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Classes for Use with XML Virtual Documents

For reference, this topic lists the classes you can use within an interoperability production, when you want to work with XML documents as virtual documents.

Item Classes Notes
XML business services Each of these business service classes uses a different adapter, as indicated by the class name.
XML routing process EnsLib.MsgRouter.VDocRoutingEngineOpens in a new tab This class is the standard virtual document routing process.
XML business operations Each of these business operation classes uses a different adapter, as indicated by the class name.
Messages EnsLib.EDI.XML.DocumentOpens in a new tab (automatically used by the business host classes) This is a specialized message class to carry XML documents as virtual documents.
Search table EnsLib.EDI.XML.SearchTableOpens in a new tab This is a specialized search table class for XML documents.

You can also create and use subclasses of these classes.

The business host classes include configurable targets. The following diagram shows some of them:

Diagram showing a message flowing from a business service to a routing process that includes a routing rule set and transform

For information on other configurable targets, see Reference for Settings.

See Also

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