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InterSystems IRIS for Health 2024.3
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Customizing the SDA

In most cases, the SDA structure is sufficient to handle all of the data coming through the system. However, if you do need to capture additional data, extending the SDA is very straightforward.

There are two recommended ways to extend the SDA, depending on your needs:

  • Extend an existing SDA object by using the provided extension class. This option is available in all products. Each SDA class has a corresponding extension class, which by default has no properties. You can extend the capabilities of the SDA by declaring properties on the extension classes.

  • Create a custom SDA container and a corresponding custom streamlet. This option is available only in HealthShare Unified Care Record. You can define a custom SDA container that adds extra sections to the SDA. This definition includes custom SDA streamlets. Choose this option if you are running Unified Care Record and you want to create new streamlet types to handle new data types.

An additional option, available in all products, is to add a custom name/value pair to an existing SDA section or a new custom SDA section. You might prefer this approach if the data you want to capture is structured as simple pairs (for example, a questionnaire with a set of questions and answers). However, this approach has numerous limitations:

  • It is complicated when storing complex objects or collections of data with 0:* cardinality.

  • It cannot store custom data on serial properties of streamlets.

  • This data cannot easily be propagated to Health Insight's database.

  • There is no way to easily implement datatype validation on custom data.

Using name/value pairs is not recommended because of the above limitations. If you believe that this approach may be appropriate for your situation, review the “Extending the SDA with Name/Value Pairs” section of this guide and consult InterSystems support if needed.

Using the Extension Classes to Customize the SDA

Each SDA data class (with some exceptions, described below) has a corresponding extension class and a property that refers to it. For example, class HS.SDA3.AllergyOpens in a new tab has property Extension of type HS.Local.SDA3.AllergyExtensionOpens in a new tab. By default, these extension classes have no properties. You can customize your SDA by adding properties to these classes.

All of the extension classes can be found in the HSCUSTOM database, which was automatically created on installation or upgrade.

To use the extension classes:

  1. Add properties to the extension classes as needed.

  2. Recompile your classes.

  3. Import the SDA3 schema.

  4. Populate your extension properties.

If you are running HealthShare Unified Care Record, you can also customize the streamlet class associated with an SDA extension class.

After you have added properties to an extension class, you can use them in code and, in Unified Care Record, display them in the Clinical Viewer.


If you are also using Health Insight for analytics, you must propagate your SDA extensions to Health Insight and also modify the HSAA.Local.<SDAType>Extension classes in Health Insight. See “SDA Extensions and Health Insight” in the Health Insight Installation and Configuration Guide.

If you are viewing this documentation in InterSystems IRIS for Health or HealthShare® HealthConnect, click hereOpens in a new tab to link to the HealthShare Health Insight documentation on extending the SDA.

General Notes on Extension Classes

All code table extension classes extend HS.SDA3.CodeTableExtensionOpens in a new tab; all other extension classes extend HS.SDA3.DataTypeOpens in a new tab.

The following classes do not have associated extension classes:

The Patient class is of special significance, as the main parent class for all patient data. The Patient SDA object has a corresponding registry class HS.Registry.PatientOpens in a new tab, and associated message classes. Each of these contains a property called Extension, which is a reference to the HS.Local.SDA3.PatientExtensionOpens in a new tab class. Therefore, any extension properties that you create are available to those associated classes as well as to the Patient class itself.

Adding Properties to the Extension Class

To customize the SDA, add properties to the extension classes in the HS.Local package in the HSCUSTOM namespace.

In your IDE, switch to the appropriate namespace and open the desired extension classes. Add new properties as needed.

You can add properties of the following types:

  • %StringOpens in a new tab

  • Any HS.SDA3.<DataType> such as Boolean or Numeric

  • Any existing HS.SDA3 serial class

  • Any custom serial class that you have created, which must extend HS.SDA3.DataTypeOpens in a new tab. Any custom serial classes should not be defined in HealthShare packages that are available out of the box, like HS.Local or HS.SDA3. This ensures that your class names will not conflict with any future standard SDA3 class names. For example, you should name your custom serial class something like ZUser.HS.MySDASection, rather than HS.SDA3.MySDASection. You can add custom package mappings to HSCUSTOM.

