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InterSystems IRIS for Health 2024.3
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System Error Messages

General System Error Messages

The following table lists the InterSystems IRIS® system error messages. If a system process terminates with an error, it reports the error message via the operator console facility.

System Error Messages
Error Code Description
<ALARM> An internal timer for user events has expired.
<ARRAY DIMENSION> The expected dimensionality of the variable or argument is incorrect.
<BAD IMPLICIT> Invalid implicit data conversion requested.
<BLOCKNUMBER> A reference has been made to a block outside the range of the database file.
<_CALLBACK SYNTAX> (Note underscore in error code name.) A name has been specified beginning with an underscore character followed by a letter.
<CANNOT GET THIS PROPERTY> There has been an attempt to get a property of a class for which getting this property is invalid.
<CANNOT SET THIS PROPERTY> There has been an attempt to set a property of a class for which setting this property is invalid.
<CLASS COMPILING> There has been an attempt to instantiate a class or invoke a class method of a class which is currently being recompiled on the local system.
<CLASS DESCRIPTOR> There has been an attempt to run a routine which is actually a class descriptor.
<CLASS DOES NOT EXIST> A reference has been made to a nonexistent class. For further details, refer to $ZERROR.
<CLASS EDITED> There has been an attempt to use an object hosted on the local system whose class has been recompiled from a remote system since the object was created.
<CLASS PROPERTY> InterSystems IRIS does not support class properties. Class property syntax generates a compile error. Attempts to issue a class property reference by calling a propertyGet() instance method as a class method fails with this error. Rewrite as a proper class method instead of a calculated property.
<CLASS RECOMPILED> There has been an attempt to use an object hosted on the local system whose class has been recompiled on the local system since the object was created.
<CLASS TOO BIG TO LOAD> A class cannot be used because its class descriptor is too large to fit into a routine buffer.
<CLASS TOO BIG TO SAVE> A class cannot be created because its class descriptor is too large to fit into a routine buffer.
<CLIENT-SERVER MISMATCH> A network request cannot be processed due to incompatibility between the client and server.
<CLUSTERFAIL> A cluster member has failed during global buffer lock processing.
<COLLATECHANGE> There was an attempt to change the collation algorithm while subscripted local variables are defined.
<COLLATEMISMATCH> Subscript level mapping failed due to misconfigured collation type.
<COLLATION NOT SUPPORTED> A reference has been made to a global whose collation type is not supported on the current system.
<COMMAND> A command has been used improperly in this context, such as an argumentless GoTo in a routine. For further details, refer to $ZERROR.
<COMMITFAIL> Received during a COMMIT when InterSystems IRIS receives an error while processing a TCommit. This error means that InterSystems IRIS is not sure whether one or more remote machines actually processed the commit.
<COMPLEX PATTERN> The combination of pattern and input string generate too many possible matches to manage.
<CONFLICTING BLOCK NUMBERS> There has been an attempt to reserve a block that was already reserved.
<CORRUPT OBJECT> An internal object system error occurred. Contact InterSystems Worldwide Response Center if this error occurs.
<CORRUPT VOLUME SET> The volume set is corrupted. Usually, this means the label on the volume set is wrong. Use the LABEL utility to correct it.
<CP NOT STARTED> One of the major processes required for proper operation of the system failed to start. This is potentially a very serious system error; notify your system manager.
<DATABASE MAP LABEL> There is an invalid label in a database map block.
<DATABASE> InterSystems IRIS has detected degradation in this database (this is potentially a very serious system error; notify your system manager).
<DIRECTORY> There is no such directory on the target system, no InterSystems IRIS database, the InterSystems IRIS database is not mounted, or the database is locked by another configuration. For further details, refer to $ZERROR.
<DISCONNECT> A TCP disconnect has been detected while a long-duration request is being processed.
<DISKHARD> InterSystems IRIS has encountered an uncorrectable disk hardware error (this may also be the result of a database problem; notify your system manager).
<DIVIDE> There has been an attempt to divide by zero.
<DOMAINSPACERETRY> Repeated attempts to contact the domain space master have failed.
