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Controlling Whether Message Parts Use Elements or Types

Your web service has a parameter (XMLELEMENT) that controls the precise form of the message parts of the SOAP messages. Specifically:

  • If XMLELEMENT is 1, then the <part> element has attributes called name and element. In this case, the WSDL contains a sample <message> element as follows:

    <message name="GetPersonSoapOut">
      <part name="GetPersonResult" element="s0:Person" />
  • If XMLELEMENT is 0, then the <part> element has attributes called name and type. In this case, the WSDL contains a sample <message> element as follows:

    <message name="GetPersonSoapOut">
      <part name="GetPersonResult" type="s0:Person" />

The default value for this parameter depends on the value of the SoapBodyUse class keyword. See the Class Definition Reference. Normally SoapBodyUse is "literal", which means that XMLELEMENT is 1.

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