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Greater Than or Equal To (>= or '<)

Tests if the left operand is greater than or equal to the right operand, after interpreting both operands as numbers.


You can produce a Greater Than or Equal To operation by:

  • Combining the Greater Than (>) and Equals (=) operators. The two operators used together give return TRUE if either one returns TRUE.

  • Using a NOT operator (') with Less Than (<). The two operators used together reverse the truth value of the Less Than.

ObjectScript produces a result of TRUE (1) when the left operand is numerically greater than or equal to the right operand. It produces a result of FALSE (0) when the left operand is numerically less than the right operand.


You can express the Greater Than or Equal To operation in any of the following ways:

operand_A >= operand_B
operand_A '< operand_B
'(operand_A < operand_B)
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