<DSCON> There has been an attempt to read from a disconnected terminal.
<DSKFUL> An attempt to write data to a disk file failed because the file reached its maximum size; some of the data was written but not all.
<DUPLICATEARG> There has been an attempt use $SORTBEGIN with an ancestor or descendent of an already-defined $SORTBEGIN global.
<DYNAMIC LIBRARY LOAD> An error has occurred during an attempt to load a dynamic library via callout. See messages.log for additional information.
<ECODETRAP> A user-generated software trap was generated by setting the $ECODE system variable to a non-null string value.
<EDITED> Incorrect modification of a routine has resulted in a mismatch, such as two copies of a routine with the same name but different timestamps, or the class routine does not match the class descriptor. For example, compiling a routine, then using ZLOAD and ZSAVE on the routine would result in a timestamp mismatch. Also, if the connection to the data server suffers a network outage (neither application server nor data server shuts down), the routines downloaded from the data server are marked as if they had been edited.
<ENDOFFILE> There has been an attempt to read past the end-of-file marker of a sequential file.
<ERRTRAP> There are insufficient system resources remaining to run an error trap procedure.
<EXTERNAL INTERRUPT> Another process has attempted to interrupt this process.
<FILEFULL> InterSystems IRIS attempted to allocate a disk block for more global data or routine storage, but the attempt failed because the InterSystems IRIS database is full and could not be expanded.
<FRAMESTACK> The routine has too many nested calls to Do, For, Xecute, New, or user-written functions. For further details, refer to $ZERROR.
<FUNCTION> The specified function does not exist or is being used improperly.
<GARBAGE COLLECTOR FAILED> The one of the processes that reclaims space in the database has failed. This is potentially a very serious system error; notify your system manager.
<HALTED> An internal error message.
<ILLEGAL VALUE> There has been an attempt to use a negative value where one is not allowed, such as, for $X or $Y.
<INSUFFICIENT CLASS MEMORY> A class cannot be used because InterSystems IRIS has run out of shared memory.
<INTERNAL OBJECT ERROR> An internal object system error. Contact InterSystems Worldwide Response Center if this error occurs.
<INTERRUPT> A user has interrupted the routine. (In many implementations, the user has pressed CTRL-C.)
<INVALID ARGUMENT> There is an invalid argument prototype in the zfentry specification of a callout function.
<INVALID BIT STRING> The bit string used in a bit string operation is not valid.
<INVALID CLASS> There has been an attempt to use a class that has been corrupted. Recompile the class and try again.
<INVALID FILE VARIABLE> A file variable was expected but none was supplied.
<INVALID GLOBAL REFERENCE> A global reference failed length validation.
<INVALID OREF> No object with the specified OREF is currently in memory.
<INVALID SELECT LIST> A SELECT list was expected but not supplied.
<INVALID TYPE> An OREF has been used where not allowed.
<Java Exception> An exception occurred during a call into the Java runtime environment.
<Java VM not loaded> No Java Virtual Machine is available.
<LABELREDEF> A routine has a duplicate label within it. Labels must be unique within the routine.
<LANGUAGE MISMATCH> While compiling and inserting code into an existing routine, the current language mode differs from that of the routine.
<LICENSE ALLOCATION EXCEEDED> There has been an attempt to exceed the operational user limit imposed on this instance with the $SYSTEM.License.SetUserLimit(InstanceUserLimit) API.
<LICENSE LIMIT EXCEEDED> There has been an attempt to exceed the number of users allowed by the active InterSystems IRIS license, either on the current IRIS instance or in total among the set of instances sharing the license.
<LICENSE SERVER UNAVAILABLE> The license server is unreachable at the moment. Check your network.
<LIST> An improperly-formed list has been used.
<LOCKLOST> Some locks once owned by this job have been reset.
<LOGIN INHIBITED> The system is initializing. No users are permitted to begin work.
<MAGTAPE> A magnetic tape operation encountered an error. Check $ZA.
<MAXARRAY> There are too many subscripts at this level.
<MAXINCREMENT> An attempt to $INCREMENT a variable did not change its value.
