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Defines an optional listing field with which end users can create custom listings in a Business Intelligence cube.



The system supports another kind of custom listing — a listing that does not necessarily use the source table of the cube. See Defining a Custom Listing in Defining Listings.

The <listingField> element has the following contents:

Attribute Purpose
name, displayName, description, disabled See Common Attributes in a Cube .
fieldExpression SQL expression that refers to a field in the source table or (via arrow syntax, for example) to a field in a related table. If you specify displayName, do not specify an alias within the SQL expression. Conversely, if you specify an alias within the SQL expression, displayName is ignored and the field name cannot be localized. For details, see Creating a Listing Field.
resource (Optional) Name of the resource used to control access to this listing field. See Implementing InterSystems Business Intelligence.


For example:

<listingField name="PatientID" displayName="PatientID" fieldExpression="PatientID" />
<listingField name="Age" displayName="Age" fieldExpression="Age" />
<listingField name="Gender" displayName="Gender" fieldExpression="Gender" />
<listingField name="Test Score" displayName="Test Score" fieldExpression="TestScore" />
<listingField name="City" displayName="City" fieldExpression="HomeCity->Name" />
<listingField name="Doctor" displayName="Doctor" fieldExpression="PrimaryCarePhysician->LastName" />

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