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Defining Interoperability Settings

This page describes a small number of settings that apply either to the entire instance or to an entire namespace.

Configuring Settings in the Portal

The Management Portal lets you configure some of these settings, as follows:

  1. Select Interoperability > Manage > Configuration > Interoperability Settings.

  2. If you want to set a namespace-specific setting, change to that namespace.

  3. For the setting you want to change, select or clear the check box as needed.

  4. Click Apply.

The namespace-specific settings are as follows:

  • Exclude Production Configuration Page from Source Control—If this setting is selected, then the page Interoperability > Configure > Production does not provide source control options, even if the namespace otherwise is under source control.

  • Disable Inactivity Timeout for Interoperability Pages—If this setting is selected, then the pages within the Interoperability menu will not time out due to inactivity.

  • Enable Journalling of deleted data when purging—If this setting is selected, then InterSystems IRIS does not write the old values to the journal file, when purging data; in this case, the journal file contains only the new values, and it is not possible to roll back the changes. If this setting is cleared, then the journal file includes both the new and the old values, as usual.

There is also a setting that applies to all namespaces:

  • Enable Automatic Refresh of Management Portal Pages—If this setting is selected, the Management Portal pages are automatically refreshed (so that they display any new information available from the server).

Configuring Source Control Settings

You can configure source control settings for each interoperability-enabled namespace. For information on this, see Integrating InterSystems IRIS with Source Control Systems. In addition, there is a flag to indicate whether the source control system requires a project context to be supplied to work correctly. The flag is activated as follows:

 Set ^%SYS("Ensemble","SourceControl", $namespace, "ProjectContext") = 1

Portal Pages Affected by Source Control

The following Management Interoperability browser based editors support Source Control hooks:

  • Interoperability > Configure > Production


    If a production is under source control and you do not have it checked out for update, you cannot modify the production definition. You can temporarily Stop, Start, and Restart business hosts by using the buttons on the Action tab. These buttons temporarily stop or start the host but do not modify the production definition. A business host can only be temporarily stopped if it has a pool size greater than 1 or in the case of Business Processes and Business Operations are invoked Queue and not InProc.

    However, you can exclude this page from source control; see Configuring Settings in the Portal.

  • Interoperability > Configure > Data Lookup Tables

  • Interoperability > Build > Business Processes

  • Interoperability > Build > Data Transformations

  • Interoperability > Build > Business Rules

  • Interoperability > Build > Record Maps

  • Interoperability > Build > Complex Record Mapper

When source control is in use, source control buttons appear on these page.

See Also

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