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$ZERROR (ObjectScript)

Contains the name and location of the last error.




$ZERROR contains the name of the most recent error, the location of the most recent error (where applicable), and (for certain error codes) additional information about what caused the error. $ZERROR always contains the most recent error for the appropriate language mode.


To detect error conditions, use a TRY-CATCH block or $ZTRAP, which are designed for that purpose. Check the $ZERROR value only when an error is detected.

The $ZERROR value is intended for use immediately following an error. Because a $ZERROR value may not be preserved across routine calls, users that wish to preserve a $ZERROR value for later use should copy it to a variable. It is strongly recommended that users set $ZERROR to the null string ("") immediately after use.

The string contained in $ZERROR can be in any of the following forms:

<error> info
<error>entryref info
Argument Description
<error> The error name. The error name is always returned in all capital letters, enclosed in angle brackets. It may contain blank spaces.

A reference to the line of code in which the error occurred. This consists of the label name and line offset from that label, followed by a ^ and the program name. This entryref follows immediately after the closing angle bracket of the error name. When invoking $ZERROR from the Terminal, this entryref information is not meaningful and is therefore not returned.

A reference to the routine most recently loaded into the routine buffer using ZLOAD.

info Additional information specific to certain error types (see table below). This information is separated from <error> or <error>entryref by a blank space. If there are multiple components to info, they are separated by a comma.

For example, a program (named zerrortest) contains the following routine (named ZerrorMain) which attempts to write the contents of fred, an undefined local variable:

  TRY {
  WRITE fred }

In the above example, the first $ZERROR contains a null string (""), because no errors have occurred since $ZERROR was reset to the null string. The attempt to write an undefined variable sets $ZERROR and throws it to the CATCH block. This $ZERROR contains <UNDEFINED>ZerrorMain+4^zerrortest *fred, specifying the name of the error, the location, and additional information specific to that type of error. In this case, the additional information is the name of the undefined local variable fred; the asterisk prefix indicates that it is a local variable. (Note that $ZCVT($ZERROR,"O","HTML") is used in this example because InterSystems IRIS error names are enclosed in angle brackets and this example is run from a web browser.)

An entryref can appear as follows:

ZerrorMain+4^zerrortest -- 4 line offset from label ZerrorMain in program zerrortest
ZerrorMain^zerrortest -- no offset from label ZerrorMain in program zerrortest; error occurred in the label line
+3^zerrortest -- 3 line offset from beginning of program zerrortest; no label precedes the error line

The maximum length of the $ZERROR value is 512 characters. A value exceeding that length is truncated to 512 characters.

AsSystemError() Method

The AsSystemError()Opens in a new tab method of the %Exception.SystemExceptionOpens in a new tab class returns the same value as $ZERROR. This is shown in the following example:

  TRY {
       KILL mylocal
       WRITE mylocal
  CATCH myerr {
       WRITE "AsSystemError is: ",myerr.AsSystemError(),!
       WRITE "$ZERROR is:       ",$ZERROR

AsSystemError() is preferable to $ZERROR in a TRY/CATCH exception handling block structure, because $ZERROR could be overwritten by an error occurring during exception handling.


This method is specific to %Exception.SystemExceptionOpens in a new tab and is not available in %Exception.SQLOpens in a new tab.

Additional Information For Some Errors

When certain types of errors occurs, $ZERROR returns the error in the following format:

<ERRORCODE>entryref info

The info component contains additional information about what caused the error. The following table gives a list of errors that include additional info and the format of that information. The error code is separated from the info component by a space character.

Error Code Info Component

The name of the undefined variable (including any subscripts used). This may be a local variable, a process-private global, a global, or a multidimensional class property. Local variable names are prefixed by an asterisk. Multidimensional property names start with a period to distinguish them from local variable names.

You can change InterSystems IRIS behavior to not generate an <UNDEFINED> error when referencing an undefined variable by setting the %SYSTEM.Process.Undefined()Opens in a new tab method.


The subscript reference in error: the line reference (routine and line offset) that generated the error, the subscripted variable, and which subscript level is in error. For a Structured System Variable (SSVN), only the line reference (routine and line offset) is provided.

You can change InterSystems IRIS behavior to not generate a <SUBSCRIPT> error when referencing a global variable with a null string subscript by setting the %SYSTEM.Process.NullSubscripts()Opens in a new tab method. Null string subscripts are not permitted for local variables.

<NOROUTINE> Prefixed by an asterisk, the referenced routine name.
<CLASS DOES NOT EXIST> Prefixed by an asterisk, the referenced class name.
<PROPERTY DOES NOT EXIST> Prefixed by an asterisk, the name of the referenced property, followed by a comma separator and the class name it is supposed to be in.
<METHOD DOES NOT EXIST> Prefixed by an asterisk, the name of the method invoked, followed by a comma separator and the class name it is supposed to be in.

The name of the global referenced and the name of the directory containing it, separated by a comma.

When attempting to access a dismounted database, specifies the database name.

<THROW> Prefixed by an asterisk, the object name, followed by the value returned by the DisplayString() method.

When invoking TCOMMIT when not in a transaction, the info component is *NoTransaction.

When invoking a user-defined function that does not return a value, the info component is a message that includes the location of the command that should have returned the value.

