DTL Elements
This reference provides detailed information about each DTL element.
- DTL <annotation> – Provide a descriptive comment for a DTL element.
- DTL <assign> – Assign a value to a property within an object.
- DTL <break> – Terminate a For Each loop or stop processing the data transformation.
- DTL <case> – Execute a block of actions within a <switch> element when the specified condition is met.
- DTL <code> – Execute lines of custom code.
- DTL <comment> – Add comments to the DTL.
- DTL <default> – Execute contents if none of the <case> elements in a <switch> element evaluate to true.
- DTL <false> – Perform a set of activities when the condition for an <if> element is false.
- DTL <foreach> – Define a sequence of activities to be executed iteratively.
- DTL <group> – Organize related elements into a display unit.
- DTL <if> – Evaluate a condition and perform one action if true, another if false.
- DTL <sql> – Execute an embedded SQL SELECT statement within a data transformation.
- DTL <subtransform> – Invoke another data transformation.
- DTL <switch> – Evaluate <case> elements and execute the contents of the first one that evaluates to true.
- DTL <trace> – Write a message to the foreground ObjectScript shell.
- DTL <transform> – Transform an object of one type into an object of another type.
- DTL <true> – Perform a set of activities when the condition for an <if> element is true.