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InterSystems Supply Chain Orchestrator 2024.1
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Troubleshooting Assistance

This topic provides tasks and actions that may be useful when trying to troubleshooting an issue.


If your problem requires urgent attention, call the WRCOpens in a new tab for immediate help.

General Troubleshooting

This section contains advice and steps to follow in any troubleshooting scenario.

Pinpoint where and when the issue originated.
  • What do you observe when the problem happens? Is there an error message? What specifically goes wrong?

  • What time did the issue start?

  • Does the problem appear at a certain time of day or day of the week?

  • Where did the problem first appear? If your system has multiple instances, on which one did the problem start?

  • Has anything changed on the system recently that may have caused the issue?

Review the logs for warnings, errors, and alerts.

The following logs may contain useful information about the issue. Look for warnings, errors, or alerts around the time that the issue began.

Troubleshooting Licensing

Ensure the InterSystems IRIS license is valid and current.

Troubleshooting Mirroring

Check the Mirror Monitor and Mirror Status Monitor.
Ensure the InterSystems IRIS license is valid and current.

Contact the WRC

The InterSystems Worldwide Response Center (WRC)Opens in a new tab is available to help diagnose and resolve any issues that may arise. Whatever information you have can help the WRC quickly identify what is causing the issue. This section describes steps you can perform to provide the WRC with as much information as possible.


If your problem requires urgent attention, the fastest way to receive help is by calling the WRCOpens in a new tab.

Summarize the issue.
  • Can the issue be reproduced? Does it occur consistently?

  • Has anything changed on the system recently that may have caused the issue?

Record the version information for InterSystems IRIS and its operating system.
  • The $ZVERSION variable contains this useful information.

Run monitoring utilities.
Get in touch with the WRC
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