<MAX LOCKS> The maximum lock count (32766) has been exceeded.
<MAXNUMBER> An arithmetic operation has produced a number larger than the implementation allows.
<MAX ROUTINES> There are no slots available to allocate to invoke a new routine.
<MAXSCOPE> There has been an attempt to issue more than 31 levels of New commands.
<MAXSTRING> There has been an attempt to specify or create a data string longer than the string length limit. Attempting to concatenate strings that would result in a string exceeding this maximum string size results in a <MAXSTRING> error.
<METHOD DOES NOT EXIST> The method does not exist in the specified class or the class of the specified object. For further details, refer to $ZERROR.
<METHOD NOT SUPPORTED> The method exists, but is not supported in this context. For example, a nested call to %ToJSON() where the referenced object is not a dynamic object or array.
<MNEMONICSPACE> There has been an attempt to use control mnemonics for a device with no associated mnemonic space.
<NAKED> There has been an attempt to use a naked global reference when the naked state was undefined.
<NAME> There is invalid syntax in a name.
<NAMEADD> There has been an overflow of device name table, resulting from the Open command.
<NAMESPACE> The specified namespace is undefined or not active.
<NESTED TOO DEEP> This error is signaled when processing %DynamicArray and %DynamicObject blocks where the nesting level is too deep.
<NETFORMAT> There has been an error in a network message. The remote system found fault with the format of a request. Call your support center to resolve this serious error.
<NETGLOREF> There has been an error in a network message. The remote system found fault with the format of a request. Call your support center to resolve this serious error.
<NETJOBMAX> Another high-speed networking process cannot be added. This is usually due to an insufficient number of global buffers.
<NETLOCK> A ObjectScript Lock command has been attempted to a remote computer whose remote system index is greater than 31. To correct, redefine your network configuration to include fewer than 32 remote computers.
<NETRETRY> An operation failed at the network level in a way that could be immediately retried.
<NETSRVFAIL> During a transaction COMMIT or a Set, Kill, ZKill command, a client system has detected that one of the servers involved in the transaction has restarted while the transaction was open.
<NETWORK DATA UPDATE FAILED - BLOCKNUMBER> An asynchronous network error occurred and updates sent over the network were lost because the remote system attempted to refer to a block that is outside the bounds of the database; notify your system manager.
<NETWORK DATA UPDATE FAILED - CLIENT-SERVER MISMATCH> An asynchronous network error occurred and updates sent over the network were lost because a network request could not be processed due to incompatibility between the client and server.
<NETWORK DATA UPDATE FAILED - CLUSTERFAILED> An asynchronous network error occurred and updates sent over the network were lost because a cluster member failed during global buffer lock processing.
<NETWORK DATA UPDATE FAILED - DATABASE> An asynchronous network error occurred and updates sent over the network were lost because InterSystems IRIS on the server has detected degradation in this database. This is potentially a very serious system error; notify your system manager.
<NETWORK DATA UPDATE FAILED - DIRECTORY> An asynchronous network error occurred and updates sent over the network were lost because the referenced directory is not on the remote system.
<NETWORK DATA UPDATE FAILED - DISKHARD> An asynchronous network error occurred and updates sent over the network were lost because InterSystems IRIS on the server has encountered an uncorrectable disk hardware error. This may also be the result of a database problem; notify your system manager.
<NETWORK DATA UPDATE FAILED - FILEFULL> An asynchronous network error occurred and updates sent over the network were lost because InterSystems IRIS on the server has encountered a <FILEFULL> error.
<NETWORK DATA UPDATE FAILED - MAXSTRING> An asynchronous network error occurred and updates sent over the network were lost because InterSystems IRIS on the server has encountered an attempt to specify or create a data string longer than the implementation allows (32,767 characters).
<NETWORK DATA UPDATE FAILED - NETFORMAT> An asynchronous network error occurred and updates sent over the network were lost because the remote system found fault with the format of a request. Call your support center to resolve this serious error.
<NETWORK DATA UPDATE FAILED - NETGLOREF> An asynchronous network error occurred and updates sent over the network were lost because the remote system found fault with the format of a request. Call your support center to resolve this serious error.
