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Overview of the Web Gateway Management Pages

The Web Gateway provides a set of management pages that you can use to configure and monitor the Web Gateway. This page describes how to access these pages and how to localize them, and provides an overview of the options in them.

Accessing the Web Gateway Management Pages

By default, only clients local to the Web Gateway’s hosting computer can access the Web Gateway management pages, so that the browser you use to access these pages must be running on the same machine as the web server and the Web Gateway.

When this is the case, the URL for the Web Gateway management pages has the following form:


If you have configured your web server to listen over non-standard port, append :<portNum> after the hostname, where <portNum> is the port number (for example localhost:11555).

Bookmark this URL for easy access.


For Apache web servers, URL paths and file names are case-sensitive.

When you try to access the Web Gateway management pages, you are asked for credentials for the CSP system user. Look for the username in the configuration file. The password is the one that you entered during the InterSystems IRIS installation. If you forget the password, see Security.


Note that you can also access these pages from the Management Portal for any InterSystems IRIS instance connected to the Web Gateway. Simply navigate to System Administration > Configuration > Web Gateway Management. The same considerations apply with respect to client addresses.

Enabling Access from Additional Client Addresses

You can add additional clients to the list of authorized administrators by adding the client IP addresses to the System_Manager parameter in the SYSTEM section in the configuration file. This parameter represents a comma- or plus-separated list of clients (by IP address) who may access the Web Gateway management pages. The directive shown below grants access to three remote clients in addition to the default local access.


For new Gateway installations, for which there is no local browser available, manually edit the configuration file and add the System_Manager parameter, which is equivalent to the Systems Manager Machines setting, found under the Default Parameters section of the Web Gateway management pages. You can specify wildcard and numeric ranges in the entries for this parameter.


If you attempt to load the Web Gateway management pages, and the browser fails to load the page, giving an error You are not authorized to use this facility, this is likely due to the System_Manager setting blocking access to your IP address.

The following example indicates that the last part of the IP address can take the value of a number between 4 and 6 inclusive.


The previous example is a more convenient way of writing:


You can also use wildcards, such as, in this example:


The following directive grants access to all clients:


However, it is not recommended to use such a directive on operational systems; this approach does not provide strong security, because client IP addresses can be spoofed.

The use of a proxy between the client and the web server/Gateway installation effectively translates all client IP addresses to that of the proxy. In this scenario, you would have to either specify the proxy’s IP address as a Gateway Systems Manager (which would effectively grant access to all web users coming in through the proxy) or, preferably, enable the designated systems managers to bypass the proxy layer altogether.

The IP-based scheme, while useful as a first line of defense, should not be relied upon as the sole means through which access to the Web Gateway management pages is controlled – certainly not for CSP installations that are available over the internet. For production systems, it is recommended that you use the hosting web server configuration to control access to the Web Gateway systems management modules.

Available Options

The following table shows the options available on the Web Gateway Management Main Menu page.

Menu Item Action
About Web Gateway Shows information about the Web Gateway, including the version of the InterSystems IRIS distribution, the Web Gateway build number, the version of OpenSSL that is loaded, the version of the hosting web server, the active interface, the name and location of the Web Gateway configuration file (CSP.ini), and the name and location of the event log (CSP.log). The Web Gateway build number is made up of two numeric components. The first number indicates the version of InterSystems IRIS. The second number is the internal Web Gateway build number.
System Status Displays the status of active server connections. Also allows you to close connections and clear the Web Gateway cache.
Test Server Connection Tests the connection to an InterSystems IRIS server by opening a stateless session.
View Event Log Allows you to view information in the Web Gateway Event Log, as well as clear its contents. This log is a file maintained on the web server host.
View HTTP Trace Provides an interactive view of the HTTP requests and responses processed by the Web Gateway.
Default Parameters Allows you to configure the Web Gateway on a specific web server. Also, it allows you to customize CSP responses to errors and other conditions.
Server Access Configures Web Gateway access to a specific InterSystems IRIS server.
Application Access Configures the access to an application according to the application path. Path, in this context, refers to the path contained within the application URLs.
Back to Management Portal Returns to the InterSystems IRIS Management Portal page.

These pages include a Help button.


Localization of the Web Gateway management pages is based on the contents of the file CSPres.xml, if it is installed. If no localization file is present, the Web Gateway management pages use the embedded English text. The language settings of the browser have no influence on this mechanism.

You can support alternative languages by installing the appropriate text resource file as a file named CSPres.xml in the Web Gateway’s home directory. When the Web Gateway starts or restarts, it loads the text resources found in CSPres.xml and the Management forms then appear in the chosen language.

To create a CSPres.xml file, rename the appropriate CSPres_xx.xml file in the InterSystems IRIS bin directory to CSPres.xml.

For example, to convert to Spanish:

  1. Rename CSPres_es.xml to CSPres.xml

  2. Restart the web server. You must restart because the language text affects the CSP module for the given web server.

To convert back to English:

  1. Rename CSPres.xml back to CSPres_es.xml

  2. Restart the web server.

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