  • Any new code tables that you have created, which must extend HS.SDA3.CodeTableTranslatedOpens in a new tab; the following code tables are not translatable:

    Code Tables that are Excluded from Translation













In the following example, the Sneeziness and FlowerType properties have been added to the HS.Local.SDA3.AllergyExtensionOpens in a new tab class. Sneeziness is a string, and FlowerType is a custom type.

 Class HS.Local.SDA3.AllergyExtension Extends HS.SDA3.DataType
 Parameter STREAMLETCLASS = "HS.SDA3.Streamlet.Allergy";
 Property Sneeziness As %String;
 Property FlowerType As My.Local.Type.FT;

Recompiling The Classes

After you have made your changes, you must recompile the relevant classes. For greatest efficiency, InterSystems recommends that you compile the entire HS.SDA3 package.

If you have any additional instances, make sure that your new code (including associated mappings) is deployed to each instance.


If you are deploying in a mirror:

  1. Apply code changes in HSCUSTOM to the backup member first.

  2. Fail over.

  3. Apply the changes to the new backup member.

Import the SDA3 Schema


If you are a HealthShare customer, this option may be located on your ODS at Management Portal > HealthShare > myODSNamespace > Schema Documentation.

Ensure that your SDA3 schema incorporates any customizations by importing the SDA3 schema:

  1. Open the Management Portal.

  2. Navigate to Health > myFoundationNamespace > Schema Documentation, where myFoundationNamespace is the name of your Foundation namespace.

  3. Click the Import SDA3 Schema button.

Populating The Extension Properties

Now that your extension properties are in place, you will need to ensure that they will be populated by incoming data from source systems.

Depending on your needs and your system setup, you can accomplish this in several ways:

  • With HealthShare® Unified Care Record, you can create a pipeline. Consult the HealthShare® product documentationOpens in a new tab for details.

  • With InterSystems IRIS for Health or Health Connect, you can create a DTL transformation. See Developing DTL Transformations for details. To ensure that the desired extension properties will be available to you when creating your DTL, you will need to export the XML schema from HSCUSTOM and import it to the desired namespace, as follows:

    1. In Terminal in the HSCUSTOM namespace, run the following:

      do ##class(HS.SDA3.Container).ExportXMLSchema()

      You will be prompted to enter the desired filename for the export file. Specify the full path and filename as desired, with an .xsd extension.

    2. In the Management Portal, in the namespace where you intend to create a DTL, select Interoperability > Interoperate > XML > XML Schema Structures.

    3. Select the Import button and navigate to your export file. The exported schema is imported to the desired namespace.

    4. You can now open a new DTL transformation and use the extension properties. If your extension class has a single property, that custom property does not appear under the Extension property of the DTL diagram. For example, if your extension class has two properties, BloodType and Sneeziness, you can expand the Extension property in the DTL diagram to display the two custom properties. However, if the extension class has only one property, BloodType, the DTL diagram does not display BloodType under the Extension property; the BloodType property gets “rolled up” into the parent Extension property.

  • With any product: If you are using the HS.Gateway.HL7.HL7ToSDA3Opens in a new tab class to convert HL7 messages to SDA:

    1. Create a new class extending HS.Gateway.HL7.HL7ToSDA3Opens in a new tab.

    2. In the new class, implement callback methods to handle the SDA extensions you have added. The callback methods are named in the form On<StreamletName>(), for example OnAllergy().

    3. Edit the HS.Gateway.HL7.InboundProcess operation and change its HL7ToSDA3Class property to refer to your new class.

The following lists specific cases and considerations for populating SDA extensions:

Transforming between HL7™ FHIR® DSTU2 and Customized SDA

For each SDA class for which you have created extensions, you will need to create a custom copy of the corresponding DTLs in order to use your new extensions with FHIR DSTU2. Please refer to FHIR Support in InterSystems Products for information on how to customize the FHIR/SDA DSTU2 DTLs.

Unrecognized SDA Extensions

In order to accommodate raw SDA shared between environments with disparate sets of extensions, all SDA3 classes use the XML processing directive, XMLIGNOREINVALIDTAG = 1. If a system attempts to load an SDA stream with unrecognized Extension properties into an object, the unrecognized properties will be ignored. If TraceOperations is enabled, a warning trace will be logged when this occurs.

