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InterSystems Supply Chain Orchestrator 2024.1
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BPL Elements

This reference provides detailed information about each BPL element.


If you want to view or edit the XML for a BPL, edit the BPL using Studio and click View other code.

  • Common Attributes and Elements – Describes attributes and elements that are present in most BPL elements.
  • <alert> – Send an alert message to a user device during execution of a business process.
  • <assign> – Assign a value to a property in the business process execution context.
  • <branch> – Conditionally cause an immediate change in the flow of execution.
  • <break> – Break out of a loop and exit the loop activity.
  • <call> – Send a request to a business operation, or to another business process.
  • <case> – Perform a set of activities when a condition is matched within a <switch> element.
  • <catch> – Catch a fault produced by a <throw> element.
  • <catchall> – Catch a fault or system error that does not match any <catch>.
  • <code> – Execute lines of custom code.
  • <compensate> – Invoke a <compensationhandler> from <catch> or <catchall>.
  • <compensationhandlers> and <compensationhandler> – Provide compensation handlers, each of which performs a sequence of activities to undo a previous action.
  • <context> – Define general-purpose properties in the business process execution context.
  • <continue> – Jump to the next iteration within a loop, without exiting the loop.
  • <default> – Perform a set of activities when no matching condition can be found within a <switch> element.
  • <delay> – Delay execution of a business process for a specified duration or until a future time.
  • <empty> – Perform no action.
  • <false> – Perform a set of activities when the condition for an <if> element is false.
  • <faulthandlers> – Provide zero or more <catch> and one <catchall> element to catch faults and system errors.
  • <flow> – Perform activities in a non-determinate order.
  • <foreach> – Define a sequence of activities to be executed iteratively.
  • <if> – Evaluate a condition and perform one action if true, another if false.
  • <label> – Provide a destination for a conditional branch operation.
  • <milestone> – Store a message to acknowledge a step achieved by a business process.
  • <parameters> and <parameter> – Specifies the parameters for another BPL element as a set of name-value pairs.
  • <process> – Define a business process.
  • <property> – Define a property within the <context> element for a business process.
  • <pyFromImport> – Specifies optional Python from / import statements.
  • <reply> – Send a response from a business process before its execution is complete.
  • <request> – Prepare a request within a <call> element.
  • <response> – Handle a response received within a <call> element.
  • <rule> – Refer to a production business rule class.
  • <sequence> – Perform activities in sequential order.
  • <scope> – Define the error handling mechanisms for a sequence of activities.
  • <sql> – Execute an embedded SQL SELECT statement.
  • <switch> – Evaluate a set of conditions to determine which of several actions to perform.
  • <sync> – Wait for a response from one or more asynchronous requests.
  • <throw> – Throw a specific, named fault.
  • <trace> – Write a message to the foreground ObjectScript shell.
  • <transform> – Transform one object into another using a data transformation.
  • <true> – Perform a set of activities when the condition for an <if> element is true.
  • <until> – Perform activities repeatedly until a condition is true.
  • <while> – Perform activities repeatedly as long as a condition is true.
  • <xpath> – Evaluate XPath expressions on a target XML document.
  • <xslt> – Execute an embedded XSLT transformation.
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