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Settings for the Email Inbound Adapter

Provides reference information for settings of the email inbound adapter.


The inbound email adapter has the following settings:

Group Settings
Basic Settings POP3 Server, POP3 Port, Credentials, Call Interval
Connection Settings SSL Configuration, SSL Check Server Identity
OAuth2 OAuth2 Authorization Properties, OAuth2 Authorization Workflow Role, OAuth2 Callback Handler, OAuth2 Client Application Name, OAuth2 Grant Type, OAuth2 Scope
OAuth2 Grant Specific OAuth2 JWT Subject
Additional Settings Match From, Match To, Match Subject

The remaining settings are common to all business services. For information, see Settings for All Business Services.

Call Interval

Number of seconds that the adapter will wait before checking again for new email, before checking for a shutdown signal from the production framework.

If the adapter finds input, it acquires the data and passes it to the business service. The business service processes the data, and then the adapter immediately begins waiting for new input. This cycle continues whenever the production is running and the business service is enabled and scheduled to be active.

The default Call Interval is 5 seconds. The minimum is 0.1 seconds.


ID of the production credentials that contain the username and password of a valid mailbox on the given POP3 server. See Defining Production Credentials.

Match From

A list of strings to look for in the From: field of incoming email messages, separated by semicolons (;). If this setting is null, the From: field is ignored when selecting messages to retrieve. For details, see Specifying the Messages to Retrieve.

Match Subject

A list of strings to look for in the Subject: field of email messages, separated by semicolons (;). If this setting is null, the Subject: field is ignored when selecting messages to retrieve. For details, see Specifying the Messages to Retrieve.

Match To

A list of strings to look for in the To: field of email messages, separated by semicolons (;). If this setting is null, the To: field is ignored when selecting messages to retrieve. For details, see Specifying the Messages to Retrieve.

OAuth2 Authorization Properties

Extra properties in the grant flow authorization process.

Comma separated key value pairs such as access_type=offline,prompt=consent.

OAuth2 Authorization Workflow Role

The Workflow Role to which authorization requests will be sent depending on Grant Type flow. For more information on workflow roles, see Workflow Roles and Users.

OAuth2 Callback Handler

If OAuth2 Client Application Name is specified, this class is used to handle obtaining the access token. The default is Ens.Util.XOAuth2.Handler which can be subclassed for access token retrieval customization.

OAuth2 Client Application Name

The OAuth2 Client Configuration Application name to use. This is the client configuration created in InterSystems IRIS® OAuth 2.0 settings. If specified, sub classes can use this as an indication that OAuth 2.0 is to be used and the name is used in the Authorization and Access Token retrieval process.

OAuth2 Grant Type

This is the grant type flow that the OAuth2 Callback Handler will follow. Ability to follow the grant flow type will depend on the OAuth2 Callback Handler implementation, as well as InterSystems IRIS® and the external OAuth2 server's support for the grant type flow.

OAuth2 JWT Subject

This is the JWT Subject when using the JWT Authorization Grant Type flow. For more information on JWTs, please see Introduction to JSON Web TokensOpens in a new tab.

OAuth2 Scope

This specifies the scope included in the authorization request. If not specified, it uses the default scope specified in the OAuth2 Client Application Name.

POP3 Port

TCP port on the POP3 email server to get mail from. The default value is 110.

POP3 Server

Address of the POP3 email server to get mail from.

SSL Configuration

The name of an existing TLS configuration to use to authenticate this connection. Choose a client TLS configuration, because the adapter initiates the communication.

To create and manage TLS configurations, use the Management Portal. See InterSystems TLS Guide. The first field on the Edit SSL/TLS Configuration page is Configuration Name. Use this string as the value for the SSLConfig setting.

SSL Check Server Identity

When connecting to a POP3 or SMTP server via TLS, the server name in the certificate must match the DNS name used to connect to the server. This match is based on the rules in section 3.1 of RFC 2818.

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