Patient Extension

To ensure that data stored in HS.Local.SDA3.PatientExtensionOpens in a new tab is available and used consistently across a HealthShare deployment, the HS.Types.PatientInfoOpens in a new tab class supports a property named Extension which is of the type HS.Local.SDA3.PatientExtensionOpens in a new tab. As a result, all sub-classes of HS.Types.PatientInfoOpens in a new tab also inherit the extensions; those classes are listed in the table below. Additionally, HS.Registry.PatientOpens in a new tab has an Extension property of type HS.Local.SDA3.PatientExtension Opens in a new taband the code in the AddUpdateHub() method in HS.Hub.MPI.Manager handles the patient extension classes and stores them in the HS_Registry.Patient table.


Any persistent class such as HS.Registry.PatientOpens in a new tab must be recompiled after modifications are made to HS.Local.SDA3.PatientExtensionOpens in a new tab.

Classes Inheriting from or Using HS.Types.PatientInfo



























Customizing Streamlet Classes


This section applies to HealthShare Unified Care Record only.

Customizing streamlet classes is an advanced task. Carefully review the limitations described in this section, and contact InterSystems customer support if needed.

In addition to adding properties to SDA objects as described in the preceding sections, you can also customize some of the behavior of the associated streamlet classes. This section describes that process and the key limitations that you should keep in mind.

You might choose to customize streamlet classes if you want to:

  • Change the matching logic for the associated SDA class

  • Change the validation logic for the associated SDA class

  • Change which fields are and are not treated as translated code

  • Override the behavior of callback methods


The general approach is as follows:

  1. In the HSCUSTOM namespace, extend the streamlet class that corresponds to the desired SDA object. You should use a class package name or subpackage name of your own creation. If you choose to save your custom class in HS.Local, make sure that you are using a subpackage name that begins with Z, such as HS.Local.ZMyPackage. You can add custom package mappings to HSCUSTOM.

  2. Adjust the STREAMLETCLASS parameter on the SDA extension class accordingly. For example, HS.Local.SDA3.AllergyExtensionOpens in a new tab will already have the following:

    Parameter STREAMLETCLASS = "HS.SDA3.Streamlet.Allergy";

    If you extend this streamlet class and create new class MyPackage.SDA3.Streamlet.ZAllergy, you would want to modify this parameter to:

    Parameter STREAMLETCLASS = "MyPackage.SDA3.Streamlet.ZAllergy";

  3. Customize callback methods, or add new methods, or add new transient properties, as desired. Please review the limitations described below before you begin.

The following example defines a new Allergy streamlet with custom matchings and validation for a new Sneeziness property.

 Class ZHS.SDA3.Streamlet.ZAllergy Extends HS.SDA3.Streamlet.Allergy
 /// Adding a fallback match
 /// Previously, it matched based on the Allergy code table, 
 /// with nullable matches on FromTime and AllergyCategory code table
 /// If that doesn't match, we want it to also try using the ATCCode code table 
 /// (with nullable match on FromTime)
 Parameter MATCHINGS = "ALG/Allergy*/FromTime,AllergyCategory*|| ZATC/ATCCode*/FromTime";
 /// Adding some validation for our extension property
 Method OnValidate() As %Status
   // We use IsDefined to avoid instantiating (swizzling) a null serial property, such as Extension
   // If we know that we'll always have data under Extension, this isn't needed
   If ..SDA.IsDefined("Extension") {
   Set tSneez=..SDA.Extension.Sneeziness
   If tSneez'?1.N1" Tissue".E, tSneez'?1.N1" Hankie".E {
   Quit $$$ERROR($$$GeneralError, "Sneeziness must be in terms of Tissues or Hankies.")
 Quit ##super()


When you are customizing a streamlet class, keep in mind the following limitations:

  • Do not create a customized streamlet class in any package name starting with “HS”, unless it is a subpackage of HS.Local that begins with Z, such as HS.Local.ZMyPackage.

  • Streamlet customizations apply in-memory only and will not affect the storage of the streamlet. When a streamlet is stored, its type will always be HS.SDA3.Streamlet.<type> when stored.

  • The only methods that you may extend in a custom streamlet class are the event callback methods listed below; all other event handlers are marked as FINAL in the superclass and may not be modified.

    • OnInactivate()

    • OnMatchActionScope()

    • OnBeforeMatch()

    • OnValidate()

    • OnBeforeSave()

    • OnAfterSave()

  • You cannot customize the OnDeleteSQL or OnDeleteHandler callback methods, or any non-callback methods.

  • When customizing other callback methods (OnXXX), you should always invoke ##super.

  • InterSystems recommends that any new methods or properties you create begin with the letter Z to avoid future conflicts.