<NETWORK DATA UPDATE FAILED - NETVERSION> An asynchronous network error occurred and updates sent over the network were lost because the client and server systems are running different ECP versions, which cannot accept each other's message format.
<NETWORK DATA UPDATE FAILED - PROTECT> An asynchronous network error occurred and updates sent over the network were lost because a <PROTECT> error occurred.
<NETWORK DATA UPDATE FAILED - STRINGSTACK> An asynchronous network error occurred and updates sent over the network were lost because a <STRINGSTACK> error occurred.
<NETWORK DATA UPDATE FAILED - STRMISMATCH> An asynchronous network error occurred and updates sent over the network were lost because there has been an internal error handling big strings over the network.
<NETWORK DATA UPDATE FAILED - SUBSCRIPT> An asynchronous network error occurred and updates sent over the network were lost because a <SUBSCRIPT> error occurred.
<NETWORK DATA UPDATE FAILED - SYSTEM> An asynchronous network error occurred and updates sent over the network were lost because a <SYSTEM> error occurred on the server. Either there has been an attempt to do something not allowed by the operating system or ECP. Or there is an error condition in InterSystems IRIS, in which case you should notify your support center with as much information as possible.
<NETWORK DATA UPDATE FAILED - WIDECHAR> An asynchronous network error occurred and updates sent over the network were lost because a <WIDECHAR> error occurred.
<NETWORK DATA UPDATE FAILED> An asynchronous network error occurred and updates sent over the network were lost. The reasons for the loss are undetermined. Call your support center to resolve this serious error.
<NETWORK UNLICENSED> The application has attempted to access a remote directory, but there is no license for InterSystems IRIS networking.
<NETWORK> Typically, one of the following has occurred: the network timeout has expired; the local port has gone down; the node being accessed is down; or the remote server connection is disabled.
<NLS TABLE> There has been an attempt to perform NLS translation using data that is not proper for the conversion table.
<NO CURRENT OBJECT> There is no current object.
<NO MAILBOX> A resource needed for interprocess communication is unavailable.
<NO SOURCE> A source line is missing from a routine in the routine source global.
<NODEV> There has been an attempt to a write-only device, or write to a read-only device, with interjob communication.
<NOJOB> There has been an attempt to specify an incorrect process number in a View command, or an error occurred in a Job command.
<NOLINE> There has been an attempt to refer to a nonexistent routine line.
<NORESTART> The application or function cannot be restarted.
<NOROUTINE> There has been an attempt to refer to a nonexistent routine. For further details, refer to $ZERROR.
<NOSYS> There has been an attempt to make an extended or implicit reference to a remote system that is not reachable in the current network configuration. The remote system is not in the tables.
<NOT PRIMARY VOLUME> Volume sequence is not 1; the volume label disagrees with the function of the volume.
<NOTOPEN> The device cannot be opened, or there has been an attempt to use an unopened device.
<NULL VALUE> A null string appears where one is not allowed.
<OBJECT DISPATCH> A non-multidimensional object property was supplied to a function that can only take a multidimensional object property. For further details, refer to $DATA or $GET.
<OUT OF $ZF HEAP SPACE> The $ZF heap lacks the necessary available space to support one of the input or output parameters being passed between InterSystems IRIS and the external program invoked via the $ZF function.
<PARAMETER> The number of parameters passed to a labeled line by a user-written function reference or a Do command exceeded the number of formal parameters declared for the labeled line.
<PRIVATE METHOD> There has been an attempt to invoke a private and, therefore, unavailable method.
<PRIVATE PROPERTY> There has been an attempt to access a private and, therefore, unavailable property.
<PROPERTY DOES NOT EXIST> The property is not part of the class of the specified object. For further details, refer to $ZERROR.
<PROTECT> There has been an attempt to do something with a global (Read, Write, or Kill) for which there was no authorization; or there has been an attempt to use a View command which modifies memory, $View, or modifying a SYS.DatabaseOpens in a new tab property; or there has been an attempt to use a nonexistent directory, possibly with extended global syntax, or some other protection violation occurred. For further details, refer to $ZERROR.
