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MDX Statements and Clauses

This reference section provides information on the MDX statements and clauses supported in Business Intelligence.

Also see Accessing the BI Samples.

  • %FILTER Clause (MDX) – Applies a filter to a SELECT statement; describes how to slice the results of a SELECT statement. This clause is similar to WHERE except that you can include multiple %FILTER clauses in a statement. %FILTER is an InterSystems extension to MDX.
  • CREATE MEMBER Statement (MDX) – Creates a calculated member that can be used within the current session.
  • CREATE SET Statement (MDX) – Creates a named set that can be used within the current session.
  • DRILLFACTS Statement (MDX) – Displays the lowest-level data associated with the first cell of results of a given SELECT statement, using the fact and dimension tables defined by the cube.
  • DRILLTHROUGH Statement (MDX) – Displays the lowest-level data associated with the first cell of results of a given SELECT statement.
  • DROP MEMBER Statement (MDX) – Removes a calculated member defined earlier in the current session.
  • DROP SET Statement (MDX) – Removes a named set defined earlier in the current session.
  • FORMAT_STRING Clause (MDX) – Used with a definition of a calculated member, this clause specifies the display format for the data.
  • SELECT Statement (MDX) – Executes a query and returns the results. This section describes the basic syntax.
  • SET Statement (MDX) – Creates a pivot variable for use in the current session, for the purpose of development. This statement is available only in the MDX shell.
  • SOLVE_ORDER Clause (MDX) – Used with a definition of a calculated member, this clause specifies the order in which to apply the definition of this calculated member relative to other calculated members. This clause is relevant only if the query contains calculated members on both axes.
  • WHERE Clause (MDX) – Applies a filter to a SELECT statement; describes how to slice the results of a SELECT statement.
  • WITH Clause (MDX) – Defines one or more calculated members, named sets, or parameters for use in the SELECT statement.
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