  • You can customize only the following parameters: DATEPROPERTY, MATCHINGS, TRANSLATIONS, and ACTIONSCOPES. You cannot customize any other parameters.

  • If you modify the MATCHINGS parameter, any new match type that you create should begin with the letter Z. Do not modify any existing match types. You can delete existing match types.

  • The DATEPROPERTY and MATCHINGS parameters can access properties on the extension class by specifying Extension.<property>

  • If you modify the MATCHINGS parameter, you must perform the additional steps described in Recalculating Matches below.

  • You cannot add or change streamlet metadata:

    • persistent properties

    • relationships

    • indexes

  • The Patient streamlet includes a callback method called OnAggregateExtensionImpl() which controls how patient data in extension classes is aggregated. By default, this method takes the extension data from the patient record that is determined to be the best record among those being aggregated. If desired, you can override this method to provide customized aggregation behavior.

  • There is a transient multidimensional property available on streamlet classes named Stash that can be used to pass data from the OnBeforeSave() method to the OnAfterSave() method.

After customizing a streamlet class, you should recompile the HS.SDA3 package as described previously.

Recalculating Matches

If you have modified the MATCHINGS parameter for your custom streamlet, you must reevaluate your data to check for new matches and reconcile them if needed. Three utilities are provided for this purpose, as described below.

Each of these utilities takes a streamlet type as its argument. For standard streamlets or extensions of standard streamlets, this is the standard type, such as Allergy; for a custom streamlet, you should use the full classname, such as HSCustom.SDA3.Streamlet.ZAllergy.

  1. First, use RecalculateMatches to recalculate existing matches. For example:

     Do ##class(HS.SDA3.Streamlet.Utility.RecalculateMatches).Start("HSCustom.SDA3.Streamlet.ZAllergy")
  2. Next, use FindMatches to identify any duplicates. For example:

     Do ##class(HS.SDA3.Streamlet.Utility.FindMatches).Start("HSCustom.SDA3.Streamlet.ZAllergy")

    You can view the contents of the ^HS.SDA3.Streamlet.MatchGroups global to see whether this utility found anything.

  3. If FindMatches identifies any duplicates, you may wish to run ReconcileMatches, which reconciles all such matches:

     Do ##class(HS.SDA3.Streamlet.Utility.ReconcileMatches).ReconcileMatches("HSCustom.SDA3.Streamlet.ZAllergy")

    The ReconcileMatches() method achieves this by accepting the most recent streamlet, and marking all others that matched it as deleted. If you want to apply different criteria for determining which streamlet to accept from a group of matches, you can extend the ReconcileMatches() method or create your own custom method for this purpose.

FindMatches and RecalculateMatches can optionally take a second parameter, which is a boolean that specifies whether the processing should resume from the method's last run or start over from the beginning. For example:

 Do ##class(HS.SDA3.Streamlet.Utility.FindMatches).Start("HSCustom.SDA3.Streamlet.ZAllergy", 1)

If this parameter is set to 0 or omitted, the method will process all streamlet IDs for the specified type. If it is set to 1, the method will resume from the last successfully processed streamlet ID, which is stored in the global ^ISC.HS.Streamlet.Loader("Last").

Using Custom SDA Properties

You can now use your custom properties in ObjectScript code. The custom extension classes and their properties behave the same as any other class.

For example, if you have added a new Sneeziness property to the Allergy extension class, you can use it as follows:

 Set tAllergy=##class(HS.SDA3.Allergy).%New()
 Set tAllergy.Extension.Sneeziness="3 Tissues"

You can also display your new property in the HealthShare® Clinical Viewer. Consult the HealthShare® product documentationOpens in a new tab for details and additional configuration.

Custom SDA extensions can also be accessed and used by HealthShare Patient Index and HealthShare Health Insight. Consult the HealthShare® product documentationOpens in a new tab for details and additional configuration.

Customizing the SDA by Creating a Custom SDA Container


This functionality is available only in HealthShare Unified Care Record.

A custom SDA container allows you to create custom SDA sections that contain complex properties and match keys. In order to create a custom SDA container you must perform the following steps in the correct order:

  1. For each custom SDA section, define a custom SDA data class

  2. For each custom SDA data class, define an SDA streamlet class to store the data

  3. Define a custom SDA container class that includes each of your custom sections as a property

  4. Register your custom SDA container in the configuration registry

Once you complete these steps, SDA processing will accept, store, and aggregate your custom SDA container. Your custom SDA data will be available in the aggregation cache for custom display in the Clinical Viewer and for inclusion in custom reports.