<RANGE> A bit or list position is out of allowable range.
<READ> The record cannot be read.
<RECOMPILE> A routine has been compiled under a different version of InterSystems IRIS or an InterSystems legacy product. It cannot be loaded onto this system with %RIMF, which transfers object code. Transfer it as source code (using %RO and %RI) and then recompile it.
<REGULAR EXPRESSION> There has been an error in the syntax of a regular expression (an invalid or ambiguous regular expression string, or a regular expression that specifies an unimplemented feature).
<REMOTE CLASS EDITED> There has been an attempt to use an object hosted on a remote system whose class has been recompiled from a remote system since the object was created.
<REMOTE CLASS RECOMPILED> There has been an attempt to use an object hosted on a remote system whose class has been recompiled from the local system since the object was created.
<REMOTE EXECUTE INVALID READ> A method or routine called from $System.IS.Execute() tried to read from the current device. This type of I/O is forbidden because it will disrupt the communication channel with the client.
<REMOTE EXECUTE INVALID WRITE > A method or routine called from $System.IS.Execute() tried to write to the current device. This type of I/O is forbidden because it will disrupt the communication channel with the client.
<RESJOB> A process was intentionally terminated.
<ROLLFAIL> InterSystems IRIS has encountered an error processing a call to TRollBack. This error means that InterSystems IRIS is not sure whether one or more remote machines actually processed the rollback.
<ROUTINELOAD> An error occurred in loading a routine. This can indicate that the routine’s OBJ code (object code) is corrupt, which can possibly lead to database degradation. Contact your system manager. This error can also indicate that no routine buffers are available (they are being held by other processes) and the timeout period (roughly 100 seconds) has expired.
<SELECT> A $Select function contains no true condition.
<SHARED MEM HEAP> The request for shared memory cannot be satisfied. To avoid this error, the system could be reconfigured with more heap space allocated.
<SLMSPAN> There has been an attempt to kill a global across a subscript level mapping boundary.
<STACK> The argument stack is out of room or contains an incorrect type.
<STORE> The process ran out of memory. If you expect the process to use a lot of memory, try doubling or quadrupling the available memory for the process. If the error goes away, then the process needed more memory. If the error persists, then you need to figure out why it is using so much memory. Refer to the $STORAGE special variable for further details.
<STRINGSTACK> An expression is too long, there are too many expressions in an argument for a single command, or an expression contains many very long strings. Simplify the expression.
<STRMISMATCH> There has been an internal error handling big strings over the network.
<SUBSCRIPT> A subscript has an illegal value or a global reference is too long. For further details, refer to $ZERROR. For more information on maximum length of global references, see “Determining the Maximum Length of a Subscript”.
<SWIZZLE FAIL> You have opened an oref and then attempted to swizzle in another related object which could not be referenced. This may be due to the deletion of the related object from disk or another process holding a lock on the related object.
<SYNTAX> There is a syntax error (an error in the formation of a language construct, such as a misspelled or missing keyword).
<SYSTEM> Either there has been an attempt to do something not allowed by the operating system, or there is an error condition in InterSystems IRIS, in which case you should notify your support center with as much information as possible.
<TCPWRITE> A timeout has occurred on a TCP write operation.
<TERMINATOR> There has been an attempt to read on a terminal or device in image mode with no terminator and it was not a fixed-length read.
<THROW> A THROW has been issued, but no CATCH expression has been found on the call stack. For further details, refer to $ZERROR.
<TOO MANY CLASSES> This process has attempted to access too many active classes.
<TOO MANY LONG STRINGS> Too many intermediate long strings are present on the string stack.
<TOO MANY OREFS> This process has attempted to create too many simultaneously open objects.
<TOO MANY USERS OF CLASS> Too many processes are trying to use a particular class simultaneously (more than 65561).
<TOO MANY USERS> Too many users are attempting to use the system at the same time.
<TOOMANYFILES> InterSystems IRIS is unable to open a file because the underlying operating system has run out of file descriptors.
<TRANSACTION LEVEL> The application has too many nested transactions pending.
