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Define InterSystems IRIS® data platform namespaces.


[Namespaces]    Name=globals,routines,temporary


The [Namespaces] section contains an entry for every namespace defined for the InterSystems IRIS instance. InterSystems IRIS adds entries to the configuration parameter file automatically as you add and configure namespaces using the Management Portal.

Each entry contains up to three comma-separated values, but only the first value is required. If the other values are not specified, they are set to the instance default. The values are as follows:

  • globals — Default database name for globals (other than temporary globals). Required.

  • routines — Default database name for routines and classes. If the database is not specified, it defaults to the globals database.

  • temporary — Default database name for temporary storage, specifically storage of temporary globals. If the database is not specified, it defaults to IRISTEMP.

    A temporary global is a global whose name starts with ^IRIS.Temp (case-sensitive).

Exceptions to Defaults

Globals starting with a % are mapped to IRISSYS unless mapped to another database by a user-defined global mapping.

In all namespaces, routine and classes that start with a % come from the IRISLIB database with the following exceptions:

  • Routines and classes starting with %SYS.* come from IRISSYS (supplied by InterSystems IRIS).

  • Routines and classes starting with %Z* and %z* come from IRISSYS (user defined routines and classes).

  • Routines and classes that are explicitly mapped from another database by the user using routine or package mapping.

Note that routines that reside in the IRISSYS database have special security privileges including the ability to modify the roles and other security attributes of the process executing them.


In the [Namespaces] section, each entry appears all on one line:

; Globals and routines/classes split into separate databases.
; Globals and routines/classes in the same database, 
; temporary globals are mapped to the databases TEMPDATA

Changing This Parameter

On the Namespaces page of the Management Portal (System Administration > Configuration > System Configuration > Namespaces), to add a new entry, select Create New Namespace. To edit an existing entry, select Edit in that entry's row.

See Also

The Global entry in the [Map] section of this book.

The Package entry in the [Map] section of this book.

The Routine entry in the [Map] section of this book.

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