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Quick Reference for Dynamic Entity Methods

This section provides an overview and references for each of the available dynamic entity methods. Dynamic entities are instances of %Library.DynamicObjectOpens in a new tab or %Library.DynamicArrayOpens in a new tab, both of which extend %Library.DynamicAbstractObjectOpens in a new tab. Each listing in this chapter includes a link to the appropriate online class reference documentation.

Method Details

This section lists all available dynamic entity methods, briefly describing each one and providing links to further information. All methods are available for both objects and arrays, with the exception of %Push() and %Pop(), which apply only to arrays.


Given a valid JSON string, parse it and return an object of datatype %DynamicAbstractObjectOpens in a new tab containing the parsed JSON. If an error occurs during parsing, an exception will be thrown. See “Converting Dynamic Entities to and from JSON” for details and examples.

   classmethod %FromJSON(str) as %DynamicAbstractObject


  • str — The input can be from any one of the following sources:

    • string value containing the source. The value can be an empty string (""), but an error will be thrown if the string contains only white space characters.

    • stream object to read the source from. An error will be thrown if the stream does not contain any characters.

see also: %FromJSONFile(), %ToJSON(), Serializing Large Dynamic Entities to Streams

class reference: %DynamicAbstractObject.%FromJSON()Opens in a new tab


Given a valid JSON source, parse the source and return an object of datatype %DynamicAbstractObjectOpens in a new tab containing the parsed JSON. See “Converting Dynamic Entities to and from JSON” for details and examples.

   classmethod %FromJSONFile(filename) as %DynamicAbstractObject


  • filename — name of file URI where the source can be read. The file must be encoded as UTF-8. An exception will be thrown if the file does not contain any characters.

see also: %FromJSON(), %ToJSON(), Serializing Large Dynamic Entities to Streams

class reference: %DynamicAbstractObject.%FromJSON()Opens in a new tab


Given a valid object key or array index, returns the value. If the value does not exist, a null string "" is returned. See “Using %Set(), %Get(), and %Remove()” for details and examples.

   method %Get(key, default, type) as %RawString


  • key — the object key or array index of the value to be retrieved. An array index must be passed as a canonical integer value. Array indexes begin at position 0.

  • default — optional value to be returned when the selected array element is undefined. Defaults to empty string if not specified.

  • type — if defined, indicates that the value of key should be returned as the specified type (see %DynamicObject.%Get()Opens in a new tab and %DynamicArray.%Get()Opens in a new tab for details on how values are converted). If this argument is specified, the value must be one of the following strings:

    • "" (empty string) — same as calling %Get(key) without conversions

    • "string" — convert to text string

    • "string>base64" — convert to text string then encode into base64

    • "string<base64" — convert to text string then decode from base64

    • "stream" — place string conversion into %Stream

    • "stream>base64" — string encoded into base64 into %Stream

    • "stream<base64" — string decoded from base64 into %Stream

    • "json" — convert to JSON representation

see also: %Set(), %Remove(), %Pop()

class reference: %DynamicObject.%Get()Opens in a new tab and %DynamicArray.%Get()Opens in a new tab


Returns a %Iterator object allowing iteration over all members of a dynamic entity. See “Iterating over a Dynamic Entity with %GetNext()” for details and examples.

   method %GetIterator() as %Iterator.AbstractIterator

see also: %GetNext()

class reference: %DynamicObject.%GetIterator()Opens in a new tab, %DynamicArray.%GetIterator()Opens in a new tab, %Iterator.ObjectOpens in a new tab, %Iterator.ArrayOpens in a new tab


This is a method of the %Iterator object returned by %GetIterator(). It advances the iterator and returns true if the iterator is positioned on a valid element, false if it is beyond the last element. The key and value arguments return values for a valid element at the current iterator position. The optional type argument returns the original type of value. See “Iterating over a Dynamic Entity with %GetNext()” for details and examples.

   method getNext(Output key, Output value, Output type...) as %Integer


  • key — returns the object key or array index of the element at the current position

  • value — returns the value of the element at the current position.

  • type — (optional) returns a string containing a %GetTypeOf() return value representing the original type of value. When this third argument variable is present it changes some of the conversion rules for converting the element into an ObjectScript value (see %Iterator.Object.%GetNext()Opens in a new tab and %Iterator.Array.%GetNext()Opens in a new tab for detailed conversion rules).

see also: %GetIterator()

class reference: %Iterator.Object.%GetNext()Opens in a new tab and %Iterator.Array.%GetNext()Opens in a new tab


Given a valid object key or array index, returns a string indicating the datatype of the value. See “Working with Datatypes” for details and examples.

   method %GetTypeOf(key) as %String


  • key — the object key or array index of the value to be tested.

return values:

One of the following strings will be returned:

  • "null" — a JSON null

  • "boolean" — a zero (“false”) or non-zero (“true”) numeric value

  • "number" — any canonical numeric value

  • "oref" — a reference to another object

  • "object" — a nested object

  • "array" — a nested array

  • "string" — a standard text string

  • "unassigned" — the property or element exists, but does not have an assigned value

see also: %IsDefined()

class reference: %DynamicAbstractObject.%GetTypeOf()Opens in a new tab


Tests if the item specified by key is defined within an object. Returns false if the item is unassigned or does not exist. See “Using %IsDefined() to Test for Valid Values” for details and examples.

   method %IsDefined(key) as %Boolean


  • key — the object key or array index of the item to be tested. An array index must be passed as a canonical integer value. Array indexes begin at position 0.

see also: Resolving Null, Empty String, and Unassigned Values

class reference: %DynamicObject.%IsDefined()Opens in a new tab and %DynamicArray.%IsDefined()Opens in a new tab


Returns the value of the last member of the array. The value is then removed from the array. If the array is already empty, the method returns the empty string, "". See “Using %Push and %Pop with Dynamic Arrays” for details and examples.

   method %Pop() as %RawString

see also: %Push(), %Get(), %Remove(), Resolving Null, Empty String, and Unassigned Values

class reference: %DynamicArray.%Pop()Opens in a new tab


Append a new value to the end of the current array, increasing the length of the array. Returns an oref pointing to the current modified array so that calls to %Push() can be chained. See “Using %Push and %Pop with Dynamic Arrays” for details and examples.

   method %Push(value, type) as %DynamicAbstractObject


  • value — value to be assigned to the new array element.