Creating a Custom SDA Data Class

The first step in creating a custom SDA container is to define a custom SDA data class for each of your custom SDA sections:

  1. Create a new class that extends HS.SDA3.SuperClassOpens in a new tab.

    If you define a custom SDA data class for one of your custom SDA sections and want Health Insight to be able to interpret and store the data, review the following section before proceeding.

  2. Name your class something like: User.ZMySection. It is good practice to prefix your short class names with a “Z” to ensure that they do not conflict with any future standard SDA3 class names.

    Your class will inherit the standard set of SDA properties:

    ActionCode EncounterNumber EnteredOn ToTime
    ActionScope EnteredAt ExternalId UpdatedOn
    CustomPairs EnteredBy FromTime  
  3. You may add your own SDA properties. If you use data types other than strings, then use the existing SDA3 datatype classes such as Blob, Boolean, Numeric, or TimeStamp. This ensures support for the delete mechanism, where a pair of double quotes triggers a delete.

    Double quote deletion does not apply to elements in collections. In order to delete such elements, you must assign ActionCode = 'R' to the streamlet in question, triggering a replacement of the streamlet which clears all existing collections.

    You can add properties of the following types:

    • %StringOpens in a new tab

    • Any HS.SDA3.<DataType> such as Boolean or Numeric

    • Any existing HS.SDA3 serial class

    • Any custom serial class that you have created, which must extend HS.SDA3.DataTypeOpens in a new tab. Any custom serial classes should not be defined in HealthShare packages that are available out of the box, like HS.Local or HS.SDA3. This ensures that your class names will not conflict with any future standard SDA3 class names. For example, you should name your custom serial class something like ZUser.HS.MySDASection, rather than HS.SDA3.MySDASection.

    • Any new code tables that you have created, which must extend HS.SDA3.CodeTableTranslatedOpens in a new tab; the following code tables are not translatable:

      Code Tables that are Excluded from Translation












  4. The standard naming convention for SDA classes is singular, like “Medication”, where the container has a list with the standard plural, like “Medications”, as illustrated below in XML:


    If adding an “s” to the end of your custom section does not work (for example, Diagnosis/Diagnoses), then implement the methods StartXMLList()Opens in a new tab and EndXMLList()Opens in a new tab in your SDA data class, to output the open and close collection tags on the container:

     ClassMethod StartXMLList()
         Quit "<Diagnoses>"
     ClassMethod EndXMLList()
         Quit "</Diagnoses>"
  5. Compile your class.


    If you receive a <PROTECT> error, temporarily make the HSLIB database writable, recompile your class, then make HSLIB read-only again.

The example below illustrates a custom data class for transplant information:

 Class User.ZTransplant Extends HS.SDA3.SuperClass

 Property OrganType As %String;

 Property TransplantPhysician As HS.SDA3.CodeTableDetail.CareProvider;

 Storage Default
 <Data name="SuperClassState">
      <Value name="1"><Value>ActionCode</Value></Value>
      <Value name="2"><Value>ActionScope</Value></Value>
      <Value name="3"><Value>EnteredBy</Value></Value>
      <Value name="4"><Value>EnteredAt</Value></Value>
      <Value name="5"><Value>EnteredOn</Value></Value>
      <Value name="6"><Value>ExternalId</Value></Value>
      <Value name="7"><Value>EncounterNumber</Value></Value>
      <Value name="8"><Value>FromTime</Value></Value>
      <Value name="9"><Value>ToTime</Value></Value>
      <Value name="10"><Value>Deleted</Value></Value>
      <Value name="11"><Value>UpdatedOn</Value></Value>
      <Value name="12"><Value>CustomPairs</Value></Value>
      <Value name="13"><Value>OrganType</Value></Value>
      <Value name="14"><Value>TransplantPhysician</Value></Value>

Making an Analogous Custom Data Class in Health Insight

If you define a custom SDA data class for one of your custom SDA sections and want Health Insight to be able to interpret and store the data, you should make an analogous custom data class in Health Insight.

In this case, both your custom SDA streamlet class and your custom SDA data class should exist in the HSCUSTOM namespace and be package mapped to your Analytics namespace. These classes should be compiled in the Analytics namespace as well.

