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CDA Documents and XSL Transforms

This page provides an introduction to the way InterSystems products handle CDA documents, beginning with an overview of the structure of a CDA document, then describing the library of XSLTs (XSL transformations) that turns CDA documents into SDA, and vice versa.

CDA Document Structure

The root node of all CDA documents is <ClinicalDocument>. Beneath it are three logical divisions: a header, one or more Sections, and one or more Entries within each Section.

  • The header contains metadata, patient demographics, and provider information.

  • A Section establishes a broad concept, such as Allergies or Medication. A Section may contain unstructured, “narrative” data in addition to structured data in the form of Entries.

  • An Entry is embedded within a Section and represents an individual instance within the larger concept. For example, one Entry in the Allergies section might represent a peanut allergy, and another a pollen allergy.

When a CDA document is transformed, Sections and Entries receive transformation instructions from support files, which are discussed in XSLT Directory Structure for CDA Documents.

All portions of a CDA document conform to templates, which are defined by IHE or some other organization. These templates are identified by OIDs (object identifiers). Templates provide structured, reusable formats for clinical data in a CDA document, and they also indicate the specifications with which a CDA document must comply. Templates can inherit from one another, imposing further constraints. OIDs are made up of strings of integers separated by periods, such as 2.16.840.1.113883. For more information about a specific template, enter its OID into an Internet search engine; there are many online resources that provide detailed OID specifications.

Each Section contains structured and unstructured data. Unstructured data contains items such as text, numbers, and even entire paragraphs; these are located in the narrative portion of a Section. Unstructured data accomplishes two tasks. First, it provides the human-readable section of the CDA required by CDA specifications. Second, unstructured data provides a reference point to which subsequent structured data may refer.

Structured data appears within Sections as Entries. As the name suggests, structured data has more specifications to which it must adhere. Each Entry has one or more templates associated with it, indicating the standards to which that Entry conforms. Entries contain a variety of data, including dates, intervals, strings, and OIDs. Additionally, they contain coded data, and particular fields may expect certain input patterns. A codeSystem attribute, for example, must be a valid OID and cannot be blank.

The following table describes the CCDA v2.1 Sections supported by InterSystems. The left column displays XSLs, while the right column displays their corresponding section names.

XSL CCDA Section Notes
AdvanceDirectives.xsl Advance Directives  
AllergiesAndOtherAdverseReactions.xsl Allergies and Intolerances  
AssessmentAndPlan.xsl Assessment and Plan  
Assessments.xsl Assessment  
ChiefComplaint.xsl Chief Complaint Supported for export only.
ChiefComplaintAndReasonForVisit.xsl Chief Complaint and Reason for Visit Supported for export only.

This XSL defines SDA elements for:

  • Care Plan Type

  • Care Plan Provider

  • Care Plan Support Contacts

  • Care Plan SetId

  • Care Plan Version

  • Care Plan Authors

  • Care Plan Organizations

  • Care Plan Health Concern IDs

  • Care Plan Goal IDs

DiagnosticResults.xsl Results  
DischargeDiagnosis.xsl Discharge Diagnosis  
EncounterDiagnoses.xsl   Used to supplement the default Encounter section specification.
FamilyHistory.xsl Family History  
FunctionalStatus.xsl Functional Status  
Goals.xsl Goals  
HealthConcerns.xsl Health Concerns  
HistoryOfPastIllness.xsl History of Past Illness  
HistoryOfPresentIllness.xsl History of Present Illness  
HospitalAdmissionDiagnosis.xsl Admission Diagnosis  
HospitalCourse.xsl Hospital Course Supported for export only.
HospitalDischargeInstructions.xsl Hospital Discharge Instructions  
HospitalDischargeMedications.xsl Discharge Medications  
Immunizations.xsl Immunizations  
Instructions.xsl Instructions  
Interventions.xsl Interventions  
Medications.xsl Medications  
MedicationsAdministered.xsl Medications Administered  

This XSL defines an SDA element for Care Considerations, including the following sub-fields:

