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InterSystems IRIS for Health 2024.3
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Overview of Third Party Software

See the Table of Contents for a detailed listing of the subjects covered in this document.

InterSystems provides native implementations of the following third-party drivers and interfaces:

The InterSystems JDBC Driver

The InterSystems JDBC Driver is a fully compliant type 4 implementation of the JDBC standard.

See JDBC Driver Support for detailed information on JDBC driver compliance and enhancements, including the level of support for all optional features and a list of all InterSystems IRIS-specific additional features.

Also see the following related documentation:

The InterSystems Hibernate Dialect

The InterSystems Hibernate Dialect is an implementation of the Hibernate dialect interface. Since every vendor’s implementation of SQL is slightly different, the Hibernate dialect interface allows vendors to create custom Hibernate mappings for a specific database.

See Hibernate Support for details.

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