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Top Level Class Syntax and Keywords

This reference describes the syntax and keywords that apply to a class as a whole or that specify the default behavior of its members. Later reference sections describe the keywords that apply to specific class members.

See Class Definitions for links to general information on defining classes.

See the Table of Contents for a complete list of structures and keywords that apply to specific class members.

  • Top Level Class Syntax – Describes the structure of a class definition. See Class Definitions for links to general information on defining classes.
  • Abstract – Specifies whether this is an abstract class.
  • ClassType – Specifies the type (or behavior) of this class.
  • ClientDataType – Specifies the client data type used when this data type is projected to client technologies. Applies only to data type classes.
  • ClientName – Enables you to override the default class name used in client projections of this class.
  • CompileAfter – Specifies that this class should be compiled after other (specified) classes. In contrast to DependsOn, this keyword does not require the other classes to be runnable.
  • DdlAllowed – Specifies whether DDL statements can be used to alter or delete the class definition. Applies only to persistent classes.
  • DependsOn – Specifies that this class should be compiled after the compiler has made other (specified) classes runnable.
  • Deprecated – Specifies that this class is deprecated. This keyword is ignored by the class compiler and merely provides a human-readable indicator that the class is deprecated.
  • Final – Specifies whether this class is final (cannot have subclasses).
  • GeneratedBy – Indicates that this class was generated by code in another class and thus should not be edited.
  • Hidden – Specifies whether this class is hidden (not listed in the class reference).
  • Inheritance – Specifies the inheritance order for the superclasses of this class.
  • Language – Specifies the default language used to implement methods for this class.
  • LegacyInstanceContext – Specifies whether instance methods in this class can use the now-obsolete %this variable.
  • NoExtent – Specifies whether the compiler is prevented from generating a storage definition and methods to save/load object from disk and to disk.
  • OdbcType – Specifies the type used when this data type is exposed via ODBC or JDBC. Every data type class must specify an ODBC type. This keyword applies only to data type classes.
  • Owner – Specifies the owner of this class and its corresponding table. Applies only to persistent classes.
  • ProcedureBlock – Specifies whether each ObjectScript method in this class is a procedure block by default.
  • PropertyClass – Adds property parameters to this class.
  • ServerOnly – Specifies whether this class is projected to Java clients.
  • Sharded – Specifies whether this class is sharded. Applies only to persistent classes in an environment containing a sharded cluster.
  • SoapBindingStyle – Specifies the binding style or SOAP invocation mechanism used by any web methods defined in this class. Applies only in a class that is defined as a web service or web client.
  • SoapBodyUse – Specifies the encoding for any web methods defined in this class. This keyword applies only to web service and web client classes.
  • SqlCategory – Specifies the type to use for calculations in SQL. Applies only to data type classes.
  • SqlRowIdName – Overrides the default SQL field name for the ID column for this class. Applies only to persistent classes.
  • SqlRowIdPrivate – Specifies whether the ID column for this class is a hidden field when projected to ODBC and JDBC. Applies only to persistent classes.
  • SqlTableName – Specifies the name of the SQL table to which this class is projected. Applies only to persistent classes.
  • StorageStrategy – Specifies which storage definition controls persistence for this class. Applies only to persistent and serial classes.
  • System – Influences the compilation order for this class.
  • ViewQuery – Specifies the SQL query for this class. Applies only to view definition classes.
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