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File and Directory Properties and Attributes

The %Library.FileOpens in a new tab class provides many class methods that you can use to obtain information about files and directories, or to view or set their properties and attributes.


If you specify a partial filename or directory name, most of these methods assume that you are referring to an item relative to the directory that contains the default globals database for the namespace you are working in. This directory is referred here as the “default directory.” Any exceptions to this rule are noted.

Also, these methods treat the file or directory name as case-sensitive only if the underlying operating system treats file and directory names as case-sensitive. That is, file or directory names are case-sensitive on UNIX® but not case-sensitive on Windows.

Check File and Directory Existence

To find out whether a given file exists, use the Exists() method and specify the filename as the argument. For example:

USER>write ##class(%File).Exists("C:\temp\test.html")

Similarly, to find out whether a given directory exists, use the DirectoryExists() method, and specify the directory as the argument. For example:

USER>write ##class(%File).DirectoryExists("C:\temp")

As noted earlier, these methods treat the file or directory name as case-sensitive on Unix but not case-sensitive on Windows. Also, if you specify a partial filename or directory name, the method assumes that you are referring to a file or directory relative to the directory that contains the default globals database for the namespace you are working in. For example:

USER>write ##class(%File).Exists("iris.dat")

View and Set File and Directory Permissions

The %Library.FileOpens in a new tab class provides many class methods that you can use to view or set the permissions of a file or directory.

See If a File or Directory is Read-Only or Writeable

Given a file or directory name, the ReadOnly() method returns 1 if the file or directory is read-only and 0 otherwise:

USER>write ##class(%File).ReadOnly("export.xml")
USER>write ##class(%File).ReadOnly("C:\temp")

Similarly, given a file or directory name, the Writeable() method returns 1 if the file or directory is writeable and 0 otherwise:

USER>write ##class(%File).Writeable("export.xml")
USER>write ##class(%File).Writeable("C:\temp")

Make a File or Directory Read-Only or Writeable (Windows)

To make a file or directory on Windows read-only, use the SetReadOnly() method, which returns a boolean value to indicate success or failure. This method takes three arguments, the second of which is omitted in Windows. The first argument is the name of the file or directory. The third argument is an output argument. If negative, it contains the error code returned by the operating system in case the method fails.

In the example below, the call to SetReadOnly() successfully changes the file C:\temp\testplan.pdf to read-only.

USER>write ##class(%File).ReadOnly("C:\temp\testplan.pdf")
USER>write ##class(%File).SetReadOnly("C:\temp\testplan.pdf",,.return)
USER>write ##class(%File).ReadOnly("C:\temp\testplan.pdf")

In the example below, the call to SetReadOnly() fails with Windows system error code 5, which means “Access is denied.”

USER>write ##class(%File).SetReadOnly("C:\",,.return)
USER>write return

To make a file or directory on Windows writeable, use the SetWriteable() method. This method takes the same three arguments, the second of which is again omitted in Windows.

USER>write ##class(%File).Writeable("export.xml")
USER>write ##class(%File).SetWriteable("export.xml",,.return)
USER>write ##class(%File).Writeable("export.xml")

Make a File or Directory Read-Only or Writeable (Unix)

On Unix, the methods SetReadOnly() and SetWriteable() can be also be used, but their behavior is somewhat different, due to the presence of the second parameter. For more information, see %Library.File.SetReadOnly()Opens in a new tab or %Library.File.SetWriteable()Opens in a new tab in the class reference.

However in Unix, you may want to specify different permissions for owner, group, and user. For finer control of file and directory permissions, see the section View or Set File and Directory Attributes.

View and Set File and Directory Attributes

To view or set the attributes of a file or directory at a more detailed level, use the Attributes() and SetAttributes() methods of %Library.FileOpens in a new tab. File attributes are represented by a sequence of bits that are expressed collectively as an integer. The meaning of the individual bits depends on the underlying operating system.

For a full listing of attribute bits, see %Library.File.Attributes()Opens in a new tab in the class reference.

For tips on working with strings of attribute bits, see Manipulating Bitstrings Implemented as Integers.

View File and Directory Attributes

The Attributes() method of %Library.FileOpens in a new tab expects the file or directory name as the argument and returns a sequence of attribute bits expressed as an integer.

The following examples were run on a Windows system:

USER>write ##class(%File).Attributes("iris.dat")
USER>write ##class(%File).Attributes("C:\temp")
USER>write ##class(%File).Attributes("")

In the first example, 32 means that iris.dat is an archive file. In the second example, 16 means that C:\temp is a directory. In the third example, more than one bit is set, and 35 indicates that is an archive (32) that is hidden (2) and read-only (1). Adding 32 + 2 + 1 = 35.

The following example was run on a Unix system:

write ##class(%File).Attributes("/home")

In this example, 16877 means that /home is a directory (16384) with read (256), write (128), and execute (64) permission for owner; read (32) and execute (8) permission for group; and read (4) and execute (1) permission for others. Adding 16384 + 256 + 128 + 64 + 32 + 8 + 4 + 1 = 16877.

Set File and Directory Attributes

Conversely, the SetAttributes() method sets a file or directory’s attributes (where possible) and returns a boolean value to indicate success or failure. This method takes three arguments. The first argument is the name of the file or directory. The second argument is an integer that represents the desired attributes you would like the file or directory to have. The third argument is an output argument. If negative, it contains the error code returned by the operating system in case the method fails.

The following example, on Windows, makes the file C:\temp\protectme.txt read-only by setting the 1 bit:

USER>write ##class(%File).Attributes("C:\temp\protectme.txt")
USER>write ##class(%File).SetAttributes("C:\temp\protectme.txt",33,.return)
USER>write ##class(%File).Attributes("C:\temp\protectme.txt")

The following example, on Unix, changes permissions on the file myfile in the default directory from 644 to full permissions (777):

USER>write ##class(%File).Attributes("myfile")
USER>write ##class(%File).SetAttributes("myfile",33279,.return)
USER>write ##class(%File).Attributes("myfile")

The desired attribute value is calculated by adding the value for a regular file (32768) with the masks for owner (448), group (56), and others (7).

View Other File and Directory Properties

Other class methods of %Library.FileOpens in a new tab allow you to examine various other properties of files and directories.

The GetFileDateCreated() method returns the date a file or directory was created in $H format:

USER>write $zdate(##class(%File).GetFileDateCreated("stream"))

Windows is the only platform that currently tracks the actual created date. Other platforms store the date of the last file status change.

The GetFileDateModified() method returns the date a file or directory was modified in $H format:

USER>write $zdate(##class(%File).GetFileDateModified("iris.dat"))

The GetFileSize() method returns the size of a file, in bytes:

USER>write ##class(%File).GetFileSize("export.xml")

The GetDirectorySpace() method returns the amount of free space and total space in a drive or directory. The space can be returned in bytes, MB (the default), or GB, depending on the value of the fourth argument, which can be 0, 1, or 2. In this example, 2 indicates that the space is returned in GB:

USER>set status = ##class(%File).GetDirectorySpace("C:", .FreeSpace, .TotalSpace, 2)

USER>write FreeSpace
USER>write TotalSpace

On Windows, if you pass a directory name to this method, the amount of space returned is for the entire drive.

For the GetDirectorySpace() method, any error status returned is the operating system-level error. In the example below, Windows system error code 3 indicates “The system cannot find the path specified.”

USER>set status = ##class(%File).GetDirectorySpace("Q:", .FreeSpace, .TotalSpace, 2)

USER>do $system.Status.DisplayError(status)
ERROR #83: Error code = 3
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