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Global Reference API

This section provides API documentation for the methods of the gref class of the InterSystems IRIS Python Module. These methods allow you to access and manipulate InterSystems IRIS globals.


The following table summaries the methods of the gref class of the InterSystems IRIS Python Module. To use this class from Embedded Python, first do import iris, and then use the iris.gref() function to obtain a reference to a global. (See iris.gref().)

Group Settings
Work on a Node of a Global data(), get(), getAsBytes(), kill(), set()
Traverse a Global keys(), order(), orderiter(), query()

For background information on globals, see Introduction to Globals.


Checks if a node of a global contains data and/or has descendants. The key of the node is passed as a list. Passing a key with the value None (or an empty list) indicates the root node of the global.

You can use data() to inspect a node to see if it contains data before attempting to access that data and possibly encountering an error. The method returns 0 if the node is undefined (contains no data), 1 if the node is defined (contains data), 10 if the node is undefined but has descendants, or 11 if the node is defined and has descendants.

Assume you have a global ^a with the following contents:

^a(2) = "two"
^a(3,1) = "three one"
^a(4) = "four"
^a(4,1) = "four one"

Then you can use data() to test the various nodes of the global as in these examples:

>>> a = iris.gref('^a')

You can use modulo 2 arithmetic to check whether a node contains data, regardless of whether it has descendants or not.

>>>[3]) % 2
>>>[4]) % 2


Gets the value stored at a node of a global. The key of the node is passed as a list. Passing a key with the value None (or an empty list) indicates the root node of the global.

Assume you have a global ^a with the following contents:

^a(2) = "two"
^a(3,1) = "three one"
^a(4) = "four"
^a(4,1) = "four one"

Then you can use get() to retrieve data from the various nodes of the global as in these examples:

>>> a = iris.gref('^a')
>>> a.get([2])
>>> a.get([3,1])
'three one'

Alternatively, you can get the value of a node directly, as you would for a Python dictionary, or you can use the dunder method __getitem__().

>>> a[3,1]
'three one'
>>> a.__getitem__([3,1])
'three one'

Using get() to get data from a node that is undefined results in an error.

>>> a.get([5])
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<input>", line 1, in <module>
KeyError: 'Global Undefined'

You can use the data() method to test whether a node contains data before trying to retrieve it.

Getting data from an undefined node directly or by using __getitem__() returns None, instead of causing an error.

>>> print(a[5])
>>> print(a.__getitem__([5]))

See also getAsBytes().


Gets a string value stored at a node of a global and converts it to the Python bytes data type. The key of the node is passed as a list. Passing a key with the value None (or an empty list) indicates the root node of the global.

Assume you have a global ^a with the following contents:

^a(2) = "two"
^a(3,1) = "three one"
^a(4) = "four"
^a(4,1) = "four one"

Then you can use getAsBytes() to retrieve data from the various nodes of the global as in these examples:

>>> a = iris.gref('^a')
>>> a.getAsBytes([2])
>>> a.getAsBytes([3,1])
b'three one'

Using getAsBytes() to get data from a node that is undefined results in an error.

>>> a.getAsBytes([5])
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<input>", line 1, in <module>
KeyError: 'Global Undefined'

You can use the data() method to test whether a node contains data before trying to retrieve it.

See also get().


Returns the keys of a global, starting from a given key. The starting key is passed as a list. Passing an empty list indicates the root node of the global.

Assume you have a global ^mlb with the following contents:

^mlb = "Major League Baseball"
^mlb("AL") = "American League"
^mlb("AL","Central") = "AL Central"
^mlb("AL","East") = "AL East"
^mlb("AL","East",1) = "Baltimore"
^mlb("AL","East",2) = "Boston"
^mlb("AL","East",3) = "NY Yankees"
^mlb("AL","East",4) = "Tampa Bay"
^mlb("AL","East",5) = "Toronto"
^mlb("AL","West") = "AL West"
^mlb("AL","West",1) = "Houston"
^mlb("AL","West",2) = "LA Angels"
^mlb("AL","West",3) = "Oakland"
^mlb("AL","West",4) = "Seattle"
^mlb("AL","West",5) = "Texas"
^mlb("NL") = "National League"

You can use keys() to get the keys of the global and print out their values, as follows:

