The [Miscellaneous] parameters have been retained for compatibility, and all except for ShutDownLogErrors should not be used when building new applications.
This topic describes the Compatibility Settings parameters found in the [Miscellaneous] section of the CPF.
- AsyncDisconnectErr – Allow processes to receive disconnect errors asynchronously.
- AsynchError – Allow processes to receive asynchronous errors.
- BreakMode – Specify programmer mode response to the BREAK command.
- CollectResourceStats – Allow InterSystems IRIS® data platform to collect instance resource statistics.
- DisconnectErr – Specify how processes respond to a disconnect.
- FileMode – Allow writing to a non-existent file.
- GlobalKillEnabled – Allow KILL of an unsubscripted global.
- IEEEError – Specify whether $DOUBLE returns INF and NAN values instance-wide.
- LicenseAltHeaders – Use an alternative set of HTTP headers for client addresses.
- LineRecall – Allow command line recall for READ commands.
- ListFormat – Specify the compression format for values in a list.
- LogRollback – Allow logging for transaction rollbacks.
- MVDefined – Not in use.
- NodeNameInPid – Specify behavior when InterSystems IRIS® data platform references the special variable $JOB.
- NullSubscripts – Allow null subscripts on global references.
- OldZU5 – Specify whether to clear global vectors when switching namespace.
- OpenMode – Specify read/write mode to use when opening sequential files.
- PopError – Specify when to pop error handlers off the stack.
- RefInKind – Specify how $NAME and $QUERY handle extended global references.
- ScientificNotation – Allow lowercase e as scientific notation symbol instance-wide.
- SetZEOF – Specify the behavior when reading a sequential file and encountering an unexpected end-of-file error.
- ShutDownLogErrors – Allow writing of InterSystems IRIS® data platform system error log entries to the messages.log file on shutdown.
- StopID – Not in use.
- SwitchOSdir – Disallow switching current working directories when changing namespaces.
- SynchCommit – Disable synchronizing TCOMMIT with the corresponding journal write operation.
- TelnetNUL – Suppress Telnet NUL at end-of-line for Telnet transmission. Windows systems only.
- TruncateOverflow – Suppress the <MAXNUMBER> error on numeric overflow.
- Undefined – Specify the response when ObjectScript attempts to fetch a variable that does not exist.
- UseNagleAlgorithm – Allow InterSystems IRIS® data platform to use the Nagle algorithm for Telnet.
- ViewPastData – Allow $VIEW to examine data outside of InterSystems IRIS® data platform memory area.
- ZDateNull – Specify the $ZDATE response to an invalid value.