<while condition='context.IsApproved="1"'>
Attributes and Elements
Required. This expression is evaluated before each pass through the activities in the <while> element. Once false, it stops execution of the <while> element.
Specify an expression that evaluates the integer value 1 (if true) or 0 (if false).
Optional. Specifies the scripting language in which any expressions (within in this element) are written.
Can be "python", "objectscript", or "basic" (not documented). Default is the language specified in the containing <process> element.
Optional. <while> may contain zero or more of the following elements in any combination: <alert>, <assign>, <branch>, <break>, <call>, <code>, <continue>, <delay>, <empty>, <flow>, <foreach>, <if>, <label>, <milestone>, <reply>, <rule>, <scope>, <sequence>, <sql>, <switch>, <sync>, <throw>, <trace>, <transform>, <until>, <while>, <xpath>, or <xslt>.
The <while> element defines a sequence of activities that are repeatedly executed as long as a logical expression evaluates to the integer value 1 (true). The expression is re-evaluated before each loop through the sequence.
You can fine-tune loop execution by including <break> and <continue> elements within a <while> element. For example:
<while condition="0">
//...do various things...
<if condition="somecondition">
//...do various other things...