  • Entered By

  • Entered At

  • Entered On

  • External ID

  • Document Time

  • Document Number

  • Document Name

  • Document Type

  • File Type

  • Document Stream

  • Document Status

  • Clinician

  • Custom SDA Data

Outcomes.xsl Health Status Evaluations and Outcomes  
Payers.xsl Payers  
PhysicalExams.xsl Physical Exam Supported for export only.
PlanOfTreatment.xsl Plan of Treatment  
ProblemList.xsl Problem  
ProceduresAndInterventions.xsl Procedures  
ReasonForReferral.xsl Reason for Referral Supported for export only.
ReasonForVisit.xsl Reason for Visit  
SocialHistory.xsl Social History  
VitalSigns.xsl Vital Signs  

XSLT Directory Structure for CDA Documents

InterSystems healthcare products ship with a library of XSLTs to transform CDA documents into SDA, and vice versa.

To view the available root-level XSLTs, navigate to your installation directory and follow the path install-dir\CSP\xslt\SDA3. This directory contains the XSLTs, many of which are named for the actions they perform.

For example, CCDA-to-SDA transforms Consolidated CDA 1.1 CCD into SDA, CCDAv21-to-SDA transforms Consolidated CDA 2.1 CCD into SDA, SDA-to-C32v25 transforms SDA into C32, and so on. These files in turn make calls to other files located in the CDA-Support-Files directory, located at install-dir\CSP\xslt\SDA3\CDA-Support-Files.

Each root-level XSLT (for example, CDA-to-SDA.xsl) begins with xsl:include declarations to pull in the appropriate files located in the CDA-Support-Files directory.

This section describes the various directories within CDA-Support-Files and the functions they serve. As the image indicates, CDA-Support-Files contains the directories:

  • System — Source-controlled, non-configurable files defining widely used items such as OIDs and templates.

  • Site — Configurable files that are used by various XSLTs.

  • Import and Export — Files that are called when transforming CDA into SDA, and vice versa.

  • Reports — Mostly transformations that turn CDA documents into HTML so that they can be displayed in a web browser. This directory is not described below.


XSLTs are cached, so you must restart the production in the applicable namespace after editing a transformation for the changes to take effect.

The System Directory

The System directory contains static files that define a wide range of items. Items in this folder are not configurable.

The directories within System are:

  • Common — Utility templates that are not widely used.

  • OIDs — Variables associated with the OIDs

  • Site-Defaults — A source-controlled version of the Site directory. This directory is not called at runtime. For more information, see The Site Directory.

  • Templates — Variables associated with the template identifiers

The Site Directory

The Site directory contains files that can be uniquely configured.


The files in this directory are not touched upon upgrade in order to preserve customizations. After upgrading, you must manually reconcile these files with the new versions of the files in install-dir\CSP\xslt\SDA3\CDA-Support-Files\System\Site-Defaults, regardless of whether they have been customized. Any files that you did not customize in the Site directory must also be refreshed with the new version in Site-Defaults by manually copying the files into the directory.

The files within Site are:

  • ImportProfile and ExportProfile — Configuration settings that are used during the process of importing and exporting a CDA document into and from your instance. See Import Profile and Export Profile.

  • OutputEncoding — An XSLT used on export to control the encoding of the resulting CDA document. The default is UTF-8.

  • Variables — Configurable variables used during import or export. These variables represent organizations and set up “home” information.

Import Profile

The import profile controls configuration settings when importing a CDA document. Almost every variable in the import profile has a <sectionTemplateId>, an <entryTemplateId>, or both; the exception is resultsImportConfiguration, which instead has separate template IDs for <sectionC32TemplateId> and <sectionC37TemplateId>. The presence of a <sectionTemplateId> or an <entryTemplateId> depends on whether the variable in question is found in a section module or an entry module.

Additionally, some variables may contain other settings. The following tables list those settings as well as the variables to which they belong and their values.

Import Profile Settings

Variable Name






Blocks the import of a CDA string, narrative text, or originalText into an SDA CodeTableDetail Code property when the CDA @code attribute is not available.

If this setting is activated and the coded element is nullFlavor, no text is loaded into the SDA Code Property unless the target SDA element is OrderItem and the orderItemDefaultCode or orderItemDefaultDescription configuration parameter is turned on.

If blockImportCTDCodeFromText is not enabled, the import behavior remains unchanged from the previous version.




Indicates whether or not SDA action codes are enabled. SDA action codes control the update and deletion of data.




