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Settings for ASTM Business Operations

Provides reference information for settings for ASTM business operations.


ASTM business operations provide the following settings:

Group Settings See
Basic Settings File Name section in this topic
Additional Settings Search Table Class Settings for Business Operations
Additional Settings Partner Service, Separators sections in this topic

The remaining settings are common to all business operations. See Settings for All Business Operations.

File Name

(File only) The target file name. The File Path adapter setting determines the path for this file; File Name determines the name. File Name can include time stamp specifiers. If you leave this setting blank, the default uses the time stamp specifier %f_%Q where:

  • %f is the name of the data source, in this case the input filename

  • _ is the literal underscore character, which will appear in the output filename

  • %Q indicates ODBC format date and time

In substituting a value for the format code %f, InterSystems strips out any of the characters |,?,\,/,:,[,],<,>,&,,,;,NUL,BEL,TAB,CR,LF, replacing spaces with underscores (_) and slashes (/) with hyphens (-). When the output file is being saved on an OpenVMS system, InterSystems replaces colons with hyphens (-). Otherwise, colons (:) become dots (.).

For details, see Time Stamp Specifications for Filenames.

Partner Service

(TCP only) The configured Name of the TCP business service that is paired with this business operation to send ASTM documents out over the TCP socket. For details, see the overview of ASTM interfaces in InterSystems Support for ASTM.

The Production Configuration page does not display the connection to this business operation.


A string of four characters which InterSystems assigns to ASTM separators in left to right order: FS, RS, CS, ESC.

An ASTM message uses special characters to organize its raw contents. These characters may vary from one clinical application to another. There are four characters, as follows:

  1. Field separator (FS)

  2. Repetition separator (RS)

  3. Component separator (CS)

  4. Escape character (ESC)

The specific character that plays each role may vary from one clinical application to another.

When configuring an ASTM business service, you have the option of specifying a set of Out Separators for outgoing ASTM documents. The fact that an ASTM business service can initiate communication from within an InterSystems product is an architectural variation that is necessary to support ASTM communication conventions. For details about these conventions, see Introduction

There is a similar setting called Out Separators for ASTM business services.

For either setting, you must supply a string of four characters which InterSystems assigns to ASTM separators in left to right order: FS, RS, CS, ESC, as described in the previous list.

If you do not specify a value for Separators, the default is:


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