Do Command
You just saw examples of some ObjectScript commands. Let's start with Do, which you use to run code. You just saw do ##class(ObjectScript.RightTriangle).Main() which ran the Main() class method. For another demonstration, let's look at the system routine that displays database free space, %FREECNT. You run it by using Do, making sure to place the ^ (caret) character before the name of the routine. In the example below, %FREECNT displays the freespace in the USER database only.
In addition, you can run code within a routine (called a procedure) by referring to the label/tag of the line where the procedure begins within the routine. You place the label right before the caret. In the example, the ALL procedure of %FREECNT displays the free space for all databases.
InterSystems IRIS system routines that start with the % character can be called from any namespace. Routine names and labels are case-sensitive.
Databases Selected
Right margin: 80 =>
Database Free Space
Feb 28 2018 5:50 PM
Database Max Size Size Available %Free Disk Free
/usr/irissys/mgr/user/ Unlimited 11MB 2.5MB 22.72 56.01GB
Databases Selected
Right margin: 80 =>
Database Free Space
Feb 28 2018 5:51 PM
Database Max Size Size Available %Free Disk Free
/usr/irissys/mgr/ Unlimited 65MB 0.11MB .16 <- 56.01GB
/usr/irissys/mgr/enslib/ Unlimited 163MB 14MB 8.58 56.01GB
/usr/irissys/mgr/irisaudit/ Unlimited 1MB 0.27MB 27 56.01GB
/usr/irissys/mgr/irislib/ Unlimited 375MB 0.74MB .19 <- 56.01GB
/usr/irissys/mgr/irislocaldata/ Unlimited 1MB 0.27MB 27 56.01GB
/usr/irissys/mgr/iristemp/ Unlimited 11MB 8.8MB 80 56.01GB
/usr/irissys/mgr/user/ Unlimited 11MB 2.5MB 22.72 56.01GB