Indicates whether CDA <id> elements should be used to import SDA ExternalId property values where applicable.



When enabled, and a CDA Result cannot be classified as an SDA LabOrder or RadOrder, then the Result is imported as an SDA OtherOrder. Otherwise the Result is not imported.




When the value equals 1, if hl7:representedOrganization/hl7:id @root is an OID and @extension is numeric, then both are concatenated into one facility OID.



A value of 1 imports the narrative section as text, importing both <br/> and narrative line feeds as line feeds. A value of 2 imports as text, using only <br/> as a line feed. This applies only to the import of Result Text, Hospital Discharge Instructions, and Reason for Visit.





Indicates the status of a medication. Its value depends on the variable in which it is located, which in turn indicates the CDA section from which the medication is being imported.

planImportConfiguration effectiveTimeCenter

When set to 0: effectiveTime/center values will be imported to FromTime.

When set to 1 :effectiveTime/center values will be imported to FromTime and ToTime.

Note: If effectiveTime/center is populated for a particular care plan, effectiveTime/high and effectiveTime/low should not be populated for that care plan.



Helps to select the correct hl7:organizer within a given results entry when there is more than one. One alternate value it might be given is $ihe-PCC-LabBatteryOrganizer.



Code to use for SDA OrderItem Code when a CDA Result does not include information from which to derive an OrderItem Code or Description.



Description to use for SDA OrderItem Code when a CDA Result does not include information from which to derive SDA OrderItem Code or Description.



A value of 1 means that this setting is enabled. This is the default. The system adds a Health Fund streamlet for each Encounter to the resulting SDA. A value of 0 means that this setting is disabled. The system will not create a Health Fund streamlet for every Encounter.



A value of 1 means that this setting is enabled. For each Payor received in the CCD/CCDA, the system will create a Member Enrollment streamlet in the resulting SDA. A value of 0 means that this setting is disabled. This is the default. The system will not create a Member Enrollment streamlet in the resulting SDA.



A value of 0 means that Gender Identity Social History entries will not be imported into the GenderIdentity property of the Patient streamlet. This is the default. A value of 1 means that Gender Identity entries will be imported into the GenderIdentity property of the Patient streamlet. This setting only applies to CCDA v1.1 and CCDA v2.1.



A value of 1 means that the system imports Gender Identity as a SocialHistory streamlet during the translation of Social History CCDA entries into SDA3. This is the default. A value of 0 means that the system does not import Gender Identity as a SocialHistory streamlet. This setting only applies to CCDA v1.1 and CCDA v2.1.

The settings in the following table control how CCDA v2.1 Note sections are imported into SDA Document streamlets. These settings apply only to CCDA v2.1.

CCDA v2.1 Note Section Import Profile Settings

Variable Name





Limit note import to sections matching the given LOINC codes. The default version of the file lists many default note sections to import. Anything that is not included is not imported.



Exclude note import from sections matching the given LOINC codes.



Always import note entries matching the given LOINC codes even if the corresponding section isn’t imported.

The system currently does not import some Note sections, like Review of Systems, as there are no corresponding .xsl files in install-dir\CSP\xslt\SDA3\CDA-Support-Files\Import\Section-Modules\CCDAv21 to import them with. If you include the LOINC code for such sections in includeNotes, any <text> blocks will be imported as a document in the SDA identified by that LOINC code. Entry data is not imported in this case. This setting is empty by default.



Never import note entries matching the given LOINC codes even if corresponding section is imported. This setting is empty by default.

The settings in the following table control how narratives, which appear inside of CCDAv2.1 sections in <text> tags, are imported from CCDA v2.1 to SDA. These settings apply only to CCDAv2.1.

The narrativeImportConfiguration/section variable contains a list of CCDA v2.1 sections, like Admission Medication, that narratives will be imported from.

CCDA v2.1 Narrative Import Profile Settings

Variable Name





Controls how lines are wrapped in the resulting SDA <NoteText> when narratives are imported. By default, long lines are wrapped at 80 characters. Words that end lines are broken on whitespace only.

A known issue with wrapWidth prevents it from properly wrapping narrative text that has been imported into SDA.



