UNIX®, Linux, and macOS Post-Installation
This page details the post-installation steps for installations on UNIX®, Linux, and macOS.
Successfully performed an attended or unattended installation.
Post-Installation Tasks
Get started:
Web Server Setup:
If you did not configure your web server automatically during the installation process, you will need to connect it manually.
If your web server is using a port number other than 80, you will need to change the CPF WebServerPort and WebServerURLPrefix parameters to your web server’s port number in order to connect with your IDE.
In order for your web server to implement any configuration changes, you should restart your web server after the installation finishes.
Advanced Setup:
If you will be performing memory intensive activities, allocate system memory accordingly.
Review details on how InterSystems IRIS interacts with third-party software.
Migrate data from a different database to your newly installed InterSystems IRIS instance.
Special Considerations:
If you are running multiple InterSystems IRIS instances, review Configuring Multiple InterSystems IRIS Instances.
If your system requires a large number of processes or telnet logins, review Adjustments for Large Number of Concurrent Processes on macOS.