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Notes on Managing InterSystems IRIS via Routines

The Management Portal provides a convenient, browser-based interface for controlling the system. However, to cover those scenarios when the system cannot be managed from a browser, InterSystems IRIS provides interactive routines that perform the same tasks. When run in the Terminal, these routines act as command-line interfaces. Note that within legacy documentation, these routines are referred to as character-based routines. These routines are described elsewhere in detail; the purpose of this page is to provide additional information that applies to all these routines.


There is nothing to prevent multiple instances of the same routine from being executed at the same time by different system administrators (or even the same administrator). If this happens, it is the responsibility of the administrators to coordinate their activity to avoid conflicts and achieve their objectives with regard to the coherence of the affected data.


Administrators who elect to use the routines described in the documentation are assumed to have a detailed operating knowledge of how InterSystems IRIS works and what parameter values are appropriate for the options they choose.

To use any of these routines from the Terminal, you must be in the %SYS namespace and must belong to at least the %Manager role. To start a routine, use the DO command. For example, to invoke the ^LEGACYNETWORK routine (a routine that supports configuration of legacy networking tools), use the following command:


Upon start, each of these routines first presents you with a list of options. Select an option by entering its number after the “Option?” prompt. In most cases, the choices on the initial menu choice lead to further menus, or to requests for information until the routine has sufficient information to accomplish its task.

Note the following additional points:

  • Each option has a numeric prefix. Select an option by typing its number. The option-number pattern is used throughout the routines.

  • All option lists have an item to exit this level of menu and return to the previous level. You may also reply to the “Option?” prompt with Enter. This is interpreted as if you had chosen the “Exit” option, that is, you are finished with that section and you are presented with the next “upper” level of options. An Enter reply to the top-level of options exits the routine.

  • Many of the prompts for information have a default value which is selected by typing the Enter key. When there is a default value available, it is shown after the prompt message and followed by the characters “=>” as in

    Unsuccessful login attempts before locking user? 5 =>

    where the default value is 5 for the number of times a user may try to login and fail before the system locks their username.

  • Prompts whose defaults are “Yes” or “No” also accept any matching partial response such as “yE” or “n”. The match is done ignoring the case of the response.

  • In options whose intent is to alter the characteristics of existing user, roles, services, and so on, the existing value of the item is displayed as the default. Typing Enter preserves that value and moves on to the next prompt.

  • Some prompts ask for a pattern to use when matching items such as usernames. The default pattern is usually “*” that matches all items. In such patterns the asterisk matches any sequence of characters, much like it does in DOS. A pattern may also consist of a comma-separated list of items each of which is treated as its own pattern. An item is treated as being selected if it matches any pattern in the list.

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