  • type — (Optional) string indicating the datatype of value (see %DynamicArray.%Push()Opens in a new tab for details on how values are converted). The following strings may be used:

    • "null" — a JSON null. The value argument must be "" (empty string).

    • "boolean" — zero/nonzero becomes JSON false/true

    • "number" — convert value to a canonical numeric value

    • "string" — convert value to a text string

    • "string>base64"   — convert to text string then encode into base64

    • "string<base64"   — convert to text string then decode from base64

    • "stream"      — %Stream contents converted to text string

    • "stream>base64" — %Stream contents are encoded into base64 string

    • "stream<base64" — %Stream is decoded from base64 into byte string

    NOTE: The optional type parameter cannot be used if the specified value is an object or an oref. For example, if the specified value is a dynamic entity, an error will be thrown no matter what value you specify for type. See “Overriding a Default Datatype with %Set() or %Push()” for more information.

see also: %Pop(), %Set(), Method Chaining

class reference: %DynamicArray.%Push()Opens in a new tab


Removes the specified element from a dynamic object or array, and returns the value of the removed element. If the value of the element is an embedded dynamic object or array, all subordinate nodes are removed as well. In a dynamic array, all elements following the removed element will have their subscript position decremented by 1. See “Using %Set(), %Get(), and %Remove()” for details and examples.

   method %Remove(key) as %DynamicAbstractObject


  • key — the object key or array index of the element you wish to remove. An array index must be passed as a canonical integer value. Array indexes begin at position 0.

see also: %Set(), %Get(), %Pop()

class reference: %DynamicObject.%Remove()Opens in a new tab and %DynamicArray.%Remove()Opens in a new tab


Create a new value or update an existing value. Returns a reference to the modified array, allowing calls to %Set() to be nested. See “Using %Set(), %Get(), and %Remove()” for details and examples.

   method %Set(key, value, type) as %DynamicAbstractObject


  • key — object key or array index of the value you wish to create or update. An array index must be passed as a canonical integer value. Array indexes begin at position 0.

  • value — new value with which to update the previous value or create a new value.

  • type — (Optional) string indicating the datatype of value (see %DynamicObject.%Set()Opens in a new tab and %DynamicArray.%Set()Opens in a new tab for details on how values are converted). The following strings may be used:

    • "null" — a JSON null. The value argument must be "" (empty string).

    • "boolean" — a JSON false (value argument must be 0) or true (value argument must be 1).

    • "number" — convert value to a canonical numeric value

    • "string" — convert value to a text string

    • "string>base64"   — convert to text string then encode into base64

    • "string<base64"   — convert to text string then decode from base64

    • "stream"      — %Stream contents converted to text string

    • "stream>base64" — %Stream contents are encoded into base64 string

    • "stream<base64" — %Stream is decoded from base64 into byte string

    NOTE: The optional type parameter cannot be used if the specified value is an object or an oref. For example, if the specified value is a dynamic entity, an error will be thrown no matter what value you specify for type. See “Overriding a Default Datatype with %Set() or %Push()” for more information.

see also: %Get(), %Remove(), %Push(), Method Chaining

class reference: %DynamicObject.%Set()Opens in a new tab and %DynamicArray.%Set()Opens in a new tab


Returns an integer showing the size of a dynamic object or array. In the case of an array, the size includes unassigned entries within the array. In the case of an object, the size only includes elements that have assigned values. See “Sparse Array Iteration with %Size()” for details and examples.

   method %Size() as %Integer

see also: %GetNext()

class reference: %DynamicAbstractObject.%Size()Opens in a new tab


Converts an instance of %DynamicAbstractObject. into a JSON string. If %ToJSON() doesn’t return an error, it will always return a string containing at least two characters ([] for an array or {} for an object). See “Converting Dynamic Entities to and from JSON” for details and examples.

   method %ToJSON(outstrm As %Stream.Object) as %String


  • outstrm — optional. There are a number of possibilities:

    • If outstrm is not specified and the method is called via DO, the JSON string is written to the current output device.

    • If outstrm is not specified and the method is called as an expression, the JSON string becomes the value of the expression.

    • If outstrm is specified as an instance of %Stream.ObjectOpens in a new tab, the JSON string will be written to the stream (see “Serializing Large Dynamic Entities to Streams” for details and examples).

    • If outstrm is an object but is not an instance of %Stream.ObjectOpens in a new tab then an exception will be thrown.

    • If outstrm is not an object and is not null then it is presumed to be a fully qualified file specification (the full path to the file must be defined). The file is linked to a newly created %Stream.FileCharacterOpens in a new tab stream, the JSON string is written to the stream, and the stream is saved to the file on completion.

see also: %FromJSON(), %FromJSONFile()

class reference: %DynamicAbstractObject.%ToJSON()Opens in a new tab

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