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InterSystems IRIS for Health 2024.3
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Using Process-Private Globals When Parsing

By default, an InterSystems IRIS® data platform web client usually uses local array memory when it parses requests or responses. You can force it to use process-private globals instead; this enables the web client to process very large messages.

To do so, specify the USEPPGHANDLER parameter of the web service class as follows:

Parameter USEPPGHANDLER = 1;

If this parameter is 1, then the web client always uses process-private globals when it parses requests or responses. If this parameter is 0, then the web client always uses local array memory for these purposes. If this parameter is not set, then the web client uses the default, which is usually local array memory.

You can override this parameter at runtime. To do so, set the UsePPGHandler property of the web client instance.

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