


  • The installation scripts for each component are contained in the packages directory below the directory containing the irisinstall_silent script.

  • Each package is in its own directory, and each package directory contains a manifest.isc file defining prerequisite packages for the package in that directory.

  • The standard_install package is the starting point for a server install in which all packages are installed.

  • You can include one or more of these packages in your installation.

  • You can also define a custom package for your installation. See Unattended Installation Packages for details.

  • For details on more complex custom installation packages, see Adding UNIX® Installation Packages to an InterSystems IRIS Distribution.

Step 5: Create Installation Command


  • Create an installation command using the following format:

    sudo ISC_PACKAGE_INSTANCENAME="<instance-name>" ISC_PACKAGE_INSTALLDIR=<install-dir> [PARAMETERS] ./irisinstall_silent [PACKAGES]
  • Include any additional parameters separated by spaces.

  • Include any specific packages separated by spaces.


  • In this example, all packages are installed with minimal security:

    sudo ISC_PACKAGE_INSTANCENAME="MyIris" ISC_PACKAGE_INSTALLDIR="/opt/MyIris1" ./irisinstall_silent

    If the MyIris instance already exists, it is upgraded; otherwise, it is installed in the /opt/MyIris1 directory.

  • In this example, the installation is aborted and an error is thrown if the instance named MyIris does not already exist:

    sudo ISC_PACKAGE_INSTANCENAME="MyIris" ./irisinstall_silent
  • In this example, only the database_server and odbc packages and the odbc client binding are installed with minimal security:

    ISC_PACKAGE_CLIENT_COMPONENTS="odbc" ./irisinstall_silent database_server odbc

Step 6: Execute Command


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