Class Definition Syntax and Keyword Reference
- Introduction to Class Definition Syntax and Keywords
- Class Definitions
- Foreign Key Definitions
- Index Definitions
- Method Definitions
- Parameter Definitions
- Projection Definitions
- Property Definitions
- Query Definitions
- Trigger Definitions
- XData Blocks
- Storage Definitions
- Top Level Class Syntax and Keywords
- Top Level Class Syntax
- Abstract
- ClassType
- ClientDataType
- ClientName
- CompileAfter
- DdlAllowed
- DependsOn
- Deprecated
- Final
- GeneratedBy
- Hidden
- Inheritance
- Language
- LegacyInstanceContext
- NoExtent
- OdbcType
- Owner
- ProcedureBlock
- PropertyClass
- ServerOnly
- Sharded
- SoapBindingStyle
- SoapBodyUse
- SqlCategory
- SqlRowIdName
- SqlRowIdPrivate
- SqlTableName
- StorageStrategy
- System
- ViewQuery
- Foreign Key Syntax and Keywords
- Index Syntax and Keywords
- Syntax of Indexes in Class Definitions
- Abstract
- Condition
- CoshardWith
- Data
- Extent
- IdKey
- Internal
- PrimaryKey
- ShardKey
- SqlName
- Type
- Unique
- Method Syntax and Keywords
- Syntax of Methods in Class Definitions
- Abstract
- ClientName
- CodeMode
- Deprecated
- ExternalProcName
- Final
- ForceGenerate
- GenerateAfter
- Internal
- Language
- NotInheritable
- PlaceAfter
- Private
- ProcedureBlock
- PublicList
- Requires
- ReturnResultsets
- ServerOnly
- SoapAction
- SoapBindingStyle
- SoapBodyUse
- SoapMessageName
- SoapNameSpace
- SoapRequestMessage
- SoapTypeNameSpace
- SqlName
- SqlProc
- WebMethod
- Parameter Syntax and Keywords
- Projection Syntax and Keywords
- Property Syntax and Keywords
- Syntax of Properties in Class Definitions
- Aliases
- Calculated
- Cardinality
- ClientName
- Collection
- ComputeLocalOnly
- Deprecated
- Final
- Identity
- InitialExpression
- Internal
- Inverse
- MultiDimensional
- OnDelete
- Private
- ReadOnly
- Required
- ServerOnly
- SqlColumnNumber
- SqlComputeCode
- SqlComputed
- SqlComputeOnChange
- SqlFieldName
- SqlListDelimiter
- SqlListType
- Transient
- Query Syntax and Keywords
- Syntax of Queries in Class Definitions
- ClientName
- Final
- Internal
- Private
- SoapBindingStyle
- SoapBodyUse
- SoapNameSpace
- SqlName
- SqlProc
- SqlView
- SqlViewName
- WebMethod
- Trigger Syntax and Keywords
- Syntax of Triggers in Class Definitions
- CodeMode
- Event
- Final
- Foreach
- Internal
- Language
- NewTable
- OldTable
- Order
- SqlName
- Time
- UpdateColumnList
- XData Syntax and Keywords
- Storage Keywords