In order to create your custom SDA data class in Health Insight, do the following:

  1. Create a new class that extends HSAA.IndexCommonData. Ensure that the class name avoids the HSAA package.

  2. Name your class something like: User.ZMyHISection. It is good practice to prefix your short class names with a “Z” to ensure that they do not conflict with any future standard SDA3 class names. Ensure that your Health Insight custom data class does not have the exact same name as your custom SDA data class.

    Your class will inherit the standard set of SDA properties:

    ActionCode EncounterNumber EnteredOn ToTime
    ActionScope EnteredAt ExternalId UpdatedOn
    CustomPairs EnteredBy FromTime  
  3. You may add your own SDA properties. If you use data types other than strings, then use the existing HSAA.Internal.Boolean, HSAA.Internal.Numeric, or HSAA.TimeStamp datatype classes.

    You can add properties of the following types:

    • %String

    • Any HSAA.Internal<DataType> such as Boolean or Numeric

    • Any existing HSAA serial class

    • Any custom serial class that you have created, which must extend HSAA.Internal.DataType. Any custom serial classes should not be defined in Health Insight packages that are available out of the box, like HSAA. This ensures that your class names will not conflict with any future standard Health Insight class names. For example, you should name your custom serial class something like ZUser.HSAA.MySDASection, rather than HSAA.MySDASection.

    • Any new code tables that you have created, which must extend HSAA.Internal.Interface.CodeTableTranslated; the following code tables are not translatable:

      Code Tables that are Excluded from Translation












  4. If the SDA custom data class uses an HS.SDA3.CodeTableDetailOpens in a new tab class, use the analogous HSAA.Interface.CodeTableDetail class, or, if none exists, the analogous HSAA.Internal.Interface.CodeTableDetail class.

  5. If you want to use a Tag or other fields in Health Insight, add them to the class rather than extending any other HSAA class.

  6. Compile your class.

Once you have compiled the custom Health Insight data class, register it. For instructions on how to register your custom Health Insight data class, see “Registering Custom Container Classes” in the Health Insight Installation and Configuration Guide. Follow the procedure described in that section, but enter your custom SDA data class name for the SDA Source Class field and your analogous Health Insight custom data class for the Health Insight Class Name field.


If you are viewing this documentation in InterSystems IRIS for Health or HealthShare® HealthConnect, click hereOpens in a new tab to link to the HealthShare Health Insight documentation on extending the SDA.

Creating a Custom SDA Streamlet Class

The second step in creating a custom SDA container is to define a custom SDA streamlet class to store the data for each of your custom data classes:

  1. Create a new class that extends both HS.SDA3.Streamlet.Abstract and %PersistentOpens in a new tab.

  2. Name your class something like: User.Streamlet.ZMySection. It is good practice to prefix your short class names with “Z” to ensure that they will not conflict with any future standard SDA3 class names.

    The class name above illustrates the standard naming convention for streamlet classes: <PackageName>.streamlet.<SDADataClassname>. If you do not follow this naming convention, then you must implement the GetStreamletClass() method of HS.SDA3.SuperClassOpens in a new tab on your SDA data class to output the name of your streamlet class. The default code is:

       // for a standard SDA class, we get the streamlet class from the extension class,
       // to let the extension override it.  Classes that don't allow extension
       // can override this method
       If pType'["." Quit $Parameter("HS.Local.SDA3."_pType_"Extension","STREAMLETCLASS")
       // For custom ones, if we have a parameter, use it
       If $Parameter(,"STREAMLETCLASS")'="" Quit $Parameter(,"STREAMLETCLASS")
       //The code below is for backwards compatibility - it predates the parameter
       //and can be overridden if need be, but really one should just use the parameter
       Quit $P(pType,".",1,$L(pType,".")-1)_".Streamlet."_$P(pType,".",$L(pType,"."))
  3. Enter values for the following parameters.

    Parameter Description Required?
    INFOTYPE Either a predefined information type, or a custom information type. Required
    SDACLASS The name of your SDA data class. Required
    DATEPROPERTY The name of the property to use for filtering by date. If this is missing, defaults to ToTime. Optional

    Describes how to perform matching for this section in HealthShare Unified Care Record. Does not apply to Health Connect.

    For a description of the matchings, see the class reference for HS.SDA3.Streamlet.Abstract.

    For examples, see the class reference for any of the SDA3 streamlet classes.