Optional. Any narrative that contains a phrase included in the exclude setting is skipped for import. Any narratives that exactly match any phrases inside of the <exclude mode="full"> option will be skipped for import. Any narrative with the nullFlavor attribute is always skipped. The importProfile.xsl file contains several default phrases in <exclude>.

You can either exclude phrases via this exclude setting, which filters all the sections that you are importing narratives from, or you can use the section-specific exclude setting described below to exclude from a specific section.  



Recommended. This setting affects how the SDA is displayed in the Clinical Viewerand will translate into the SDA as DocumentName in the SDA Document streamlet, which is used for Clinical Viewer grouping. More specifically, this value overrides the hl7:section/hl7:title value that is mapped to DocumentName.



Optional. Affects how the SDA is displayed in the Clinical Viewer. This setting becomes the Code in the DocumentType.

The displayName option of code becomes the Description of the documentType property of the SDA Document streamlet.



Required. Every category for clinical data has a defined unique templateID, or OID. If present, the narrative for the section specified by this templateId is imported.

Export Profile

Most elements in the export profile have an <emptySection> element, a <narrativeLinkPrefixes> element, or both. <emptySection> elements control whether or not to export a section that contains no information. <narrativeLinkPrefixes> allows you to determine the prefix of the IDs that will identify narrative sections (which are located inside of <text> tags), and entry sections in the resulting CCDA. These IDs can be used to provide links between the narrative and entry sections in the resulting CCDA. Both of the following have <narrativeLinkPrefixes>, as both result in sections that require links between narrative and entry sections:

  • Top-level ExportProfile.xml sections like <allergies> and <assessmentPlan>

  • The <notes> section used for Note section export in ExportProfile.xml

Additionally, some sections may contain other settings. These settings can be edited and augmented depending on the data that is to be exported. The following tables list those unique settings as well as the sections in which they are found and their values.

Export Profile Settings







Codes that can be used as additional diagnosis types for admission.




Codes that correspond to various advance directive types, such as resuscitation or intubation.




Codes that can be used as additional diagnosis types for assessment.




Codes that can be used as additional diagnosis types for discharge.



disabled If enabled (value = 1), allows the export of encounter diagnoses to CDA C32.




Controls whether or not to include historical medications in the current medications list.




Limits how old in days a medication can be and still be included in the current medications list.




Hides the narrative column.

planOfCare effectiveTimeCenter

When set to 0: FromTime will be exported to effectiveTime/low and ToTime will be exported to effectiveTime/high.

When set to 1: IF FromTime and ToTime have the same non-null value, that value is exported to effectiveTime/center. ELSE: if FromTime has a value, it is exported to effectiveTime/low. If ToTime has a value it is exported to effectiveTime/high. EXCEPTION: if ProcedureTime has a value, it is exported to effectiveTime/Center in place of FromTime.




Codes that correspond to various problem types, such as ACTIVE or CHRONIC.




Limits how old in days a medication can be and still be included in the current problems list.




Indicates whether or not to export smokingStatus when it contains no data.




Included for backwards compatibility, so that users can successfully process SDA Vaccinations and create CDA/C-CDA data with Immunizations if they have both:

  • Erroneous SDA with Immunization administration dates translated incorrectly in SDA, resulting in SDA without Administrations (if the SDA was generated prior to receiving the CDA/C-CDA Immunization Processing Correction)

  • Newer SDA without the issue, where Immunization administration dates were correctly translated to Vaccination.Administrations.Administration.FromTime

When set to 0: This is the default. Immunizations entries are only created when Vaccination SDA correctly includes Administrations.

When set to 1: Immunization entries are created in CDA/C-CDA for SDA Vaccinations created both before and after receiving the CDA/C-CDA Immunization Processing Correction.

The settings in the following table control how SDA Document streamlets, which represent CCDA Note sections like Progress Note and Procedure Note, are exported to CCDA v2.1 Note sections. These settings apply only to CCDA v2.1.

The notes/category section contains settings that describe an SDA Document category for export to CCDA v2.1 Note sections. Including a category section for a specific SDA Document type exports that specific SDA Document from SDA to CCDA v2.1.

CCDA v2.1 Note Section Export Profile Settings






A value of 0 means that each category specified is exported into its own separate section in the resulting CCDA v2.1 document. This is the default. Setting this value to 1 will instead export all notes into a single default section as one single note. The default section is specified by the default setting described later in this table.



