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InterSystems Supply Chain Orchestrator 2024.1
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Catch a fault produced by a <throw> element.


   <throw fault='"MyFault"'/>
      <catch fault='"MyFault"'>

Attributes and Elements

fault attribute

Required. The name of the fault. It can be a literal text string (up to 255 characters) or an expression to be evaluated.

LanguageOverride attribute

Optional. Specifies the scripting language in which any expressions (within in this element) are written.

Can be "python", "objectscript", or "basic" (not documented). Default is the language specified in the containing <process> element.

name, disabled, xpos, ypos, xend, yend attributes
Other elements

Optional. <catch> may contain zero or more of the following elements in any combination: <alert>, <assign>, <branch>, <break>, <call>, <code>, <compensate>, <continue>, <delay>, <empty>, <foreach>, <if>, <label>, <milestone>, <reply>, <rule>, <scope>, <sequence>, <sql>, <switch>, <sync>, <throw>, <trace>, <transform>, <until>, <while>, <xpath>, or <xslt>.


When a <throw> statement executes, control immediately shifts to the <faulthandlers> block inside the same <scope>, skipping all intervening statements after the <throw>. Inside the <faulthandlers> block, the program attempts to find a <catch> block whose value attribute matches the fault string expression in the <throw> statement. This comparison is case-sensitive. When you specify a fault string it needs the extra set of quotes to contain it, as shown below:

<catch fault='"thrown"'/>

If there is a <catch> block that matches the fault, the program executes the code within this <catch> block and then exits the <scope>. The program resumes execution at the next statement following the closing </scope> element.

If a fault is thrown, and the corresponding <faulthandlers> block contains no <catch> block that matches the fault string, control shifts from the <throw> statement to the <catchall> block inside <faulthandlers>. After executing the contents of the <catchall> block, the program exits the <scope>. The program resumes execution at the next statement following the closing </scope> element. It is good programming practice to ensure that there is always a <catchall> block inside every <faulthandlers> block, to ensure that the program catches any unanticipated errors.

For details, see Handling Errors in BPL.


If a <catchall> is provided, it must be the last statement in the <faulthandlers> block. All <catch> blocks must appear before <catchall>.

See Also

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