    ACTIONSCOPES If this Streamlet class has a limited set of valid ACTIONSCOPES values, this parameter should be a comma-delimited list (with leading and trailing commas) of those values. For HealthShare Unified Care Record only; does not apply to Health Connect. Optional
  4. Optionally enter code for the callbacks you want to implement in HealthShare Unified Care Record (not applicable to Health Connect or InterSystems IRIS for Health):

    • OnInactivate()

    • OnMatchActionScope()

    • OnBeforeMatch()

    • OnValidate()

    • OnBeforeSave() — You can use the transient multidimensional property Stash to pass data from OnBeforeSave() to OnAfterSave()

    • OnAfterSave()

  5. Compile your class.

The example below illustrates a custom streamlet class for transplant information:

 Class User.Streamlet.ZTransplant Extends (HS.SDA3.Streamlet.Abstract, %Persistent)

 Parameter INFOTYPE = "PRC";

 Parameter SDACLASS = "User.ZTransplant";

 Parameter DATEPROPERTY = "EnteredOn";

 Parameter MATCHINGS = "PRC/EnteredOn";

 Storage Default

Creating a Custom SDA Container Class

The third step in creating a custom SDA container is to define a custom SDA container class that includes your custom SDA sections:

  1. Create a new class that extends HS.SDA3.ContainerOpens in a new tab.

  2. Name your container class something like: User.ZMyContainer. It is good practice to prefix your short class names with a “Z” to ensure that they do not conflict with any future standard SDA3 class names.

  3. Add a property for each new SDA data section. Name the property ZMySections (plural) or, if you implemented the StartXMLList()Opens in a new tab and EndXMLList()Opens in a new tab methods in your data class, use that value as the property name. The property should be a list of User.ZMySection (singular).

  4. Compile your class.


    If you receive a <PROTECT> error, temporarily make the HSLIB database writable, recompile your class, then make HSLIB read-only again.

The example below illustrates a custom container class that includes the transplant section:

Class User.ZMyContainer Extends HS.SDA3.Container

Parameter XMLNAME = "Container";

Property ZTransplants As list Of User.ZTransplant;


Registering your Custom SDA Container in the Configuration Registry

The final step in creating a custom SDA container is to register your custom container in the configuration registry:

  1. In the configuration registry, create an entry where:

    • the key is \CustomSDA3Container

    • the value is the name of your container class, without the “.cls” suffix

Extending the SDA with Name/Value Pairs

You can use either of the following methods to extend the SDA:

Creating a Custom SDA Name/Value Pair

Each section of the SDA includes a <CustomPairs> element. To add a name value/pair that captures an additional data item in an existing SDA section, simply submit an SDA document that includes a <CustomPairs> element in the appropriate section. Each name/value pair appears in a <NVPair> element. Enter the description of the data in the <CustomPairs><NVPair><Name> property, and include the data in the <CustomPairs><NVPair><Value> property.

The example below illustrates how to add a set of treatments to an allergy in SDA:

           <Value>Oral Corticosteroids</Value>
           <Value>Injected Steroids</Value>

Creating a Custom SDA Object

The SDA contains a <CustomObjects> section that you can use to store data that is not relevant to any other SDA section. This section comprises one or more <CustomObject> elements.

Each <CustomObject> element must include one or more:

  • <CustomType> — Identifies the type of entry.

  • <CustomPairs> — A list of name/value pairs that contain the data, as described in the previous section.

Each <CustomObject> may also include:

  • <ActionCode><ActionScope> — Directions to the HealthShare Unified Care Record product on an action to take. See the class reference for specific details.

  • <CustomMatchKey> — Directions to the HealthShare Unified Care Record product on how to match entries of this type with objects already in the database. This is typically a concatenation of custom pair entries, for example <NVPair3>|<NVPair1>. Each value becomes required for a match, and is evaluated in the order specified.

  • <ExternalID> — An identifier that may have meaning to an outside system. It is used as the primary match key, if present.

  • <EnteredOn>, <EnteredAt>, <EnteredBy> — Details about the source.

  • <FromTime>, <ToTime> — Details regarding when the data is valid.

The class reference for HS.SDA3.CustomObjectOpens in a new tab provides additional details.

The example below contains data for two physiotherapy home care visits.

          <Value>Minimal progress.  Assistance required for many tasks.</Value>
          <Value>Home evaluation.  Bathroom rails and detachable shower head required.</Value>
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