<TRANSLATE> InterSystems IRIS has read an input value for which it has no translation value. It therefore carries out the Default Action defined on the Translation tab of the InterSystems IRIS NLS utility.
<TRANSLOST> A distributed transaction initiated by this job has been asynchronously rolled back by the server.
<UNDEFINED> There has been a reference to an undefined variable. For further details, refer to $ZERROR.
<UNIMPLEMENTED> There has been an attempt to use either an unimplemented function or an unimplemented argument of a legitimate command or function.
<UNIMPLEMENTED DOUBLE> The use of a floating-point number is not supported in this context.
<UNKNOWN ERROR> An unexpected error has occurred. Call your support center to resolve this serious error.
<UNLICENSED> The available license key does not permit the requested operation, for example, trying to create an encrypted database with an entry license.
<VALUE OUT OF RANGE> The value is outside the maximum or minimum permissible range.
<VOLUME IS NOT FORMATTED> The volume does not have the required formatting.
<VOLUME SET ALREADY CREATED> There has been an attempt to format an InterSystems IRIS database that is already formatted.
<WIDE CHAR> InterSystems IRIS read a multibyte character where a 1-byte character was expected.
<WRITE DEMON FAILED> The write daemon is unable to continue. Call your support center to resolve this serious error.
<WRITE> The record cannot be written.
<WRONG NAMESPACE> There is an attempt to load the class from a private implied namespace.
<ZDDIF> A DATEDIFF operation was attempted with an invalid date.
<ZDPT2> A DATEPART operation was attempted with an invalid date.
<ZTRAP> There has been an attempt to issue a ZTrap command with no argument.

ISO 11756-1999 Standard Errors

ObjectScript supports ISO 11756-1999 standard errors. These errors are returned to the $ECODE special variable.

ISO 11756-1999 Standard Error Messages
Message Text Meaning
M1 Naked indicator undefined.
M2 Invalid $FNUMBER code string combination.
M3 $RANDOM argument less than 1.
M4 No true condition in $SELECT.
M5 Line reference less than 0 (zero).
M6 Undefined local variable.
M7 Undefined global variable.
M8 Undefined special variable.
M9 Divide by zero.
M10 Invalid pattern match range.
M11 No parameters passed.
M12 Invalid line reference (negative offset).
M13 Invalid line reference (line not found).
M14 Line level not one (1). (DO command.)
M15 Undefined index variable. (FOR command.)
M16 QUIT with an argument not allowed.
M17 QUIT with an argument required.
M18 Fixed-length READ not greater than 0 (zero).
M19 Cannot merge a tree or subtree into itself.
M20 Line must have a formal parameter list.
M21 Formal parameter list name duplication.
M22 SET or KILL to ^$GLOBAL structured system variable name (SSVN) when data in global.
M23 SET or KILL to ^$JOB structured system variable name (SSVN) for nonexistent job number.
M24 Change to collation algorithm while subscripted local variables defined.
M26 Nonexistent environment (nonexistent namespace).
M27 Attempt to roll back a transaction that is not restartable.
M28 Mathematical function, parameter out of range.
M29 SET or KILL on structured system variable name (SSVN) not allowed by implementation.
M30 Reference to global variable with different collating sequence within a collating algorithm.
M31 Device control mnemonic expression used for a device without a mnemonic space being selected.
M32 Device control mnemonic used in user-defined mnemonic space which has no associated line.
M33 SET or KILL to ^$ROUTINE when the specified routine exists.
M35 Device does not support mnemonic spaces. (OPEN or USE command.)
M36 Incompatible mnemonic spaces. (OPEN or USE command.)
M37 READ from device identified by null string.
M38 Invalid structured system variable name (SSVN) subscript.
M39 Invalid $NAME argument.
M40 Call by reference in the actual parameter list in JOB command.
M41 Invalid LOCK argument within a transaction.
M42 Invalid QUIT within a transaction.
M43 Invalid range value ($X or $Y). (SET command.)
M44 Invalid command outside a transaction.
M45 Invalid GOTO reference.
M57 A label is defined more than once in a routine.
M58 Too few formal parameters.
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