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Abbreviations Used in ObjectScript

A table of abbreviations for commands, functions, and special variables available in ObjectScript.

Table of Abbreviations

The following are the name abbreviations used in ObjectScript for InterSystems IRIS® data platform. Most, but not all, ObjectScript commands, functions, and special variables have name abbreviations. Other uses of letters as code characters are found in the table of symbols used in ObjectScript.

Abbreviation Full Name
$A $ASCII function
B BREAK command
C CLOSE command
$C $CHAR function
D DO command or DO keyword of DO WHILE command
$D $DATA function (with arguments) or $DEVICE special variable (no arguments).
$E $EXTRACT function
$EC $ECODE special variable
$ES $ESTACK special variable
$ET $ETRAP special variable
F FOR command
$F $FIND function
$FN $FNUMBER function
G GOTO command
$G $GET function
^$G ^$GLOBAL structured system variable
H HALT command (no arguments) or HANG command (with argument)
$H $HOROLOG special variable
I IF command
$I $INCREMENT function (with arguments) or $IO special variable (no arguments).
$IN $INUMBER function
J JOB command
$J $JUSTIFY function (with arguments) or $JOB special variable (no arguments).
^$J ^$JOB structured system variable
K KILL command
$K $KEY special variable
L LOCK command
$L $LENGTH function
^$L ^$LOCK structured system variable
$LB $LISTBUILD function
$LD $LISTDATA function
$LF $LISTFIND function
$LG $LISTGET function
$LI $LIST function
$LL $LISTLENGTH function
$LS $LISTSAME function
$LU $LISTUPDATE function
$LV $LISTVALID function
M MERGE command
N NEW command
$NA $NAME function
$NC $NCONVERT function
$NUM $NUMBER function
O OPEN command
$O $ORDER function
P PRINT command
$P $PIECE function (with arguments) or $PRINCIPAL special variable (no arguments).
Q QUIT command
$Q $QUERY function (with arguments) or $QUIT special variable (no arguments).
$QL $QLENGTH function
$QS $QSUBSCRIPT function
R READ command
$R $RANDOM function
^$R ^$ROUTINE structured system variable
$RE $REVERSE function
RET RETURN command
S SET command
$S $SELECT function (with arguments) or $STORAGE special variable (no arguments).
$SC $SCONVERT function
$SEQ $SEQUENCE function
$ST $STACK function (with arguments) or $STACK special variable (no arguments).
$SY $SYSTEM special variable
$T $TEXT function (with arguments) or $TEST special variable (no arguments).
TC TCOMMIT command
$TL $TLEVEL special variable
$TR $TRANSLATE function
TS TSTART command
U USE command
V VIEW command
$V $VIEW function
W WRITE command
$WA $WASCII function
$WC $WCHAR function
$WE $WEXTRACT function
$WF $WFIND function
$WL $WLENGTH function
$WRE $WREVERSE function
X XECUTE command
$X $X special variable (no abbreviation).
$Y $Y special variable (no abbreviation).
$ZA $ZA special variable (no abbreviation).
ZB ZBREAK command
$ZB $ZBOOLEAN function (with arguments) or $ZB special variable (no arguments, no abbreviation).
$ZC $ZCYC function (with argument) or $ZCHILD special variable (no arguments).
$ZCVT $ZCONVERT function
$ZD $ZDATE function
$ZDA $ZDASCII function
$ZDC $ZDCHAR function
$ZDH $ZDATEH function
$ZDT $ZDATETIME function
$ZE $ZERROR special variable
$ZF $ZF functions (no abbreviation). See also $ZF(-100), $ZF(-3), $ZF(-4), $ZF(-5), and $ZF(-6) functions.
$ZH $ZHEX function (with arguments) or $ZHOROLOG special variable (no arguments).
ZI ZINSERT command
$ZI $ZIO special variable
$ZJ $ZJOB special variable
ZK ZKILL command
ZL ZLOAD command
$ZLA $ZLASCII function
$ZLC $ZLCHAR function
$ZM $ZMODE special variable
ZN ZNSPACE command
$ZN $ZNAME special variable
$ZO $ZORDER special variable
$ZPOS $ZPOSITION special variable
ZP ZPRINT command
$ZP $ZPARENT special variable
$ZQA $ZQASCII function
$ZQC $ZQCHAR function
ZR ZREMOVE command
$ZR $ZREFERENCE special variable
ZS ZSAVE command
$ZS $ZSTORAGE special variable
$ZSE $ZSEARCH function
$ZT $ZTIME function (with arguments) or $ZTRAP special variable (no arguments).
$ZTH $ZTIMEH function
$ZTS $ZTIMESTAMP special variable
$ZTZ $ZTIMEZONE special variable
$ZU $ZUTIL functionOpens in a new tab (see the Caché/Ensemble documentation)
$ZV $ZVERSION special variable
ZW ZWRITE command
$ZWA $ZWASCII function
$ZWC $ZWCHAR function
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