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InterSystems Supply Chain Orchestrator 2024.1
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Extended Global References

You can refer to a global located in a namespace other than the current namespace. To do this, you use a syntax form known as an extended global reference or just an extended reference.

Note that the rule about the maximum length of a global reference applies to extended global references as well as to the more common global references.

Forms and Syntaxes

There are two forms of extended references, differing in how they refer to the location of the global:

  • Explicit namespace reference — This form explicitly includes the name of the namespace where the global is located.

  • Implied namespace reference — Rather than using the namespace name, this form includes the database directory and, optionally, the system name. In this case, no global mappings apply, because the physical dataset (directory and system) is given as part of the global reference.


    The examples shown here use the Windows directory structure. In practice, the form of such references is operating-system dependent.

Explicit namespace references are preferred, because they allow for redefinition of logical mappings externally, as requirements change, without altering your application code.

For each of these forms of extended references, InterSystems IRIS supports two syntaxes:

  • Bracket syntax, which encloses the extended reference with square brackets ([ ]).

  • Environment syntax, which encloses the extended reference with vertical bars (| |).

Bracket Syntax

You can use bracket syntax to specify an extended global reference with either an explicit namespace or an implied namespace:

Explicit namespace:


Implied namespace:


In an explicit namespace reference, nspace is a defined namespace that the global glob has not currently been mapped or replicated to. In an implied namespace reference, dir is a directory (the name of which includes a trailing backslash: \), sys is a system, and glob is a global within that directory. If nspace or dir is specified as a carat (^), the reference is to a process-private global.

You must include quotation marks around the directory and system names or the namespace name unless you specify them as variables. The directory and system together comprise an implied namespace. An implied namespace can reference either:

  • The specified directory on the specified system.

  • The specified directory on your local system, if you do not specify a system name in the reference. If you omit the system name from an implied namespace reference, you must supply a double caret (^^) within the directory reference to indicate the omitted system name.

To specify an implied namespace on a remote system:


To specify an implied namespace on the local system:


For example, to access the global SAMPLE in the C:\BUSINESS\ directory on a machine called SALES:


To access the global SAMPLE in the C:\BUSINESS\ directory on your local machine:

   Set x = ^["^^C:\BUSINESS\"]SAMPLE

To access the global SAMPLE in the defined namespace MARKETING:


To access the process-private global SAMPLE:

   Set x = ^["^"]SAMPLE

Bracket Syntax with References to Databases

InterSystems IRIS provides special bracket syntaxes to represent databases within extended references.

You can create an extended reference that includes a database name, as specified in the CPF file. Use the format :ds:DB_name. For example


A similar syntax is available for an extended reference that refers to a database on a mirror. Use the format :mirror:mirror_name:mirror_DB_name. For example, when referring to the database with the mirror database name mirdb1 in the mirror CORPMIR, you could form an implied reference as follows:


The mirrored database path can be used for both local and remote databases.

Environment Syntax

The environment syntax is defined as:


"env" can have one of five formats:

  • The null string ("") — The current namespace on the local system.

  • "namespace" — A defined namespace that global is not currently mapped to. Namespace names are not case-sensitive. If namespace has the special value of "^", it is a process-private global.

  • "^^dir" — An implied namespace whose default directory is the specified directory on your local system, where dir includes a trailing backslash (\).

  • "^system^dir" — An implied namespace whose default directory is the specified directory on the specified remote system, where dir includes a trailing backslash (\).

  • omitted — If there is no "env" at all, it is a process-private global.

To access the global SAMPLE in your current namespace on your current system, when no mapping has been defined for SAMPLE, use the following syntax:

   Set x = ^|""|SAMPLE

This is the same as the simple global reference:

   Set x = ^SAMPLE

To access the global SAMPLE mapped to the defined namespace MARKETING:


You can use an implied namespace to access the global SAMPLE in the directory C:\BUSINESS\ on your local system:

   Set x = ^|"^^C:\BUSINESS\"|SAMPLE

You can use an implied namespace to access the global SAMPLE in the directory C:\BUSINESS on a remote system named SALES:


To access the process-private global SAMPLE:

   Set x = ^||SAMPLE
   Set x=^|"^"|SAMPLE

See Also

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