>>> m = iris.gref('^mlb')
>>> for key in m.keys([]):
...     value = m[key]
...     print(f'{key} = {value}')
['AL'] = American League
['AL', 'Central'] = AL Central
['AL', 'East'] = AL East
['AL', 'East', '1'] = Baltimore
['AL', 'East', '2'] = Boston
['AL', 'East', '3'] = NY Yankees
['AL', 'East', '4'] = Tampa Bay
['AL', 'East', '5'] = Toronto
['AL', 'West'] = AL West
['AL', 'West', '1'] = Houston
['AL', 'West', '2'] = LA Angels
['AL', 'West', '3'] = Oakland
['AL', 'West', '4'] = Seattle
['AL', 'West', '5'] = Texas
['NL'] = National League

Note that the starting key does not have to exist as a node in the global. Since a global is stored in sorted order, keys() begins with the key of the next node according to the sort order, for example:

>>> m = iris.gref('^mlb')
>>> for key in m.keys(['AL','North']):
...     value = m[key]
...     print(f'{key} = {value}')
['AL', 'West'] = AL West
['AL', 'West', '1'] = Houston
['AL', 'West', '2'] = LA Angels
['AL', 'West', '3'] = Oakland
['AL', 'West', '4'] = Seattle
['AL', 'West', '5'] = Texas
['NL'] = National League

You can also use get() to retrieve the value of each node, but you need to test each node first by using data() to make sure it is contains data.

Use order() to traverse the nodes at one level of a global.


Deletes the node of a global, if it exists. The key of the node is passed as a list. This also deletes any descendants of the node. Passing a key with the value None (or an empty list) indicates the root node of the global.

Assume you have a global ^a with the following contents:

^a(2) = "two"
^a(3,1) = "three one"
^a(4) = "four"
^a(4,1) = "four one"

Then you can use kill() to kill a node of the global, and its descendants, as in this example:

>>> a = iris.gref('^a')
>>> a.kill([4])

Now the global has the following contents:

^a(2) = "two"
^a(3,1) = "three one"

Passing None for the key kills the entire global.

>>> a.kill([None])


Returns the next key in that level of the global, starting from a given key. The starting key is passed as a list. If no key follows the starting key, order() returns None.

Assume you have a global ^mlb with the following contents:

^mlb = "Major League Baseball"
^mlb("AL") = "American League"
^mlb("AL","Central") = "AL Central"
^mlb("AL","East") = "AL East"
^mlb("AL","East",1) = "Baltimore"
^mlb("AL","East",2) = "Boston"
^mlb("AL","East",3) = "NY Yankees"
^mlb("AL","East",4) = "Tampa Bay"
^mlb("AL","East",5) = "Toronto"
^mlb("AL","West") = "AL West"
^mlb("AL","West",1) = "Houston"
^mlb("AL","West",2) = "LA Angels"
^mlb("AL","West",3) = "Oakland"
^mlb("AL","West",4) = "Seattle"
^mlb("AL","West",5) = "Texas"
^mlb("NL") = "National League"

You can use order() to get the next key from a given key, as in the following examples:

>>> m = iris.gref('^mlb')
>>> m.order(['AL','Central'])
>>> m.order(['AL','East'])
>>> m.order(['AL','East',1])
>>> m.order(['AL','East',2])

Note that the starting key does not have to exist as a node in the global. Since a global is stored in sorted order, order() returns the key of the next node according to the sort order, for example:

>>> m.order(['AL','West',3.5])

Use a while loop to traverse the nodes of a global at a certain level, breaking when the return value is None. Setting the starting key to the empty string means “start at the beginning of that level.”

The following example traverses the top-level nodes of a global:

>>> m = iris.gref('^mlb')
>>> key = ''
>>> while True:
...     key = m.order([key])
...     if key == None:
...         break
...     print(m[key])
American League
National League

The following example traverses the third-level nodes of a global:

>>> m = iris.gref('^mlb')
>>> key = ''
>>> while True:
...     key = m.order(['AL','East',key])
...     if key == None:
...         break
...     print(m['AL','East',key])
NY Yankees
Tampa Bay

You can nest while loops as necessary, or use keys() or query() to traverse an entire global.


Returns the keys and values of a global, starting from a given key, down to the next leaf node. The starting key is passed as a list. Passing an empty list indicates the root node of the global.

