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Configure a new production.


ConfigProduction:Namespace=Namespace, Path=ProductionFilePath, Name=ProductionName


ConfigProduction deploys a new production. InterSystems IRIS® creates the defined production when processing the [Actions] section during a configuration merge. The action requires the namespace to run the production, the file path to store it, and the production name.

When configuring a namespace with the ConfigProduction action:

  • If the specified namespace does not exist, InterSystems IRIS will automatically create it and enable it for interoperability.

  • If the specified namespace already exists but lacks interoperability support, InterSystems IRIS will automatically enable interoperability features for the namespace.

Changing this Operation

This operation is designed to be used during a configuration merge. You can change ConfigProduction by editing the merge file in a text editor (as described in Editing the Active CPF).

See Defining Applications for more information about managing applications from the management portal.

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