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Work with the %File Object

If you want to manipulate a file itself, you need to instantiate a %File object using the %New() method of the %Library.FileOpens in a new tab class. The class also provides instance methods that allow you to work with the file.


This section provides a few examples of using the %File object for illustrative purposes.

For simple reading and writing of files, use the %Stream.FileCharacter and %Stream.FileBinary classes, as these provide additional functionality, for example, automatically opening files in the correct mode.


If you specify a partial filename or directory name, most of these methods assume that you are referring to an item relative to the directory that contains the default globals database for the namespace you are working in. This directory is referred here as the “default directory.” Any exceptions to this rule are noted.

Also, these methods treat the file or directory name as case-sensitive only if the underlying operating system treats file and directory names as case-sensitive. That is, file or directory names are case-sensitive on UNIX® but not case-sensitive on Windows.

Create an Instance of a %File Object

To work with a file, you need to instantiate a %File object that represents that file using the %New() method. This file may or may not already exist on disk.

The following example instantiates a %File object for the file export.xml in the default directory.

set fileObj = ##class(%File).%New("export.xml")

Open and Close Files

Once you have instantiated a %File object, you need to open the file using the Open() method to read from it or write to it:

USER>set status = fileObj.Open()

USER>write status

Use the Close() method to close the file:

USER>do fileObj.Close()

Examine Properties of a %File Object

Once you have instantiated the file, you can examine the properties of the file directly.

USER>write fileObj.Name
USER>write fileObj.Size
USER>write $zdate(fileObj.DateCreated)
USER>write $zdate(fileObj.DateModified)
USER>write fileObj.LastModified
2020-11-18 14:24:38
USER>write fileObj.IsOpen

Note that LastModified is a human readable timestamp, not a date in $H format.

The properties Size, DateCreated, DateModified, and LastModified are calculated at the time they are accessed. Accessing these properties for a file that does not exist returns -2, indicating that the file could not be found.


Windows is the only platform that currently tracks the actual created date. Other platforms store the date of the last file status change.

USER>write ##class(%File).Exists("foo.xml")
USER>set fooObj = ##class(%File).%New("foo.xml")
USER>write fooObj.Size

If a file is open, you can view its canonical name, which is the full path from the root directory, by accessing the CanonicalName property.

USER>write fileObj.CanonicalName
USER>set status = fileObj.Open()
USER>write fileObj.IsOpen
USER>write fileObj.CanonicalName

Read from Files

To read from a file, you can open the file and then use the Read() method.

The following example reads the first 200 characters of messages.log.

USER>set messages = ##class(%File).%New(##class(%File).ManagerDirectory() _ "messages.log")
USER>set status =  messages.Open("RU")
USER>write status
USER>set text = messages.Read(200, .sc)

USER>write text
*** Recovery started at Mon Dec 09 16:42:01 2019
     Current default directory: c:\intersystems\IRIS\mgr
     Log file directory: .\
     WIJ file spec: c:\intersystems\IRIS\mgr\IR
USER>write sc
USER>do messages.Close() 

To read an entire line from a file, use the ReadLine() method, which is inherited from %Library.FileOpens in a new tab’s parent class, %Library.AbstractStreamOpens in a new tab.

The following example reads the first line of C:\temp\shakespeare.txt.

USER>set fileObj  = ##class(%File).%New("C:\temp\shakespeare.txt")
USER>set status =  fileObj.Open("RU")
USER>write status
USER>set text = fileObj.ReadLine(,.sc)
USER>write text
Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
USER>write sc
USER>do fileObj.Close()

Write to Files

To write to a file, you can open the file and then use the Write() or WriteLine() methods.

The following example writes a line of text to a new file.

USER>set fileObj = ##class(%File).%New("C:\temp\newfile.txt")
USER>set status = fileObj.Open("WSN")
USER>write status
USER>set status = fileObj.WriteLine("Writing to a new file.")
USER>write status
USER>write fileObj.Size

Rewind Files

After reading from or writing to a file, you may wish to rewind the file using the Rewind() method so that you can perform operations from the beginning of the file.

Taking up from where the previous example left off, fileObj is now positioned at its end. Rewinding the file and using WriteLine() again has the effect of overwriting the file.

USER>set status = fileObj.Rewind()

USER>write status
USER>set status = fileObj.WriteLine("Rewriting the file from the beginning.")
USER>write status
USER>write fileObj.Size

Closing the file and reopening it also rewinds the file.

USER>do fileObj.Close()
USER>set status = fileObj.Open("RU")
USER>write status
USER>set text = fileObj.ReadLine(,.sc)
USER>write sc
USER>write text
Rewriting the file from the beginning.

Clear Files

To clear a file, you can open the file and then use the Clear() method. This removes the file from the file system.

The following example clears the file junk.xml in the default directory.

USER>write ##class(%File).Exists("junk.xml")
USER>set fileObj = ##class(%File).%New("junk.xml")

USER>set status = fileObj.Open()

USER>write status
USER>set status = fileObj.Clear()
USER>write status
USER>write ##class(%File).Exists("junk.xml")
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