This topic describes the Startup Settings parameters found in the [Startup] section of the CPF. Many of these, including the mirror-related and sharded cluster-related parameters, are in deployment with configuration merge.
- CallinHalt – Allow custom routines during callin close.
- CallinStart – Allow custom routines during callin initialization.
- CliSysName – Set the node name for the local system.
- DBSizesAllowed – Specify possible database block sizes when creating a database.
- DefaultPort – Set the port number for the InterSystems IRIS® data platform superserver.
- DefaultPortBindAddress – Set the IP address for the InterSystems IRIS® data platform superserver to bind to.
- EnableSharding – Enable the sharding service for this instance.
- EnableVSSBackup – Allow Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) backup. Windows systems only.
- EnsembleAutoStart – Allow productions to auto-start when InterSystems IRIS® data platform starts.
- ErrorPurge – Set the number of days to keep error globals.
- FIPSMode – Enable FIPS 140–2 compliant library for database encryption on Red Hat Linux.
- IPv6 – Allow InterSystems IRIS® data platform to accept IPv6 addresses.
- JobHalt – Allow custom routines during background process (job) shutdown.
- JobServers – Set the number of job servers.
- JobStart – Allow custom routines during background process (job) startup.
- LicenseID – Allow instance to request a key from the license server.
- MaxConsoleLogSize – Set the maximum size of the messages.log file.
- MaxIRISTempSizeAtStart – Set the maximum size of the IRISTEMP database on restart.
- PasswordHash – Set the default password for the predefined user accounts using a cryptographic hash of the password and its salt.
- ProcessHalt – Allow custom routines during foreground process shutdown.
- ProcessStart – Allow custom routines during foreground process startup.
- ShutdownTimeout – Set the number of seconds InterSystems IRIS® data platform should wait until forcing a shutdown.
- SystemHalt – Allow custom routines during instance shutdown.
- SystemMode – Specify a label that appears in the Management Portal header.
- SystemStart – Allow custom routines during instance startup.
- TempDirectory – Specify the subdirectory for temporary files.
- TerminalPrompt – Define the format of the terminal prompt.
- WebServer – Allow the private web server to start, if one is present.
- WebServerName – Identify an IP address or a DNS name for the web server.
- WebServerPort – Identify the web server port.
- WebServerProtocol – Enable InterSystems IRIS to receive HTTPS connections over a custom port.
- WebServerSSLConfiguration – Specify the default TLS configuration for %Net.HttpRequest objects created by CSP templates implemented in Studio.
- WebServerURLPrefix – Identify the instance prefix that the web server uses to access the InterSystems IRIS® data platform.
- ZSTU – Allow the user-defined startup to run.