A value of 0 means that SDA documents that don’t match a category specified in the notes/category section are not exported to CCDA v2.1. Setting this value to 1 will instead export these documents to the default section, specified later in this table by the default setting.



Must be defined. Specifies the category that will be used as the default notes section when singlesection and uncategorized are set to 1.



The LOINC code for the document type. Used at the time of export to match with the correct note category.



The LOINC display name for the document type.



The section title to use.



A pipe-delimited list of LOINC codes that fall under this SDA Document category. Each typecode is a LOINC code representing a subcategory of the current Document category. These LOINC codes are subcategories of the CCDA Note section that is represented by the Document category. The system will put the types of notes that are represented by these LOINC codes inside of the overarching Note section in the resulting CCDAv2.1.

For example, you might enter several typecodes, like |11526-1|34122-2|34819-3|, that are part of a Pathology Study. All of the notes represented by these typecodes would end up inside of the Pathology Study Note in the resulting CCDA v2.1.

Any LOINC code that is not included is not exported.

The settings in the following table control how narratives that appear inside of CCDAv2.1 sections in <text> tags are exported from SDA to CCDA v2.1. These settings apply only to CCDAv2.1. The <narrative> variable contains a list of sections that will have narratives exported. Each <section> contains the same settings as a narrativeImportConfiguration/section that is used for narrative import above.

Note that the default ExportProfile.xml file divides <narrative> into three types of sections:

  • Standard sections — Sections for which the system has a .xsl file for exporting from SDA to CCDAv2.1 in install-dir\CSP\xslt\SDA3\CDA-Support-Files\Export\Section-Modules\CCDAv21. The system exports both narratives and entries for these sections.

  • Special sections — Sections for which the system previously exported both entries and narratives. In this case, the system defaults back to the legacy export logic.

  • Standalone sections — Sections for which InterSystems IRIS for Health does not have a .xsl file for exporting the section in install-dir\CSP\xslt\SDA3\CDA-Support-Files\Export\Section-Modules\CCDAv21, meaning that neither entries nor narratives are exported. If a section is included in the <narratives> variable as a standalone section, the system will export the narratives in the section without exporting the entries. Many sections that are supported for narrative import are not supported for narrative export.

The import and export profiles control which sections are eligible for narrative processing. Any section is eligible for import. However, only a subset of standard sections are enabled for export - for example the Allergy section is not included for export, but the FunctionalStatus section is. In most cases, the sections that are included by default tend to include relevant data in narratives that is not referenced by entries.

CCDA v2.1 Narrative Export Profile Settings






Used as a separator heading after entry-based narrative if present in a standard or standalone section. Not used in the resulting CCDA in a special section.



Informative only and is not used in the resulting CCDA for all three types of sections.



Required. Every category of clincial data has a unique templateId, or OID. The narrative for the specified section is exported.

Adding Additional Standalone Sections for Narrative Export

To export additional standalone sections that are not already included in the list of standalone sections to be exported in the narrative/section section of ExportProfile.xml, do the following:

  1. Add the appropriate <section> inside of the <narrative> section in ExportProfile.xml, for example:

    <title>Admission Medication</title>
    <code code="42346-7" displayName="Medications on Admission"/>
    <templateId root="2.16.840.1.113883." extension="2015-08-01/>
  2. If you have not already done so, create a custom version of the appropriate root-level .xsl file used for SDA to CCDA v2.1 export in install-dir\CSP\xslt\SDA3\CDA-Support-Files\Export\Entry-Modules\CCDAv21.

    In most cases, you will be editing the SDA-to-CCDAv21-CCD.xsl file, as narrative export is only supported for CCDA v2.1. Occasionally, depending on what transform you use to export CCDA, you may need to edit another file, like SDA-to-CCDAv21-ClinicalSummary.xsl or SDA-to-CCDAv21-CON.xsl.

