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Road Map to Using InterSystems IRIS Productions

The following sections provide an outline of the documentation resources where you may want to start, depending on your role.

InterSystems IRIS Production Developer

If you are a developer preparing to create or use InterSystems IRIS® productions, see the following resources:

  1. Introducing Interoperability Productions provides an overview of InterSystems IRIS Interoperability and options that you may want to include in your productions, with pointers to more detailed information.

  2. Best Practices for Creating Productions describes best practices for designing, developing, and maintaining productions.

  3. Developing Productions, which, in turn, points you to specific topics in the set Application Development: Creating Productions and other guides.

  4. Configuring Productions describes the details of configuring items in a production.

InterSystems IRIS Administrator

If you are an administrator preparing to work with productions, see the following resources:

  1. Introducing Interoperability Productions provides an overview of product features.

  2. Managing Productions explains how to use the browser-based Management Portal to manage the production environment and points to detailed descriptions of the specific functions performed using the Management Portal.

  3. Configuring Productions explains how to build and configure productions and production components as well as update configurations of existing productions.

  4. Monitoring Productions explains how to monitor your production environment and the various production components.

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