<DIRECTORY> Prefixed by an asterisk, the full pathname of the invalid directory.
<FRAMESTACK> When a <FRAMESTACK> error terminates a process, the <FRAMESTACK> error with additional information is written as a message to mgr/messages.log. The informational message shows the process id (pid) of the terminated process and the line reference (routine and line offset) that generated the error. For example: (pid) 0 <FRAMESTACK> at +13^|"USER"|mytest

The names of variables local to routines (or methods), as well as the names of undefined routines, classes, properties, and methods, are prefixed with an asterisk (*). Process-private globals are identified by their ^|| prefix. Global variables are identified by their ^ (caret) prefix. Class names are presented in their %-prefix form.

The following examples show additional error information specifying the cause of the error. In each case, the specified item does not exist. Note that the info component of the generated error is separated from the error name by a blank space. The asterisk (*) indicates a local variable, a class, a property, or a method. The caret (^) indicates a global, and ^|| indicates a process-private global.

Examples of <UNDEFINED> errors:

UndefTest ;
   KILL x,abc(2)
   KILL ^xyz(1,1),^|"USER"|xyz(1,2)
   KILL ^||ppg(1),^||ppg(2)
   TRY {WRITE x }             // undefined local variable
     CATCH {WRITE $ZERROR,! }                           
   TRY {WRITE abc(2)}         // undefined subscripted local variable
   TRY {WRITE ^xyz(1,1) }          // undefined global
   TRY {WRITE ^|"USER"|xyz(1,2) }  // undefined global in another namespace
   TRY {WRITE ^||ppg(1) }     // undefined process-private global
   TRY {WRITE ^|"^"|ppg(2) }  // undefined process-private global
<UNDEFINED>UndefTest+5^MyProg *x
<UNDEFINED>UndefTest+7^MyProg *abc(2)
<UNDEFINED>UndefTest+9^MyProg ^xyz(1,1)
<UNDEFINED>UndefTest+11^MyProg ^xyz(1,2)
<UNDEFINED>UndefTest+13^MyProg ^||ppg(1)
<UNDEFINED>UndefTest+15^MyProg ^||ppg(2)

Examples of <SUBSCRIPT> errors:

SubscriptTest ;
   DO $SYSTEM.Process.NullSubscripts(0)
   KILL abc,xyz
   TRY {SET abc(1,2,3,"")=123 }
   TRY {SET xyz(1,$JUSTIFY(1,1000))=1}

<SUBSCRIPT>SubscriptTest+3^MyProg *abc() Subscript 4 is ""
<SUBSCRIPT>SubscriptTest+5^MyProg *xyz() Subscript 2 > 511 chars

Examples of <NOROUTINE> errors:

NoRoutineTest ;
   KILL ^NotThere
   TRY {DO ^NotThere }
   TRY {JOB ^NotThere }
   TRY {GOTO ^NotThere }

<NOROUTINE>NoRoutineTest+2^MyProg *NotThere
<NOROUTINE>NoRoutineTest+4^MyProg *NotThere
<NOROUTINE>NoRoutineTest+6^MyProg *NotThere 

Examples of object errors:



SET x=##class(%SQL.Statement).%New()
WRITE x.MyProp

Example of <PROTECT> error (on Windows):

   // user does not have access privileges for %SYS namespace
   SET x=^|"%SYS"|var
  <PROTECT> ^var,c:\intersystems\iris\mgr\

Example of a <COMMAND> error when invoking a user-defined function. In this example, the MyFunc QUIT command does not return a value. This generates a <COMMAND> error with the entryref specifying the location of the call to $$MyFunc, and the info message specifying the location of the QUIT command:

   TRY {
     KILL x
     SET x=$$MyFunc(7,10)
     WRITE "returned value is ",x,!
   SET c=a+b

The same <COMMAND> error when invoking the function as a procedure with the PUBLIC keyword:

   TRY {
     KILL x
     SET x=$$MyFunc(7,10)
     WRITE "returned value is ",x,!
MyFunc(a,b) PUBLIC {
   SET c=a+b
   QUIT }

Example of <DIRECTORY> error (on Windows):

  TRY { SET prev=$SYSTEM.Process.CurrentDirectory("bogusdir")
        WRITE "previous directory: ",prev,!
        RETURN }
          QUIT }


ZLOAD and Error Messages

Following a ZLOAD operation, the name of the routine loaded into the routine buffer appears in the entryref portion of subsequent error messages. This persists for the duration of the process, or until removed using ZREMOVE, or removed or replaced by another ZLOAD. The following Terminal example shows this display of the contents of the routine buffer:

SAMPLES>ZLOAD Sample.Person.1
<UNDEFINED>^Sample.Person.1 *fred
<UNDEFINED>^Sample.Person.1 ^fred

$ZERROR and the Program Stack

The <error> portion of the $ZERROR string contains the most recent error message. The contents of the entryref portion of the $ZERROR string reflect the stack level of the most recent error. The following terminal session attempts to call the nonsense command GOBBLEDEGOOK, resulting in a <SYNTAX> error. It also runs ZerrorMain (specified above), resulting in the $ZERROR value <UNDEFINED>. Subsequent $ZERROR values during this terminal session reflect this program call, as shown in the following:

USER>DO ^zerrortest
<UNDEFINED>ZerrorMain+2^zerrortest *FRED
USER 2d0>gobbledegook

$ZERROR Actions when $ZTRAP is Set

When an error occurs and $ZTRAP is set, InterSystems IRIS returns the error message in $ZERROR and branches to the error-trap handler specified for $ZTRAP. (For a list of the possible error texts, refer to System Error Messages.)

Setting $ZERROR

You can set $ZERROR with the SET command to a value of up to 512 characters only in InterSystems IRIS mode. Values longer than 512 characters are truncated to 512.

Resetting $ZERROR to the null string ("") is strongly recommended following error processing.

See Also

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