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Language (Method Keyword)

Specifies the language used to implement this method.


To specify the language used to implement the method, use the following syntax:

Method name(formal_spec) As returnclass [ Language = language ] 
{    //implementation }

Where language is one of the following:

  • objectscript (the default) — ObjectScript

  • python — Embedded Python

  • tsql — Transact-SQL

  • ispl — Informix Stored Procedure Language


This keyword specifies the language used to implement this method.

The values ispl and tsql are only supported for class methods.

If you specify a value of ispl, the body of the method is limited to a single CREATE PROCEDURE statement.


If you omit this keyword, the language specified by the class-level Language keyword is used.


You cannot specify Language = ispl or Language = python at the class level; you can only use these values for methods.


Methods for sharded classes cannot be implemented using any language other than ObjectScript.


Class User.Person Extends %Persistent

Property Name As %String;

Property Gender As %String;

/// An ObjectScript instance method that writes the name and gender of a person
Method Write() [ Language = objectscript ]
   write !, ..Name, " is a ", ..Gender, !

/// An Embedded Python instance method that prints the name and gender of a person
Method Print() [ Language = python ]
   print('\n' + self.Name + ' is a ' + self.Gender)

/// A TSQL class method that inserts a row into the Person table
ClassMethod TSQLTest() [ Language = tsql ]
   INSERT INTO Person (Name, Gender) VALUES ('Manon', 'Female')

/// An ISPL class method that creates a stored procedure named IsplSp
ClassMethod ISPLTest() [ Language = ispl ]
      INSERT INTO Person (Name, Gender) VALUES ('Nikolai', 'Male')


See Also

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