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String Concatenate (_)

Concatenates its two operands, after interpreting them as strings.


The string Concatenate operator (_) is a binary (two-operand) operator that interprets its operands as strings and returns a string value.

You use Concatenate to combine string literals, numbers, expressions, and variables. It takes the form:


Concatenate produces a result that is a string composed of the right operand appended to the left operand. Concatenate gives its operands no special interpretation. It treats them as string values.


The following example concatenates two strings:

  WRITE "High"_"chair"

returns Highchair.

When concatenating a numeric literal to another numeric literal or to a non-numeric string, InterSystems IRIS first converts each of the numbers to canonical form. The following example concatenates two numeric literals:

  WRITE 7.00_+008

returns 78.

The following example concatenates a numeric literal and a numeric string:

  WRITE ++7.00_"+007"

returns the string 7+007.

The following example concatenates two strings and the null string:

 SET A="ABC"_""_"DEF" 

returns "ABCDEF".

The null string has no effect on the length of a string. You can concatenate an infinite number of null strings to a string.

There is a maximum limit to the length of a string; see String Length Limit. Attempting to concatenate strings that would result in a string exceeding this maximum string size results in a <MAXSTRING> error.

An ObjectScript statement involving multiple concatenations is an atomic (all-or-nothing) operation. In the event of a <MAXSTRING> error, the variable being enlarged by concatenation retains its value prior to the concatenation. For example, if bigstr is a string of length 2,000,000, attempting the concatenation SET bigstr=bigstr_"abc"_bigstr would result in a <MAXSTRING> error. The length of bigstr remains 2,000,000.

Concatenating Encoded Strings

Some ObjectScript strings contain internal encoding that can limit whether these strings can be concatenated:

  • A bit string cannot be concatenated, either with another bit string, with a string that is not a bit string, or with the empty string (""). Attempting to do so results in an <INVALID BIT STRING> error when accessing the resulting string.

  • A List structure string can be concatenated with another List structure string, or with the empty string (""). It cannot be concatenated with a non-List string. Attempting to do so results in an <LIST> error when accessing the resulting string.

  • A JSON string cannot be concatenated, either with another JSON string, with a string that is not a JSON string, or with the empty string (""). Attempting to do so results in an <INVALID OREF> error when accessing the resulting string.

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