Assume you have a global ^mlb with the following contents:

^mlb = "Major League Baseball"
^mlb("AL") = "American League"
^mlb("AL","Central") = "AL Central"
^mlb("AL","East") = "AL East"
^mlb("AL","East",1) = "Baltimore"
^mlb("AL","East",2) = "Boston"
^mlb("AL","East",3) = "NY Yankees"
^mlb("AL","East",4) = "Tampa Bay"
^mlb("AL","East",5) = "Toronto"
^mlb("AL","West") = "AL West"
^mlb("AL","West",1) = "Houston"
^mlb("AL","West",2) = "LA Angels"
^mlb("AL","West",3) = "Oakland"
^mlb("AL","West",4) = "Seattle"
^mlb("AL","West",5) = "Texas"
^mlb("NL") = "National League"

The following example uses orderiter() to traverse the global down to the next leaf node starting from the root:

>>> m = iris.gref('^mlb')
>>> for (key, value) in m.orderiter([]):
...     print(f'{key} = {value}')
['AL'] = American League
['AL', 'Central'] = AL Central

Note that the starting key does not have to exist as a node in the global. Since a global is stored in sorted order, orderiter() finds the next node according to the sort order, for example:

>>> m = iris.gref('^mlb')
>>> for (key, value) in m.orderiter(['AL','North']):
...     print(f'{key} = {value}')
['AL', 'West'] = AL West
['AL', 'West', '1'] = Houston


Traverses a global starting at the specified key, returning each key and value. The starting key is passed as a list. Passing an empty list indicates the root node of the global.

Assume you have a global ^mlb with the following contents:

^mlb = "Major League Baseball"
^mlb("AL") = "American League"
^mlb("AL","Central") = "AL Central"
^mlb("AL","East") = "AL East"
^mlb("AL","East",1) = "Baltimore"
^mlb("AL","East",2) = "Boston"
^mlb("AL","East",3) = "NY Yankees"
^mlb("AL","East",4) = "Tampa Bay"
^mlb("AL","East",5) = "Toronto"
^mlb("AL","West") = "AL West"
^mlb("AL","West",1) = "Houston"
^mlb("AL","West",2) = "LA Angels"
^mlb("AL","West",3) = "Oakland"
^mlb("AL","West",4) = "Seattle"
^mlb("AL","West",5) = "Texas"
^mlb("NL") = "National League"

The following example uses query() to traverse the global starting from the root:

>>> m = iris.gref('^mlb')
>>> for (key, value) in m.query([]):
...     print(f'{key} = {value}')
['AL'] = American League
['AL', 'Central'] = AL Central
['AL', 'East'] = AL East
['AL', 'East', '1'] = Baltimore
['AL', 'East', '2'] = Boston
['AL', 'East', '3'] = NY Yankees
['AL', 'East', '4'] = Tampa Bay
['AL', 'East', '5'] = Toronto
['AL', 'West'] = AL West
['AL', 'West', '1'] = Houston
['AL', 'West', '2'] = LA Angels
['AL', 'West', '3'] = Oakland
['AL', 'West', '4'] = Seattle
['AL', 'West', '5'] = Texas
['NL'] = National League

Note that the starting key does not have to exist as a node in the global. Since a global is stored in sorted order, query() finds the next node according to the sort order, for example:

>>> m = iris.gref('^mlb')
>>> for (key, value) in m.query(['AL','North']):
...     print(f'{key} = {value}')
['AL', 'West'] = AL West
['AL', 'West', '1'] = Houston
['AL', 'West', '2'] = LA Angels
['AL', 'West', '3'] = Oakland
['AL', 'West', '4'] = Seattle
['AL', 'West', '5'] = Texas
['NL'] = National League

set(key, value)

Sets a node in a global to a given value. The key of the node is passed as a list, and value is the value to be stored. Passing a key with the value None (or an empty list) indicates the root node of the global.

The following example obtains a reference to global ^messages and uses set() to set the value of some nodes in the global:

>>> msg = iris.gref('^messages')
>>> msg.set([None], 'list of messages')
>>> msg.set(['greeting',1], 'hello')
>>> msg.set(['greeting',2], 'goodbye')

If the global ^messages did not already exist, it would look as follows:

^messages = "list of messages"
^messages("greeting",1) = "hello"
^messages("greeting",2) = "goodbye"

If ^messages already existed, the new values would be added to the global, possibly overwriting existing data at those nodes. You can use the data() method to test whether a node already contains data before trying to set it.

You can also set a global node directly, as you would for a Python dictionary, as in the following example:

>>> msg = iris.gref('^messages')
>>> msg['greeting',3] = 'aloha'

Now the global ^messages looks like this:

^messages = "list of messages"
^messages("greeting",1) = "hello"
^messages("greeting",2) = "goodbye"
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