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Specify whether to clear global vectors when switching namespace.


[Miscellaneous]    OldZU5=n

n is either 1 (true) or 0 (false). The default value is 0.



This parameter has been retained for compatibility, but should not be used when building new applications.

When OldZU5 is enabled (n = 1), switching to the current namespace using the ZN command clears the global vector cache. When this parameter is not enabled, switching to the current namespace has no effect.

Changing This Parameter

On the Compatibility page of the Management Portal (System Administration > Configuration > Additional Settings > Compatibility), in the OldZU5 row, click Edit. Select OldZU5 to enable this setting.

Instead of using the Management Portal, you can change OldZU5 in the Config.MiscellanousOpens in a new tab class (as described in the class reference) or by editing the CPF with a text editor.

To change this parameter for a single process only (as opposed to instance-wide), use the OldZU5()Opens in a new tab method of the %SYSTEM.ProcessOpens in a new tab class. See the class reference for details.

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