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Define the format of the terminal prompt.


[Startup]    TerminalPrompt=n

n is a string of comma-separated values (0–8) that set the Terminal prompt. The default is 8,2.


TerminalPrompt configures the information displayed in the Terminal prompt for the instance. The order of the values in the string determines the order the information appears in the prompt. For example, the string 2,1 produces a terminal prompt of %SYS:HostName>.

The values are coded as follows:

  • 0 - Simple prompt. Specify 0 with no other values to use only “>” for the prompt.

  • 1 - Host name, also known as the current system name. The name assigned to your computer. For example, LABLAPTOP>. This is the same for all of your terminal processes.

  • 2 - Namespace name. For example, %SYS>. The current namespace name is contained in the $NAMESPACE special variable. It can be an explicit namespace name or an implied namespace name.

  • 3 - Config name. The name of your instance. For example, IRIS2>. This is the same for all of your terminal processes.

  • 4 - Current time, expressed as local time in 24-hour format with whole seconds. For example, 15:59:36>. This is the static time value for when the prompt was returned. This value changes for each prompt.

  • 5 - The Process ID for your terminal. For example, 2336>. This is different for each terminal process. This value can also be returned from the $JOB special variable.

  • 6 - Username. For example, fred>. This is the same for all of your terminal processes.

  • 7 - Time elapsed executing the last command, in seconds.milliseconds. For example, .000495>. Leading and trailing zeros are suppressed. This changes for each prompt.

  • 8 - Transaction Level. For example, TL1>.

TerminalPrompt cannot be left empty. If the input string is invalid, the Terminal uses the default value for TerminalPrompt: 8,2.

Changing This Parameter

On the Startup page of the Management Portal (System Administration > Configuration > Additional Settings > Startup), in the TerminalPrompt row, select Edit. Enter a comma-separated string of values, or 0.

Instead of using the Management Portal, you can change TerminalPrompt in the Config.StartupOpens in a new tab class (as described in the class reference) or by editing the CPF in a text editor (as described in Editing the Active CPF).

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