  3. In your custom version of the root-level .xsl file, add a line like the following in the <xsl:apply-templates mode="narrative-export-sections" select="."> section:

    <item root="{$ccda-PhysicalExamSection}"/>

    The <xsl:apply-templates mode="narrative-export-sections" select="."> section of the .xsl file specifies which standalone narratives to include during the export. You can determine the name of the variable (for example $ccda-PhysicalExamSection) that you need to add by examining the TemplateIdentifers-CCDA.xsl file in the install-dir\CSP\xslt\SDA3\CDA-Support-Files\System\Templates directory and finding the variable name that corresponds to the section that you wish to export.

    Adding this line will call the narrative-export-sections template on each item in the templates parameter, which is necessary for narrative export.

Adding Additional Standard Sections for Narrative Export

Certain standard sections support narrative export by default. In order to enable narrative export for other standard sections, you must customize the .xml files for that section in the Section-Modules and Entry-Modules subdirectories. The following provides an example of how you would enable narrative export for the FunctionalStatus standard section, though FunctionalStatus is enabled for narrative export by default:

  1. Add the appropriate <section> inside of <narrative> in ExportProfile.xml.

  2. Navigate to the install-dir\CSP\xslt\SDA3\CDA-Support-Files\Export\Section-Modules directory and open the FunctionalStatus.xml file for editing.

  3. Define a variable to hold the node-set of SDA Documents for the section:

    <xsl:variable name="docs" select="Documents/Document[(Category/Code/text() = 'SectionNarrative') and (DocumentType/Code/text() = $exportConfiguration/narrative/section[templateId/@root = $ccda-FunctionalStatusSection]/code/@code)]"/>

    This uses the export configuration to check if the section is enabled for structured narrative export.

  4. Define another variable to indicate if there are eligible docs:

    <xsl:variable name="hasDocs" select="count($docs)"/>
  5. Update any conditionals that check if the section has data to use your new hasDocs variable, for example:

    <xsl:if test="($hasDocs > 0) or ($hasData > 0) or ($exportSectionWhenNoData='1') or ($sectionRequired='1')">
    <xsl:if test="($hasDocs = 0) and ($hasData = 0)"><xsl:attribute name="nullFlavor">NI</xsl:attribute></xsl:if>
  6. Update the call to the Entry-Module template to pass the docs variable:

    <xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="eFS-functionalStatus-Narrative">  
       <xsl:with-param name="docs" select="$docs"/>
  7. Add a xsl:when clause to export the section when there are no entries but there are SDA Documents available:

    <xsl:when test="$hasDocs > 0">
          <xsl:apply-templates mode="narrative-export-documents" select=".">
             <xsl:with-param name="docs" select="$docs"/>
  8. Navigate to the install-dir\CSP\xslt\SDA3\CDA-Support-Files\Export\Entry-Modules\CCDAv21 directory and open the FunctionalStatus.xml file for editing.

  9. Add the docs parameter to the narrative template:

    <xsl:template match="*" mode="eFS-functionalStatus-Narrative">
       <xsl:param name="docs"/>
  10. Call the section exporter after the standard entry table:

       <table border="1" width="100%">
       <!-- structured narrative documents -->
       <xsl:apply-templates mode="narrative-export-documents" select=".">
          <xsl:with-param name="docs" select="$docs"/>
          <xsl:with-param name="header" select="$exportConfiguration/narrative/section[templateId/@root=$ccda-FunctionalStatusSection]/title/text()"/>

The Import and Export Directories

The Import and Export directories contain files that are called when XSLTs transform data.

  • The Import directory contains those files that are called when transforming CDA into SDA.

  • The Export directory contains those files that are called when transforming SDA into CDA.

Both the Import and the Export directories contain subdirectories labeled Common, Entry-Modules, and Section-Modules.

  • The Common directory contains XSLTs that set up commonly used global variables for the various transformations and provide templates that contain commonly used logic, such as address-Home.

  • The Section-Modules directory contains XSLTs that transform data to or from a given CDA section; the name of each XSLT corresponds closely to the name of the CDA section it transforms.

  • The Entry-Modules directory contains XSLTs that map the transformation into the correct Entry of a document and then parse the coded data. As a result, XSLTs within this directory tend to be significantly longer than their counterparts in the Section-Modules directory.

Each root-level XSLT (for example, CDA-to-SDA.xsl) begins with xsl:include declarations to pull in the appropriate Section-Modules, Entry-Modules, and Common files, as well as other necessary files.

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